Sunday, February 9, 2025

Singing the Blues ~ Sew & Tell - February 10, 2025

After a strange turn of events leading up to the baptism service for our granddaughters, I am singing the blues.

Because of a choice (ridiculous) demand by the SIL, we were only able to drop off the special dresses and gifts.  I have so many words that I want to say! I am practicing restraint and will simply pour my feelings into this month's RSC color ~ blue.  I refuse to let my joy be stolen... 'Nuf said.  

After a rousing session of house cleaning, I pulled out the blue scrap bin and started with some of the bigger chunks for my 3" hexagons.  

And then I started my Korner Kabin blocks. This time, I chose to use a fun novelty fabric featuring Kats... Yes, Kats in the Korner ;) 

In the spirit of the season of love, I pulled out another vintage quilt for the guest bed.  This Hearts and Flowers quilt was made by my Great-Grandmother, Lala Teegarden.  She was part of a quilting group comprised of ladies from the First Christian Church in Trinidad.  You can read her story from my Quilters Through the Generations series here... and a related story about a quilt that found its way to me for a repair here.  It was moving to think that I not only held something that had been made by my Great-grandmother, but that I had the honor to repair it... my stitches, right alongside hers.

Because of the mild weather and 60- and 70-degree temperatures (the first false spring), we made great progress in our camper reno.  Each afternoon we stopped at 2 p.m. to accomplish a little more... By the week's end we had the flooring and trim installed throughout.  We have only two stairs left to finish.  Dave will be building drawers for a little extra storage.  

Leanna at Not Afraid of Color showed off her Stay At Home Round Robin progress.  Her most recent addition included production feed sack fabric pinwheels.  So sweet!  

I wish was in a more cheerful, joy-filled mood, but I continue to remind myself... This too shall pass... and "cast your cares on the Lord... for his yoke is easy and burden is light".  Did you know that your spirit is lifted by singing?  You cannot be angry when you sing... just give it a try ;)

I will be found in my studio in every extra moment I have this week doing just that... lifting my spirit by singing praises to the Lord... probably with the music just a little louder to encourage me to sing along.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Friday, February 7, 2025

A Dress Maker's Finish

What a busy week it has been! If you visited this week's Sew & Tell party, you will recall that I was making dresses for our Granddaughters.  They will be baptized on Sunday.  We have had some beautiful weather all week and wanted to take advantage of it to work in the camper... but we both had work to get accomplished.  So... we devised a plan to work in the shop and studio until 2 pm, and then head to the camper. (I'll give a full update on the camper reno in a few days with the next Sew & Tell party.)

I started with three wedding dresses... my intention was to make three smaller dresses using pieces, parts and leftover fabric so that each baptism dress included a portion of all three dresses.

After a quick fitting session on Sunday, I got right to work. Each of the girls had a special request. Thankfully, I was able to fulfill each request.

Here's a look at each dress as they were originally made...

Here's a look at the three dresses ready for Sunday...

Our daughter Rebecca suggested that I make some special keepsake ornaments with scraps. Mom came to help and it seemed right that I include fabric from her wedding dress as well.  She made her dress in 1960... and remade it a few years later to make a dress for me in 1967.

Each dress could be included in a 4-patch with the back of the keepsake made from "their dress". The backing for the grands came from their Momma's wedding dress.

The good news is that there was enough leftover fabric from making Heather's dress in 2014 that I didn't need to actually cut into the dress. Should one of her daughters choose to wear the dress at her wedding, it is available.

I do love it when a plan comes together as I had hoped! Though, the waiting for the package that contained one of the dresses was excruciating,  that time of waiting helped me to be fully prepared with the dresses for the fitting session... That fitting session removed any questions and doubt that I had in how they would look and if they would, in fact, fit.

Here are the bonus dresses they get... each unique, yet similar. 

I didn't often dress our daughters in matching outfits, but the few times I did... this was pretty much the reaction I got... Hahaha!

Did you dress your children to match? 
As a child, did you get dressed to match siblings?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from. 

Keep Piecing, 


Linking with:

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Dress Maker - Sew & Tell ~ February 3, 2025

Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps & The weekly Sew & Tell party!  Also... welcome to February... the shortest month of the year.  Blink and it will be gone in a flash!

I did a variety of little things this week. Among them I wrapped up the use of my pink scraps and finished a second pink scraps baby quilt.  I shared a few thoughts of The Great Scrap Bin Phenomenon here.

Head over there to read my correlation of the never-ending scrap bin to doing laundry (naked). 😂

We had a blustery and snowy, cold day that I passed as I did some baking and adding labels to the four quilts that I completed in January.  I added hanging sleeves to two of the three quilts that will be on display at the local library again in March - celebrating National (World) Quilting Day on the third Saturday (March 15th).

And then, for something completely different... I started transforming a dress that I wore in 1998 when Dave and I renewed our vows into a dress for our 10-year-old granddaughter to wear for her baptism. It needs a second ruffle, but I was waiting for her to try it on to see what length I need to make it.

The skirt is from fabric that was used in her Momma's wedding dress.  The ruffle will include some lace from my/Rebecca's wedding dress.

I waited ALL WEEK for this box to arrive...

I have one week to get three dresses finished.  A visit is planned so that some fittings can take place this afternoon (it is Sunday morning as I write).  Since the box with the dress and lace that I wanted to use arrived late, I made up two dresses for the younger girls to try on.

 I anticipate needing to make a third pink dress for the oldest... because, you know, little sisters can get something without big sis being included;) but that can happen after the baptisms next week.  

How was your week?

Time for the weekly feature.  Nann at With Strings Attached shared some scrappy placemats.  Here's what she had to say about them.  

The parts department had two 80" lengths of neutral-squares-neutral (6.5" wide) intended for a border that I didn't use.  I added another strip of squares, then sewed the lengths together, and cut into four 20" pieces.   

I'm using the serpentine stitch to quilt these placemats.   The photo shows the borders sewn on but not yet sewn down. 

I giggled about the "parts department"... Is that what we're calling it now?  LOL.  She showed off her RSC pink stars too.  Head over to her blog to take a look.

It is now time to kick off the party 🥳 The more, the merrier. 

Keep Piecing,


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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Great Scrap Bin Phenomenon

YOUR BLOG NAME Like most quilters, I have marveled at the phenomenon of a scrap bin... I joined the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year and for this month of January, I have been "in the pink."
How the scrap bin looked at the beginning...

For four weeks I have been making use of pink scraps... I started with some 3" hexagons... moved on to some scrappy "Korner Kabin" blocks and then a baby quilt... and then, my latest finish, another baby quilt.

With all the scraps I have used, one would think that the bin would be looking a little empty...  I can assure you that t
hat is not the case!  Why in the world is it not empty???  By my estimation, there are 2-1/2 yards (total fabric) used in these baby quilts.  

And then, today, as I was finishing up my second scrappy pink baby quilt, I grabbed a few pieces that were cut-offs from the border and binding.  Ah-HA!  Yes, I have used up scraps... but in the process, I have also created more.  🙈

So, you see... it is like doing laundry... (bear with me) Unless you do the laundry completely naked, you will always have more laundry to do... because those clothes you're wearing right now while doing laundry... they will need to washed tomorrow sometime too. ;)

For quilters... unless you use only pieces from the scrap bin for the entire quilt, you will end up with additional scraps.  Hahaha!  I'll be looking for more creative ways to finish up scrappy quilts that will not create more scraps... or at least keep them to a minimum. ;)

Have you experienced this same phenomenon?

That's all... Carry on and...

Keep Piecing,


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Sunday, January 26, 2025

In The Pink ~ Sew & Tell - January 27, 2025


Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps and the weekly Sew & Tell party!

I finished up the Red Skies quilt last week!  I am so very pleased with it.  In case you missed it, you can see some additional glamor shots that I shared HERE.

Since the design wall empty, I returned to my pink scraps.  It was in my dreams (again) that I was quilting... This time I saw that I was using bigger pieces of pink and a stack of fabric squares that were purchased in Hawaii in 2004 when our daughters earned and made a 2-week trip with the Girl Scout Troop they were active with.

First up is this big block baby quilt.  After working with 2-1/2" blocks for Red Skies 6-1/2" seemed huge. ;) The larger blocks and the smaller in size project, helped to make this scrappy "In the Pink" quilt come together super, duper fast - less than 2 days start to finish. The Hawaiian blocks are cut to 6-7/8", perfect for a 6-1/2-inch half-square triangle.  

This quilt will be sent to young woman that was one of the other scouts that made the trip in 2004.  Here's the story:  A few years after the trip (in the fall of 2008), she and her Mom hit a very difficult time in their relationship.  Grace was a good kid and only asked that her Mom be (and act like) a "parent".  At the time, Grace found herself to be more responsible in guiding and caring for her younger sisters.  Grace's Mom had reached a point of frustration and stated that it was just too much for her and they both needed a little "space."

Grace asked if she might be able to come stay with us for a while.  (The timing was interesting because just 6 months prior I heard the Lord telling me I was going to be serving as His hands and feet (arms?) as I held and loved on some children at an orphanage in Romania.  Turns out we didn't need to go anywhere! God delivered the one that needed that attention and love to our front steps.)  We welcomed her with open arms stating that she was welcome for as long as she needed a place. While with us I made her a quilt for Christmas.  I have searched through all of the photo albums and archived photos and cannot find a single picture of her or the quilt I made her... Ack!  It was a quilt made of denim - pockets and all - and fabric with shades of pink printed all over it with large paisley shapes, from pastel to bright.  I called the quilt the Traveling Pants quilt... The books/movies were popular at that time.  And I wanted her to remember that she would always be welcome at our house and that love was tucked into each pocket, wherever she might go... and that her phone could be as well.  She may have lost misplaced her cell phone several times while with us. LOL!

As I pieced this quilt, I had many memories of the time Grace was with us.  One memory in particular... I recalled hearing quiet voices coming from the room Rebecca and Grace were sharing late one night.  I was all prepared to offer a scolding to both of the girls, despite the fact that our Rebecca was in college... When I opened the door, I found them both sitting there with their Bibles open having a conversation about what a particular Scripture passage meant.  Ugh... I hated to bring an end to that, but it was late, and they needed to be up early the next day to get to classes.  

She and her Mom were able to reconcile after a few months.  Grace graduated from HS, went off to college, became an Occupational Therapist and got married. She and her husband will soon welcome a baby girl.  And that little gal can grow up hearing the story of how Grace once visited Hawaii... and so many more stories and adventures that Grace has had in her life.  So... there's my Sew & Tell for the week. 

I'll be found in my studio this week laying out and piecing the other two scrappy pink quilts that I made in my dreams. ;)  But first, let's take a quick look at the randomly selected feature for the week...

Gretchen at Gretchen's Little Corner showed off block #10 of 25 of her Elegant Garden quilt.  Looking lovely, Gretchen!

Be sure to give her a quick visit to see the other nine blocks. :)

Quilters are some of the most generous and kind people out there and often involved in some sort of community outreach.  But tell me...

Have you ever been on a mission trip?

I've not been on an actual mission trip, but that time with Grace was a mission trip brought to me. ;)

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Red Skies Finish

It's been in the works for 19 days... It felt as though it was slow going as I cut the many, many 2-1/2" squares that make up the various units of this quilt.  I admit that I was whining in the beginning...

Was it totally worth it?  I answer that with a resounding YES!  

Amanda's Golden Afternoon pattern was well written and worth every cent that I paid for it as I made a donation for the hurricane Helene relief to Samaritan's Purse.  This scrappy Red Skies version of it is attention grabbing and has received comments ranging from beautiful, stunning and gorgeous.

The backing, as you can see from the flipped over corner, is red gingham... I've had it in my stash for years and have looked at it for years wondering if I would ever use it... or should I give it away to someone?  I'm sure glad I didn't give it away!  It seemed befitting that the small checks reflect the assorted, scrappy 2-inch blocks that are used throughout the quilt.  In fact, this entire quilt was made from stash!  

The serpentine chains that pass through the Irish chain units felt natural to me... and then the chain around the stars added interest.  But then there was the star.  I was stumped as to how I needed to quilt it.  As I slept, I dreamt of the solution (it came to me around 3 a.m.).  I thought once I had the plan I would get back to sleep quickly.  Not so... Ok, I fell asleep, but all I did was dream that I was quilting it.  I woke up at 6 a.m. exhausted! 

No rest for me though... I got to quilting those stars lickedy split! Those pointy loops within the star points did exactly what I had hoped.  They fill the star and reflect the shape of the chains surrounding it.  

I'm not generally a big fan of red... but it happens to be the team color of my granddaughter's softball team, the Pueblo Heat. I have stitched this quilt up as an opportunity for her team to use it as a fundraiser.  You see... they have big plans.  They were given free entry to participate in the Triple Crown Tournament in Oklahoma City, OK.

The coach is especially excited because it takes place at the same time as the Women's NCAA softball championship.  

However, this also means additional fundraising events for the team to get there.  It is my hope that the girls see what it takes to grow as an athlete... not just physically, but financially as well.  I hope, too, that they have a little bit of fun along the way.

Here are a few more "glamor shots"... 

Dave and I plan to travel to OKC to watch her play and cheer the team on.  We'll be taking our camper, of course. ;)

We are slowly coming out the polar vortex that has gripped most of the US this week and look forward to camping season coming soon!

Keep Piecing,


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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Sew & Tell ~ Red Skies Flimsy ~ January 20, 2025

Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps and another session of Sew & Tell... the party where everyone gets to share the progress of their projects... or, in some cases, the lack of progress. ;)  It happens... and that is ok, because sometimes life happens.

I made lots of progress, little by little, this week with the Golden Afternoon quilt that I have renamed Red Skies.  This scrappy red and white(ish) quilt graduated to finished flimsy on a cold FRIGID and snowy Saturday. (I am contemplating a border of some sort... Hmmm...)

Does it need one??? 

Yes, it needed it.  Though I am not 100% in love with the grey border.  I will trim the border down a little and a red binding will help me get over that.

The next question is... how do I quilt it?

We, like so many others across the US, are in the middle of a polar vortex weather system.  I am thankful that the furnace is working properly and that we can afford the propane and electricity to keep it that way. 

As I chain pieced this together, I contemplated many things. I thought of the many colorful, reddish, sunrises and sunsets that we have.  This is just one example... and decided that the name "Red Skies" was an appropriate name for the quilt.  I mean, there is not a hint of gold in this one! ;)

As I chain pieced the many components of Red Skies, I used some pink scraps as a leader/ender project to create a few RSC challenge blocks.  Korner Kabin (my name, I don't know a real name...) is my block of choice for this challenge.  A variation of the Log Cabin block, this will not require as many neutral scraps, which is a good thing since my supply of neutrals is greatly depleted after Red Skies... 

The little star block was an orphan that I discovered in the stack of pink scraps.  It is a little wonky, but it deserves a home too, just because it was a discarded test block from the Pieces in the Garden quilt doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve a forever home. ;)

It is just how I feel about any abandoned UFO quilt project... like the Bride's Quilt that I shared in the TGIFF story.  I was vague about so much in that story because I was respecting the privacy of my brother and sister-in-law's family.  It's been nagging at me and after much prayer, I have decided that that quilt deserves the attention and acknowledgement of the maker's story.  Nothing more than what was shared at Loressa's funeral.  

She had much to deal with all of her life... Her story/life started with the fact that her mother died from complications of childbirth when Loressa was just days old.  Her dad, Leland, was overcome with grief and the responsibility of raising her as a single dad in 1965.  
Loressa refused a bottle.  Leland's brother and his wife had recently had a baby girl and stepped in and raised Loressa as one of their own.  Colleen was just a few months old and was being breastfed but easily accepted her meals from a bottle and Loressa was happy to be at the breast. 

Loressa became a teenage mom and struggled in her marriage.  After her first marriage ended, her son Shawn lived with his dad.  Loressa was a very loving Mom on a very tight budget but always made plans for something fun to do with her son.  

As her brother-in-law told at her service, Loressa was a loner, even from a young age.  While in school, she would often get home, grab a snack and her homework and head to a tractor by the barn.  She sought out solitude, and despite coming from a large family, did not like gatherings... whether family or not.

It was one of the reasons we never really got the chance to know her after she married my brother, Kelvin.  Our interactions with her were always brief.  She was very pleasant and a joy, but our encounters were always brief.  Through the years, she kept making her circle of interaction with others smaller and smaller... and eventually even cut out my brother.  Her sisters and brothers were upset with her for that choice.  Her son was upset as well.

Perhaps it went back to a sense of abandonment when her father couldn't care for her... Perhaps it was a genetic mental illness, as her father had.  Perhaps it was that she felt unworthy of love.  We can't ever really know or understand, but we were all reminded at her funeral service that it was understandable that most present didn't agree with the lifestyle that she was living... but we are not called to judge... we are called to love.  Loressa expressed her love through creating in her crafts.  And this Bride's Quilt was just that... an expression of her love from to Kelvin.

Loressa had made amends with Kelvin, of sorts, as she moved to Omaha a few years ago for a job. Kelvin expressed his love and forgiveness to her in having me make a quilt for her for Christmas, 2022 from clothes that she left behind when she moved out.  In the end she had reconciled with her family as well.  With the finish of the Bride's Quilt, Kelvin can have the chance to feel her loving embrace as he covers up with it.  As Gail says, "Anyone who sleeps under a quilt is covered by LOVE!"

Oh, I feel so much better now.  If you have made it this far... thanks for the "listening ear."  Now for the randomly selected feature from last week's Sew & Tell party! 🎉  Nann at With Strings Attached shared her RSC projects... Pink galore!

Who's ready for a warm up?  Me, ME, ME!  We are just entering the coldest part of the cold snap that will be in place until Tuesday... Keep repeating "This too will pass. This too will pass... this too will pass." 🥶

Do you suppose that's what the dinosaurs thought about the ice age???  lol

Keep Piecing,


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Thursday, January 16, 2025

TGIFF - Another Bride's Quilt

Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps and this week's edition of Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday.  I hope that you enjoy the story of the quilt I share and that you'll join the party with a recent finish of your own. :)

For the past two years my Sew along events - Pieces of the Garden and Pieces of My Life - have been centered around the story of the "Bride's Quilt... (Patterns for both of these sew alongs are still available.  Simply follow the links provided to find out where.)

The story came from a crafting magazine (in about 1985) that featured a needle-point pattern and the story.  This is the needlepoint I made for my Grandparents' 50th Anniversary. (I'm certain that Kelvin & Loressa - brother & SIL - had been gifted one, which inspired her idea of an actual quilt.)

In olden days, it was traditional for young girls to make a “Baker’s Dozen” (13) quilts by their wedding day.  The patterns, often handed down from generation to generation, were usually planned when the girl was very young; and, as soon as she could hold a needle, she would start sewing her first quilt.  The last (or 13th) quilt was the fanciest of all.  After a girl became engaged, she would invite her friends to a party to quilt the top of this “Bride’s Quilt”… and in this way she would announce her engagement.

The twelve patterns were chosen to tell the following story…

Once upon a time, there was a little girl, who wore a bow in her hair.  When she grew up, she began a friendship with a young bachelor.  As the hours and days passed, they began to look at each other with stars in their eyes, and as their love grew, they thought about taking steps to the altar.  So, the young girl got out her spools of thread and made clothes to get ready for their wedding ring day.

After they are married, some of their times together will be bright as noon and others will be dark as night.  But they will try to share their happiness, their miseries and their chores – she grabbing a wrench to help with household repairs and he grabbing a towel to help with the dishes.  Sometimes they will have broken dishes but they will try to remember that “things” can be replaced, whereas harsh words, possibly spoken about the broken dishes, could chip away love.  They will try to follow the Golden Rule as they are learning to communicate openly with each other.

They will also try to keep in mind the symbolism of Jacob’s ladder – “steps of communication” between themselves on earth and God in heaven.

My brother's wife passed away in July following a very short battle with cancer.  She was a crafter for much of their married life and she enjoyed a variety of activities... cross-stitch, scrapbooking, home decor and much more.

As my brother has been slowly sorting through her items, he found this quilt.  Loressa had made the blocks and used a quilt-as-you-go method and had them all joined together.  Kelvin thought this might be a nice sized throw quilt for the back of his couch.

As I examined it, I saw that it was imperfect, with points missing, but it doesn't matter... I am not the quilt police!  She made it with love, and that is all that matters and it deserved to be finished.

Since there was no fabric in the bin that it resided, I skipped any kind of border.  I used some large sashing strips to cover the raw seams on the back of the quilt.  I went with pink... I had it, and it matched pretty well.

I enjoyed a few days of slow-stitching and watching a new (to me) show "Wind At My Back." The arrangement of the sashing strips on the back reflect the quilting she used on the blocks.

I thought the timing of this quilt finding its way to me was interesting... 

When a particular word, topic or subject appears to me repeatedly, I stop to consider just what it means to me... more specifically, "what does the Lord want me to see in this?"

For this quilt and in this particular situation, I believe it is the message and idea that Loressa did love Kelvin, despite the fact that they had been separated for a bunch of years... Who am I to judge their marriage/relationship?  I need be only concerned with my own... a stay in your own lane message. LOL

It's time to get the TGIFF party started.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sew & Tell ~ January 13, 2025 ~ RSC & Golden Afternoon

As the snow came down on two separate days last week, I stayed tucked away in my studio making slow but steady progress on the scrappy red Golden Afternoon. 

There are lots of pieces in each unit... and because I am working with scraps, strip piecing for the 4-patch units didn't really happen.

Here's what I have so far...

I need 13 of the star units and 16 of the chain units. I need many more low volume 4-patches... many many more.  

On Friday I shared some thoughts about the losses our family experienced in 2024... three members of my family tree of quilters...

I also mentioned that I would begin my Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. I ended up with 25 pink hexies as I sewed as we traveled to my Uncle's service.  It was a sweet time as family remembered him and stories were shared.  
Mom thoroughly enjoyed the trip. (front row, on the left)

That's all I have for now...

This week's Sew & Tell feature is Melisa at Pinker Punkin Quilting.  She showed us the progress she made on her Merry Little Winter quilt.  She shared several cute little snowmen.  Go check it out!

Let's get this party started! 🥳 

Keep Piecing, 


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