Sunday, October 15, 2023

Journey Continues ~ Sew & Tell 10/16/2023

Life is a journey... not a destination.  Life comes with challenges and is filled with ups and downs.  No one can escape the rollercoaster of life... sometimes we can enjoy the ride... sometimes we scream like a baby.

Last week I simply held on tight and prayed.  I prayed and prayed and prayed.  It seemed as though the world had gone crazy.  I didn't get as much accomplished in the studio as I had hoped, but I did get the latest t-shirt quilt, Gina's Journey, to the completed flimsy stage.  AND it is sandwiched and partially marked for quilting.  I'll do an all-over wavy grid on point in grey thread.  It is a looooooot of pink.  But Gina's favorite color is pink.  The backing is a black fabric with pink tiaras... also perfect for Gina!  Between the grey thread and a black binding, it will look great.

Since I had the floor cleared for sandwiching Gina's quilt, I went ahead and sandwiched another quilt top that had been sent to me.  This one is a Quilt of Valor that is headed to a veteran somewhere in Victoria, TX.  Since the plan is to deliver it to my customer in a couple of weeks, I need to get quilting on it.  

You probably noticed an "oopsie" in the border... Zia was so cute about it when I offered to fix it for her.  She struggles with arthritis in her hands and shoulders. And she was honest in stating that she just didn't want to rip it out.  And there simply was not enough of the blue fabric remaining to fix it and went on to say, "I figured it could be a conversation piece for the person who sees it." 

The log cabin design reminds me of anchors (imagine the quilt turned and the red is the anchor).  The backing is a red/white/blue anchor print. I haven't full decided on a quilting design... Since it is a bit of a rush job, I'll keep it simple and use one of my go-to plans... probably a hanging star, 2-3 inches spaced.

Jesus is my anchor... he is even my partner in life's roller coaster.  He has a plan for me... I may not always feel comfortable about it, but I always make it through. 😁

As a youth group member in high school we went to the amusement park located in Denver, Elitches.  They had a wooden roller coaster (The Twister?).  My friend Sandy and I road that coaster so many times in a row.  It was late in the day and the lines were not long at all.  One time, we got off, ran back through the que area and got on the thing again.  

We were crazy... we rode in the first car. We rode in the last car. We rode in the middle... I think we went consecutively at least 6 times.  We laughed so hard.  We had a great time right up until it was time to leave the park.

During the 4+ hours drive home we tried to sleep in the big van.  Tried... with every lane change or turn made, I woke up.  The sensation of being on the roller coaster would not let up.  Even once I was at home in my bed, the feeling of turning and twisting would not go away.  I remember thinking... "Stop the ride! I want to get off."  Thankfully, I was back to normal the next day.

It has been a few years since I've been on a coaster.  Most, these days, I will pass.  It depends on the kind of coaster and how many twists and turns it has.  And how daring I am feeling on that particular day.

Are you a big fan of roller coasters?
Or, do you prefer to be an observer?

Last week's Sew & Tell party had 22 links.  Woohoo!  Thank you, thank you, than you to everyone who participated.  This week's randomly selected feature is Bonnie at In Stitches with Bonnie.  She shared several items.  But given my love for scrappy projects, my eye caught sight of her latest leader/ender project ~ a Basket of Chips.

I enjoy each and every one of the links and always visit.  As time allows, I leave comments and will reply to comments left for me.  

Let's start the party!

Keep Piecing,


Also last week, I had a feature story at Nancy's Notions, on their blog, in their weekly newsletter and on social media.  It was a great honor to have a few of my quilts and the stories of them shared with so many in the quilting and sewing world.  

If you are a part of a guild that might like for me to visit and share some of these quilts and their stories, let me know.  I am just beginning to explore the opportunity to travel for such events.


  1. Your T shirt quilt is great - full of wonderful memories!!
    I like the border on the QOV - very cool looking - and a Veteran will truly love it!! Go you!!

  2. I am definitely not a fan of roller coasters and not a fan when life feels like one either but that is life! I am thankful that my faith is strong and I know God has a plan.

    1. I, too, trust God's plan for my life. It brings me great peace and comfort. <3

  3. All we can do is hope the world won't go any crazier than it already is and hope for all the killing to stop -- pretty quilts

  4. The T-shirt quilt looks great! I love that your customer is letting the border go - that makes it a true, old-fashioned quilt in my book. LOVE roller coasters! And I visited Elitch's long ago as a teen! My cousin lived in Denver and my aunt and uncle took my parents and me. We had a magical night, and yes the roller coaster was the bomb. That meme about the Holy Spirit is my very favorite, and I look at it frequently. It never fails to crack me up, and I think it is a perfect example of the Holy Spirit.

  5. The tshirt quilt looks amazing, Melva. Love the colors in this one. Well as far as roller coasters go- I love them. But when life gives me a roller coaster ride- well I can do without it. Have a great week. Hugs.

  6. Looks like you got quite a bit done last week from here! Plus all the praying!!! ✅ Let's just say I like watching other people on roller coasters!?!

  7. The T-shirt quilt is great, Melva! Love the pink! Nope - not a fan of roller coaster rides. I rode the Scream Machine at Six Flags twice - the first and last time! LOL

  8. You will have me volunteering to be vice president of the guild just so I can try to book you! LOL Colorado to Kansas wouldn't be a bad trip.

    1. Where in Kansas? We could make a camping adventure out of it. ;)

  9. Hi Melva, your t-shirt quilt is really lovely! I have a friend who once said "there's no such thing as too much pink!" She ended up with my pink quilt with that name! Zia's quilt is great and I bet that most non-quilters won't even notice the interesting border. Have a great week.
