Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ Patriotic Finish

 Welcome back!  I have two finishes... sorta.

One is the Baby's First Year quilt that is ready for borders. That counts as a finish, right??? Of course it does!

Once I got it to this point, I set it aside to quilt a customer's Quilt of Valor quilt.  She sent it to me in hopes that it would be finished and ready to be returned to her via her son & his wife.  Our friends, Jamie & Jack, whom we frequently visit in Seymour, TX were to come visit us.  Sadly, their plans were hijacked by an emergency.  

Alas, I have it done and doesn't it look regal!

She requested flannel as a batting, making it light weight and soft.  The quilting is simple wavy line grid, allowing the quilt itself be the star, rather than the quilting.

Here are a few close ups...

The backing fabric was lacking some, so I did a quick inventory of my stash and found this blue checked gingham that was similar in color and weight of fabric... Like it was meant to be!  Pieced backings are done all. the. time. ;)

Since our friends aren't making it to Colorado, I'll be mailing this beauty back to my customer.

And since we had cleared our schedules for several days... guess what we did!

I'll skip the featured quilter/blogger this week.  Instead, I'll share a little about two stories that haven't had a lot of "coverage".  First is a finish that I featured as a recent TGIFF party host.  The party was held over the Labor Day Weekend and had a very low attendance.  This is the wedding quilt for our nephew and soon-to-be niece.  It is a Plus Quilt that I first called "My Heart Beats for You" because of the quilting design I chose for it.  It is to loosely represent the rhythm of a heartbeat like you would see on an EKG.  Maybe I could call it a Pulse Quilt.  LOL ;)  You can read more details, see more "glamor shots" and read all of my thoughts on this quilt here.

The second story of "interest" is block #16 of the Pieces of My Life Sew Along ~ Noon & Night.  This block could be called Day & Night because of the 4 contrasting colors and how their placement plays a key role in the final look of the block.  The topic of memories/questions focus on the transition required by both partners in a marriage (why do opposites attract?) and what sort of weekend/evening activities you enjoyed early in your marriage.  Find the full story and a link to the free pattern by following the link above.

Thanks for visiting MLS and for joining in on the fun of the Sew & Tell party.  Because of you, I earn a few pennies just by you visiting my blog.  Leave a comment to share your thoughts or to ask questions.  I love to hear from you!

Keep piecing,


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  1. Aaaw all of the quilts are adorable, Melva. So many fun fabrics in the baby quilt. Enjoy your camping trip. Hugs.

  2. The baby quilt is so fun - an I Spy of baby clothes! You did a wonderful job of finishing the QOV, too. It's going to be loved! I'm up early this morning, and sent DH off to the golf course, so I'm heading into my sewing room to make some more progress on my Noon and Night block!

  3. Love your baby quilt! Sorry your plans with your friends got canceled. That customer quilt is stellar. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Sorry you aren't getting your company, but I am sure you will make the most of your time camping! How nice that you found coordinating backing for the QOV quilt in your stash!

  5. You've been hard at work, I love them all. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down and thank you for the linky party. I will have to remember to come back to it.

  6. Gosh, you got so much done this week! Sorry that the QOV didn't make its way to your friend sooner, but these things happen. Congratulations to the couple--the wedding quilt is pretty! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. That baby quilt is just adorable. I love how the QOV quilt turned out. Sorry about your cancelled visitation, but I'm sure you enjoyed the camping time. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week!

  8. Melva your finishes are both beauties and you surely did get a lot done last week. I do like the different versions of that sweet block and am sure the happy couple will enjoy their wedding quilt. 😉 Carol

  9. Hi Melva, those are two great quilts. Have a great holiday!
