Sunday, December 31, 2023

A New Year's Sew and Tell Party

Happy New Year!  We have grandchildren with us (we are outnumbered! Send help 🤣) and very little time to share details about what we are doing, so, for your entertainment, here's the link to my Year End Review and 2024 Plans.

This week's feature is a curved log cabin from Elena at That Fabric Feeling.

I offer my thanks from the bottom of my heart for all of you that have been faithful in joining the weekly party and follow along in my life's journey.

I'll catch you up in a few days.

Keep piecing,


Linking with:



  1. Enjoy!! if we don't see you back online in 24 hours.... we will send in the Grandkid police haha!!

  2. Happy New Year! Enjoy spending time with those grands! Sneak in naps when you can - LOL!

  3. Lovely review of the year. I hope you had a lovely New Year! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  4. Hi Melva. Hope you had too much fun with the grands and a lovely New Year. Thank you for linking with TDT.
    Carol @ Quilt Schmilt
