Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sew & Tell ~ May 15, 2023

The week went on and on, and on, and on...  I had the same view each day and it seemed that all I did was quilt... on the same quilt that I have been quilting for over a week...  Oh, wait!  That is exactly what I did. Haha!

I reached the finish line on Friday!  Woohoo!  The binding was done, but there were hundreds of thread tails to be managed.  Ugh... What a tedious task... all done while watching listening to and glancing up on occasion, to Heartland and Call the Midwife.  I've seen both multiple times and enjoy the storylines (mostly, boy does Lou bring the drama to Heartland!) so it is really just some mindless activity to pass the time.

Dave assisted with an outdoor photo shoot.  Early on Saturday morning I remembered that I had the large quilt frame from the Pieces of the Past presentation that I could use.  I had wanted to have a pretty, scenic backdrop for the shoot, but the wind was just a little too much to safely accomplish that, so I had to settle for a place out of the wind which was on the southside of our home.  

The label has been attached to the back and the last three quilts for my customer will soon be on their way home. It feels good to have them all done.

I snuck away to my studio to work on the mini-quilt challenge, #19/52... it was inspired by a small pair of Trip Around the World blocks that Yvonne, over at Quilting Jetgirl had shown.  

Using scraps of blue just 1-inch wide, I made this mini-quilt... 6-1/2" square, which is read for quilting.

This was actually more labor intensive than I had anticipated, and I didn't get it quite right, but I still like the gradual increase in color that I achieved with it. 💙 I used strip piecing to make the checkerboard layout and was simply adding rounds of color... not the same as a Trip around the world.  Oh well...

Speaking of trips... guess what??? LOL!  We will be heading off into the wild woods of the San Isabel National Forest soon.  If the weather forecast changes and chances of rain reduce, we'll be out of her soon.  I know that the area needs moisture in just about any form that it can get, but camping in the rain isn't much fun.  ☔

So, this week, I'll be returning to the memory bears since I still need six more.  My friend has finally accepted the fact that I don't want to make more beyond them.  

Should I get a little bored with them, I have the rails cut for the Fence Rail quilt that my Mom has requested and there may be some quick piecing to make the 20-inch blocks.

This week's feature are the small gift bags from the One Gift A Month Challenge that Gail at Quilting Gail is participating... She ruminated on why we put off small tasks and why she had avoided finding the ribbon to complete these little bags.  

Haven't we all been there at some point?  

What small task have you put off recently?  

I am horrible at getting birthday cards or thinking about you cards out in the mail.  I certainly enjoy getting cards and letters in the mail, so you would think that I would easily put forth the effort to do the same for others...  None the less, I have some cards to drop in the mail this week!

Don't put off joining the Sew & Tell Party!

Keep piecing,


Linking with:

Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate
Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy’s Quilts
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs
Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do
To Do Tuesday at Quilt Schmilt
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter
Free-Motion Mavericks at Quilting & Learning


  1. Congratulations on finishing up the white beauty. Melva. Cute new mini!

  2. I’ve been lollygagging most of this past week. I am so ready for my end of school break! We also had three days of rain, which just puts me in a sleepy do nothing kind of daze. Today we have sunshine and the count down begins; just 9 lessons 3 master classes and 2 accompaniment gigs left before the calendar is CLEAR for two whole weeks! I did get a quilt top half sashed last week and started cutting one of three shirts for DH, so I am nearly finished getting my past quilting projects to the closet stage. I have a list to work through during my break with cleaning, sewing, garden and studio items which will make the days fly by and (hopefully) make for a very satisfying two weeks. If DH is feeling well, we will do something unexpected and different, to make it feel like a vacation.

  3. Oh that trip to the San Isabel forest sounds wonderful - so pretty! Your quilting on that precious quilt is glorious. Love your mini quilts - you are really skilled at those - and the bags are beautiful. The small task I've been avoiding is straightening my scraps - and I guess it's not really a small task - lol!

  4. LOL! Congratulations on such a beautiful finish! I so enjoy Call the Midwife! The label is perfect for such a vintage quilt. Nice job!
    Pretty mini quit and yes, those gradual changes in color are lovely. I hope all goes well with your trip!
    I do love those drawstring bags! I’m joining the OGAM challenge late, but hoping to catch up!
    I always put off ironing clothes…sigh…😊

  5. Sounds like a fun trip you have planned! Congratulations on getting those customer quilts done. And you are halfway through the memory bears so yay you! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. Love the quilting, Melva. Beautiful finish. Love the new mini! Thanks for sharing on MM.

  7. Love the white quilt Melva. The quilting is perfect and I'm sure you are happy it's finished. Thank you for hosting Sew & Tell and. for linking with To Do Tuesday.
