Thursday, April 11, 2024

Pieces of My Life ~ Bachelor Puzzle & Square in Square

Welcome back to the Pieces of My Life sew along!  I hope that you have enjoyed piecing the blocks and the opportunity to document memories, details and stories of your life.  This week there are two blocks again... 

Topic of the prompt questions is your teen years... 

I enjoyed elementary school.  In general, I also enjoyed my teen years in school... But Junior High was a tough transition in the "friends" area.  There were all the same kids that I had been going to school with during 5th & 6th grade, but there were dividing lines that seemed to have formed.  That was when I discovered the "if you're friends with them, you can't be my friend" thing... If you have ever watched the movie, Mean Girls, you will understand. High School was a little better.  I recall having "senioritis" and was relieved and happy that I was permitted to leave the HS campus to go work at my little office job during the afternoons.  As a freshman, I found a new group of friends in the gymnastics team.  My best friend was a year older than me and drove the "carpool" for the mandatory two-a-day gymnastics practices.  I felt a little lost when she graduated and we got new team managers to replace her.  Though there were still a few "mean girl" situations, I learned to steer clear of them.  Georgia, one of my closest school friends from the last "Life" story and my hat party, is in the middle of the back row, next to me.  We ran in different circles for the most part, but were always cheering on the other in practices and meets.

I blame the sport of gymnastics for most of my aches and pains in my joints now... as well as the striving for perfection that I have slowly been letting go of since my 30s.  To grow up watching the Olympics and Nadia achieving a perfect 10 told me that I too could/should strive for that same goal.  

No one on the team was anywhere near being an elite gymnast... but it didn't mean that we didn't have that goal in focus.  A few years ago, while assisting with planning a small gathering of classmates, one of the gals stated, "Oh, Melva, you were the star of the team!"  I was shocked at that... It certainly didn't feel that way... It seemed that I was always competing with, and just tenths behind, one other team member. 

None the less, I am proud to say I am a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser.  There were many hard lessons to learn along the way, and I can fall back into those ruts, but the time spent there is much shorter and happens less often.

The Bachelor's Puzzle Block is 12-1/2" square, unfinished; Of all the blocks I made for the blue QAYG quilt, this is my least favorite.  I used all solid color fabrics, and they just did nothing for me.  I seriously considered swapping out the 4 square pieces for a print or floral fabric... In the end, I left it.  

My purple Bachelor's Puzzle block turned out much better and is one of my favorites of that traditional quilt, so far.

The Square in a Square (SQ²) is a 6-1/2", unfinished block that will be used as a label for the traditional layout quilt. 

I hope you will consider a similar label for your quilt.

Time to grab the patterns!  They are in my payhip store...

I've made the first section of the memory book as available for purchase if you happen to be a little late to the party.  Remember, the memory book page links are available only through my newsletter.  PLEASE NOTE:: If you are a no-reply or anonymous commenter and would like to have your email added to my newsletter list, you need to leave it in the comment or send me an email at MelvaLovesScraps (at) NolanQualityCustoms (dot)com.

And if your memories start to flow and you discover that you don't have enough space on the pages I provide or have additional thoughts, feel free to let them spill over to another page.  I'm including pictures in mine as well. :)  I'm certain that your loved ones will cherish every detail you give!  Don't forget to come back to join the block parade!  I'd love to see what your blocks look like.

Keep Piecing & Keep Writing!

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  1. I love your school stories! I also noticed dividing lines in our junior high, and strangely it still aches a little even today. That photo of you and your team is wonderful! Love the Bachelor's Puzzle. Did I miss block #2? I have blocks that are numbered 1, 3, and today's is 4.

  2. Cute photo of your gymnastics team! I was involved in choir and drama in high school - I wonder if I can come up with any photos from those days. The Bachelor's Puzzle block is a neat one! I like it both in those solid blues and in the purples with the floral. Looks like it will be fun to make!

  3. kalissa from the pink shoelaces blog recently wrote a post titled, saved you a seat. it was simple way to disarm the mean girl moments we all experience. a refreshing read i would suggest for all, no matter what age!

  4. So fun to see your photos and hear your school stories. I was glad to work my last two years of high school at the lab in our little hospital - out of school at noon and on to work the rest of the day. I was so happy to get that job and be out of the hot fields, especially in the summer! Your blocks are lovely. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  5. I too was a gymnast in high school, made it to Junior Olympics but no wins.
