Friday, November 3, 2023

Inspiration ~ 42/52

Our trip is done, and we have returned home with our feet to the ground.  So, I thought I would make a quick post about the mini-quilt I did on the road...

Inspiration... It is everywhere! In the seasonal colors, whatever the season may be. It is another raw-edge Kawandi style mini.

Fall is my favorite season.  It has spectacular colors, perfect temperatures and the "Indian Summer" seems to last forever in our area.

What's your favorite season?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


  1. My favourite season is summer. I do like fall if we get fall but we usually get snow in early October and it stays until April which makes for a very long dark winter. I love summer as it is usually not terribly hot and the day light hours are long!

  2. Your Kawandi style mini is beautiful! Love the scenery photos. So it isn't cold yet in your neck of the woods? My favorite season is autumn - I love October through December!

  3. Melva this mini is darling and represents the beauty of the southwest perfectly. I hope you had a wonderful vacation. We are going off on a short camping trip ourselves this weekend. Enjoy your day.

  4. My favourite season is Fall too. Although here in the UK we call Fall 'Autumn'! You say tom-a-toe we say to-mar-toe! :-D
