As a review of 2016's top five I am having a difficult time deciding how to determine the posts that qualify...
If I go by the posts with the most views they rank as follows... (All of these posts were very different - in content and with different audiences.)

5) The final post of the Jesus picture - here I share the process of "gridding" the original picture, the layout process and the final result.
4) To Have and To Hold as part of the Quiltmaker 100 Blocks blog hop - Here you will learn about the story behind the "failed" project and the future of this block.
3) "Thanks for stopping by" from the 2016 New Quilt Bloggers blog hop - Here you will learn a bit more about me.
2) The Studio Tour Linky Party - I hosted the Linky party so that other quilters could see what the sewing rooms or studios of fellow quilters are like and get some ideas for storage and space use. It was great fun!
1) The Dragon Fly block that I designed and created a tutorial as part of the Cloud 9 blog hop was the most visited post of 2016. It was a fun block to create and I hope to design more blocks in the future.
If I go with my personal favorite quilts they would rank as follows...

5) Sleeping Couple - This King-sized quilt came together quickly, but I faced several challenges in the quilting of it because a) I used a polyester plaid backing and border and b) I was rushing it. {Probably mostly b!) None the less I powered through the difficulties and felt good about the finished quilt.

I had an area on the border of the quilt that a large "pucker" occurred.. I was able to remedy the problem by taking a tuck and hand stitching it down.
4) African Print - I realized with this wall hanging that one of my favorite "souveniers" from my personal travels or as gifts from others is fabric from the local markets.
3) Rooster - This rooster and all that it symbolizes makes it one of my favorites
2) Majestic Mountains - Fall Setting - Originally a "spring" meadow below the mountains, I made it feel like fall.
1) Peaceful Easy Feeling
This was my first attempt at fabric dyeing and was pleased with the result. I was SO relieved to hear from the customer that the quilt was "exactly what I had wanted." (It was the same customer connected to the "failed" project that the wedding ring block came from.)
If I chose categories such as... (I know there are more than five!)
You would never have known that there were four points missing.
My first attempt at a feathered border
(but since that was already included above
I learned that I need to ask a lot more questions of the customer -
though, in the end, the mom did like it.
A fun project for our friends at the Lazy J Goat Farm
A quick little project that I made for one of the markets but was snatched up by a friend for her grandson's 1st birthday.
I love the variety of quilts that I get to make. I love the variety of techniques, the color combos and the lessons I learn and the challenges that I face with each quilt.
I pour my heart and soul into each quilt and as each quilt comes together it takes on a "personality" of its own. I have to admit, I am always a bit sad when I finish a quilt and it goes to the recipient. I hope that they know and understand that the quilt is not just a blanket that may keep them warm or that may look good on their bed or couch.
I want each recipient to know that there is a small piece of my heart that goes with the quilt, not to mention the love and prayers stitched in as it comes together.
One way that I express this love for them is by writing a post here on my blog, telling them the story of the quilt - letting them in on my personal thoughts of the quilt after they have received it and the meanings of the blocks or quilting pattern on the quilt.
I thank you for stopping by for the review of my quilts of 2016. Come back next year to see what I will be creating in 2017.
May 2017 be blessed with love and creativity,