Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Magnetic Prayer Board ~ Tutorial

A few weeks ago, when I shared about the craft-time activity with a Ladies bible Study group, there was request by a reader stating that she'd like to know how to make one herself.

So... here is the simple tutorial.

Items you'll need:

A metal (not aluminum) baking sheet
Assorted crafting or scrap booking papers, pretty cards, bookmarks, etc.
Fancy-edge scissors (if you have them)
Double-sided tape
Clear contact paper
Command hooks
String/twine or wire for a hanger

I purchased the medium sized, 10"x15" pans for the class at the local big-box store for less than $5/each.  (If you are willing to spend a bit more than that, a flat pan, with just one edge angled up, it will be less obvious that it is a baking sheet.)

Make your selection of what sort of paper background and featured items you want to use.  Using the double-stick paper, place them on your pan.

I used some die-cut letters, a bookmark and the front of a card.  Because of the rounded edges of the pan, I rounded the corners of the papers so that they would lay flat.

Cut a piece of contact paper the width of the inside of the pan and two inches larger than the pan.  For best results, this next step is best achieved with the help of another person.  Begin peeling the contact paper backing off for a few inches.  Position the starting edge of the contact paper on the top of the lip of the pan, carefully working your way down the lip so that the contact paper is just starting to cover the items you placed on the pan.  Have your helper slowly peel the backing off as you work from the middle to edge, working out any air bubbles that may happen, as you continue to press down the contact paper.

When you have your contact paper firmly pressed down and air bubbles walked out to the edges, trim off any excess contact paper.

Using your two command hooks, place them on the back top corners of the pan, making certain that the hook is pointing down so that your twine or wire will not slip off.

I have my prayer board hanging on the wall at the end of my sewing table, a prominent place where I see it often.  

Gather up a few magnets and begin placing the various prayer requests you have, your own or from others, and enjoy your time in prayer.  As I hear of answered prayers, I add the praise reports for a short time too, eventually replacing those as new prayer requests arise.

Do you have a prayer request?  

Leave a comment or send me an email message and I'll add it to my prayer board. I would be honored to lift your request.  

Happy Crafting!


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  1. What a unique tutorial! Great idea. I need to post my makeover of that little pink compartmented tray you sent me. It sits by my sewing machine filled with my sewing stuff - I love it!

  2. That is really clever. I could use this idea for so many things, a to-do list or reminder board. Thank you for linking up last week.
