Sunday, November 19, 2023

A Finish and Playing "Catch Up"

As last week came to an end, I put the final touches on Danielle's T-shirt quilt.  The binding was done on the machine, making it a quick and easy finish.  The label and the burying of the thread tails (it seemed like there was an abudance!) required some handwork as I enjoyed a quiet time watching a few movies.  

When Dave came into the house for something he noticed that I was watching the movie Fireproof... he quickly questioned why I was watching it then... and not in the evening when he could also enjoy it.  I wasn't far into the movie, so I went and found a different one... The Shunning.

I had made mention last week about Dave acquiring a storage shed... interestingly enough, when we cleaned it out, there was a box of various books and DVDs.  One of the books was the trilogy of Heritage of Lancaster County by Beverly Lewis... The Shunning is the first of the series.  

I haven't started reading the book yet, but I am curious to see if the movie follows the book, and if the common statement "the book is so much better than the movie" will stand true.

With the t-shirt quilt done, I did in fact turn my attention to my mini-quilt series, as I had planned and hoped would be the case last week.  On Friday I shared #43/52... Colors of the Wind has some "fabric confetti" covered with red tulle and stitched into place and is 5"x7".  If you desire to "catch up" on my other thoughts I shared, details are here.

Mini-quilt #44/52 is another autumn inspired piece with fussy-cut pieces from various fall-themed novelty prints.  It is just a tad bigger at 5-1/4" x 8-1/4 inches.

It is the holiday week in the Unites States and many families will be celebrating Thanksgiving as family and loved ones gather together.  We will (hopefully) have a quiet week.  Our daughters have other plans and I believe my Mom will be traveling to see my brother.  We have discussed the possibility of going camping, but with cooler weather and moisture predicted for later in the week, we'll stay cozy and warm at home.

I plan to take full advantage of the quietude of the holiday week as I continue to "catch up" with my mini-quilts (2 more and I'll be up-to-date) and the start of a new t-shirt quilt.  

While many view this as the kick-off of the "holiday season", I think it is only appropriate that we first have an attitude of gratitude as we enter the (over) commercialized season of giving.  

I recently saw a post about how we should not be offended by the statement "Happy Holidays" since at least 29 religious holidays will be celebrated around the world between November 1 and January 15.

That's a lot!  And I don't claim to know of all of them nor understand what they are all about... 

My youngest daughter and I have recently finished reading through the Gospel recordings of Jesus' life as part of our "read the Bible in a year plan".  We have less than 6 weeks left in our readings.  It has been an interesting time as I have "read" through using The Message translation and listened along (using BibleGateway).  

Rebecca and I have both enjoyed it and have selected a 52-week study of Praying the Names of God and asked Dave to join us. Rebecca and I both look forward to having him join us. I do know that when Jesus fed the multitudes that had gathered to listen to him preach, the disciples had just two fish and five loaves of bread (Matthew 14).  Jesus gave thanks FIRST and then passed around the baskets for all to partake and when collected back up, there were 12 baskets FULL.  I choose to follow His example. 🙏

I give thanks for each of you that read/follow along and encourage me in my quilting/blogging journey as I share my thoughts and ideas for more than just quilts.  I'm thankful for each of you that join the Sew & Tell party each week!

This week's randomly selected feature is Frederique at Quilting, Patchwork and Applique.  She shared her method of making and attaching a hanging sleeve for finished quilts.  I like how she leaves an opening in the center for allowing for three hanging points, preventing any sagging in the middle.  Go check it out!

But before you leave, tell me...

What are YOU thankful for?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


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  1. I'm thankful we are traveling to visit our Maryland son and his family. We haven't seen them in a year!

  2. I grateful that I have so many blessings to count! Today's gospel lesson was the parable of the talents and I was reminded again that it's incumbent on us to make the best with what we've been given.

  3. Danielle's tshirt quilt looks amazing and I adore your new minis. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Melva. I am thankful for my family and all of the kind quilting and stitching friends .

  4. Yay for finishing the TShirt quilt!!!
    Your minis are so amazing!! - I use my mug rug every day - so I give thanks for you every day!!
    Enjoy your quiet holiday - rest and recharge!

  5. I'm grateful for your posts! Though the world is a mess, we have so much for which to thank God. Have a peaceful, joyous Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  6. I am thankful for you hosting the weekly linky party Melva! Congrats on the finish of the tshirt quilt, and your mini's are so adorable. Happy Thanksgiving! Several years ago I read some of Beverly's books and enjoyed them. Also watched several Amish movies on Prime, not sure if any were hers.

  7. Your Autumn mini is so pretty. Will you and Dave make a full Thanksgiving feast while you stay warm and cozy? I am thankful to be with my dear Hubs in a place so close to my home state of Oklahoma. I love living here in north Texas.

  8. Lovely projects, with a pretty Autumn spirit!
    Thank you so much for featuring my hanging sleeves ;))

  9. I am so thankful for all my Quilty friends - near and far. We purposefully don't overdo it for the holidays and I always try to catch a Christmas concert to keep the spirit alive. I am glad we are more sensitive to all the holidays in our lives...and glad to think about the fact that there is more than one way to be grateful and to acknowledge the blessings of this life.

  10. Hi Melva, those are lovely minis. The t-shirt quilt looks great. I hope that you'll link up to Free Motion Mavericks.

  11. I am so thankful that all 6 of my daughter's children came to celebrate Thanksgiving. I know she was smiling down seeing that.

  12. So grateful for my quilting friends who support me and my business. Lovely little minis and so perfect for the season. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
