Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fall is in the Air ~ Sew & Tell ~ September 16, 2024

Welcome to the first fall session of Sew & Tell!  Our maple trees are beautiful as they are beginning to turn red... The days are cooler, and the overnight temps continue to dip lower.  And, though we have not had a freeze or any frost yet, I know it is just around the corner.

After our return from a far too quiet camping trip, I added the border on the Baby's First Year, twin-sized, top.  I selected a primary color fabric for it...  then, I was waiting for a fabric order of backing fabric to arrive, so I played with the organization and selection of a few more Camping Journal blocks.  You can catch the whole story about why it was a quiet trip and the blocks HERE.  I have a renewed spark of interest in the project and have realized that I will soon be done with the top because the "Journal" will soon be full.  Woohoo!

I started a daily photo diary of the color changing show and as I did so I recalled a friend who had commented on my reel the last time I did one.  And it was a good thing that my mind wandered her direction!  I soon recalled a special request that she made last year for one dozen fall themed mug rugs!  

Her request was made so far in advance that I nearly forgot.  When she asked, I had thought that they could be good traveling projects (which is still true) but then we didn't do as much traveling this summer.  I kinda feel like my summer was hijacked or something. LOL. I digress...

I did about 1/2 of the sewing on the machine and then added a touch of (in some cases only) hand quilting to several as I binged a new season of Heartland.  Each one is unique!  The afternoon of slow stitching was soothing to my soul as I realized, once again, that everything was far too quiet. I know it will simply take time to adjust.

I will be found this week sandwiching, quilting and binding that twin-sized quilt.  That's one of my goals for the week anyway... I have a few days to consider the binding fabric since I am prepping for a show to a quilt guild ~ Story Telling Quilts.  Would your quilt guild or group be interested in having me give a program?  Reach out to me by leaving a comment or sending me an email.  I'd love to hear from you!

I will be sending out another newsletter this week with the next two sections of the Pieces of My Life memory book as well as the patterns for the quilt blocks that will represent them. Here's a sneak peek...

And now it is time for the featured Sew & Tell star from last week. Cheree at Lively Latte shared a delightful finish she called Pumpkin Wreaths.

She also shared her angst over the quilting design on her Flannel Fall quilt.  I feel her pain, as most of us quilters can really relate and "been there, done that".  You can read about it on her blog by following the link above.  Cheree, I hope that you have made a decision about your solution and that you are at peace with it.  Hugs!

Is fall in the air where you are?
What's your favorite part of fall?

For me I love that the days are moderate in temperature and there is no need for AC!  Windows and doors can stay open... I love the colors of autumn... The reds, yellows, oranges and browns. I love the smells that come with fall harvest... like apples & cinnamon, pumpkin spice everything and the sound of walking through the leaves on the ground.  And so much more.  Fall is my second favorite season. ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก๐ŸคŽ

Leave a comment!  I'd love to hear from you.

Keep Piecing,


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  1. Sorry to read about your dog, Melva. Hugs. Very creative mug rugs. We had new windows installed recently, so I'm glad to finally be able to open them!

    1. We had a few days of fall like weather and now this week back to 80's and humid, ick. I have seen a few leaves starting to turn though. Your mug rugs are so cute!

  2. It seems like summer was way too short. Your fall little quilts are so adorable. You are so creative. The turkey is a hoot! Have a great week, Melva ; it sounds like you are going to be busy.

  3. Glad you had some soothing stitching last week, those fall themed mug rugs are just beautiful, every one of them! Love the photo of your home against the hill/mountain in the back. it is still hot here, in the low 90s and pretty dry. All of the yards have burnt up, and the gardens are dry, so it is pretty sad. Our location is definitely in a drought, while just 12 miles west of us gets all of our rain. My favorite part of fall is October, when it finally starts to cool off, and the days get shorter.

  4. I'm sorry about the loss of your dog, Melva. It was a hard decision but the right one. Documenting autumn days will be a fun project! The mug rugs are charming, and thanks for the idea about pinking the edges.
