I did applique the first block... I then placed it in a wall hanging for the Welcome To My House blog hop earlier this month.
One of the options for this block of the month was to embroider the block. I learned how to embroider when I was about 8 or 9 years old, and as a young Mom in my twenties, I enjoyed doing counted cross-stitch in the evening when the babies were tucked in for the night. I found that it kept me awake by keeping my hands busy... otherwise, I would snooze on the couch for the evening. I probably could have used the extra sleep, now that I think back.
I really didn't have much interest in pulling out my collection of (now nearly vintage) embroidery thread, but I did want to try out some of the stitches on my machine.

I traced the pattern onto my fabric with a wash out pencil and then selected various colors to "paint" and outline the lines.
I used the straight stitch and a stitch I call "lightning zigzag" for my outlines. It offers a sort of "fuzzy" look to my bee and the flower stem and leaves, that I really like!
I then filled in the bee using fabric markers.
I think because of all the applique that I have done in BOMs this summer, I found the slower pace with the "painting" relaxing.
(These blocks were projects for me to enjoy on Sunday afternoons. I try to make sure I don't "work" on Sunday in my studio and do something for fun, for me.)
I do like the fact that the fabric is not stiff from fusing pieces onto the background.

Honestly, I am not a fan of bees... they sting. And it hurts. I am grateful that I am not allergic to bee stings!
We tend to have more wasps or hornets in our area... I don't like them either!
But, a few years ago, when our dog was only a year old and still a very curious pup she would snap at flies and other insects that would bother her...
She once enjoyed some mushrooms that were growing in our yard... that turned out very badly! I still gag when I think of the mess... *ugh*
On this particular day, as the photo shows below, she snapped at something that was a stinging insect!
Poor thing... she earned herself a trip to the vet, a shot followed by some benadryl.

She has since become a smarter and more mature dog that no longer (or rarely) snaps at the insects... she shakes them off. Oh, and she doesn't eat the mushrooms in our yard either!
Have you ever done any thread "painting"?
I realize mine isn't really painting...
or maybe it is just by a beginning artist!
I would love to hear about your techniques and any tips you might have...
Leave a comment! I love hearing from my followers. :)
Melva Loves Scraps - Home of the Quilters Through The Generations series