Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Get On Board with Sewing Blog Hop ~ Day 5

Welcome to the Get On Board with Sewing blog hop!  This hop is celebrating National Sewing Month... while it would seem to be a US thing, being "National", Brenda and I have chosen to include bloggers from around the world... making it an INTERNational event.  

One would think that as one of the organizers for the National Sewing Month Blog Hop, I would have had a project in mind months ago!  But to no avail... I did not.  I knew that I had some fabric that I wanted to feature, but no specific project was in mind.

As the time for the hop grew closer, I had been making some colored pencil rolls to be included in a few Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. (You'll notice some tropical print on the inside of the opened roll.) 

As I considered other items that could be included in a few boxes for girls, I cleared some cobwebs from my memory and remembered how I had put together a good number of "quilt kits".  In 2019, I had also made some needle cases to be included with the quilt kits... I fully intended to make a few more to accompany the kits this year, but I simply ran out of time.  BUT, I did make a trip to the local Dollar Tree and purchased sewing/mending kits and scissors... so we're all good.  

What better way to celebrate National Sewing Month than by creating a kit to encourage and teach others to begin sewing?  I learned how to sew at about age 9 in 4-H.  My Mom knew how to sew, quite well actually, and signed me up so that she wouldn't have to teach me... her plan backfired when the 4-H sewing teacher told her that she didn't have time to teach all of the girls that had signed up and "since you know how to sew, you can do it."  Well... okay then.  

One of my first projects was an apron.  I learned embroidery at the same time... I still have it and my girls loved to play "restrump" when they were little.  You can see that it is stained, but that means that their clothes were saved protected.  They would don the apron and with a pad of paper and pen in hand, go around asking whoever was around "what would you like to order?"  As they grew a little older and were able to prepare lunch or breakfast for everyone, they would only have specific items on their "menu".  Items such as quesadillas or English muffin pizzas, grilled cheese & soup or breakfast sandwiches.  Such fun memories!  

Using the tropical print pre-cut squares from my stash I put together some kits.  The squares were souvenir gifts from the girls when they were in Girl Scouts and made a trip to Hawaii... over 15 years ago!  Tell me again, where has the time gone??? 

Most of the kits include three-colors, one is only two-colors and one is a scrappy layout.  I included some simple diagrams as instructions. If you look closely, I colored the diagram to indicate which fabrics go where...  OR they can certainly use whatever layout their little heart desires. I am also well aware of the fact that the recipient may not want to make any sort of quilt at all.  They may choose to use the fabric to patch or repair some of their clothing!  My hope and desire is that the receiver of a kit will be excited about it... I mean, I know I would be!

I also thought that perhaps they could join their squares together to create a sort of a "broom stick skirt".  The fabric could be used to patch a pair of pants, or create a pocket on an existing dress or skirt... Whatever the young girls make with the squares I hope that they know that they were kitted with blessings from Above and selected with love.

Would YOU be excited to see this included in a gift box?  Would you make a quilt top?  Or would you use them for a different project?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


Be sure to visit all of the blogs to share the love!  Today features...

Wednesday, September 7

Tammy Tamarinis
Melva Melva Loves Scraps ~ you're here :)

Thursday, September 1

 Friday, September 2

Sharon & Susan Ms P Designs USA

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter for the mega prize package! These are the prizes included: 

$25 gift certificate from Rebecca Page, 
$25 gift certificate from Gardensong Fabrics, 
Fabulously Fast Quilts book by Amy Smart, donated by Patrcia at Faith, Trust & Breast Cancer 
Crib size Quilter’s Dream Dream Angel batt donated by Brenda at Songbird Designs
Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail digital pattern and a spool of Aurifil thread donated by 🙋
Three stash builder bundles donated by Island Batik


  1. I would always be excited to receive something quilt or sewing related. That is amazing you still had that apron (stains and all) and that it held up all those years.

  2. Oh, I love your idea! I wish I had done something similar for past Christmas Child boxes. I love the colored pencil roll idea, but a sewing kit box would be great too. Now my mind is going with all the possibilities.

  3. Making sewing kits for Operation Christmas Child is such a great idea! It would be interesting to see what each child makes with the kit. When I was a child I probably would have just enjoyed spreading the fabrics out and playing dolls with them. ;) Loved the story about your apron, and I LOL'd at your Mom ending up teaching you after all.
    Thank you for all yours and Brenda's hard work on this hop - it was fun!

  4. What fun and precious memories of your girls playing "restrump", I love that you still have the apron that you sewed! My first real sewing project was a duffle bag in middle school that I used for years and years and it eventually became threadbare and wore out.

  5. Such great memories, Melva! That apron certainly looks well loved. I love the colored pencil holders and totally agree it would be great for the boxes, as well as a sewing kit! I'm so glad you came up with the idea for this blog hop. It has been so much fun!

  6. I love that you make these sewing kits and the pencil rolls. I am sure they are much appreciated. I probably would have made doll clothes or a quilt for my dolls as that was how I started sewing. Love the apron and the memories.

  7. Love the sewing kits and pencil rolls. An apron was the first thing I made sewing for my aunt who made the majority of my clothes when I was little. My granddaughter made up a game called "Pay" when she was little. She would take your order, and she would bring it to you and you pretend payed. Thanks for inviting me to this blog hop!

  8. I've made sewing kits and added squares to OCC boxes, too! Cute game your girls played!!!! Thanks for hosting this blog hop, Melva!

  9. Such a fabulous project and a great Christmas gift. I love aprons. How wonderful that you still have one of your 1st projects. Thank you and Brenda so much for hosting the blog hop.

  10. What a great idea to inspire a young person to start their sewing journey.

  11. Love the pencil cases for the Boxes, and the kits are fantastic too! You've been busy! xx

  12. ohhhh I did a apron for 4 H - gosh I forgot that till I read your blog. It was red gingham!! I'm so glad aprons have come back into fashion. Thank you so much for hosting the blog hop!!

  13. Sorry for the late visit and thank you so much for a great hop.

  14. Sorry for the late visit and thank you for a great hop.
