Sunday, August 27, 2023

R&R ~ Sew & Tell ~ August 28, 2023

I have to say that the love, support and kind messages and comments that I received last week certainly made the bruised and battered feelings that I had last week were nearly washed away... like balm for a wound.  Thank you!

Our time away was sweet, one day too short (in my opinion), but sweet.  It was a secluded site with a creek, which I just loved... but the seclusion was a bit disappointing for Dave since he likes to watch and talk to people as they walk or drive by.  He is such an extrovert! lol.

I enjoyed the lack of distractions as I continued reading and researching for possible future sew along events and did some slow stitching on a few quilted hearts..

I even found a heart of my own... a message from God reminding me that even when it feels as though it may feel like the world is against me, He is not.

As we returned back to the "real world" I began my quest to recover my personal fb account... with no luck.  In fact, the message I get when I try to log in or reset my password is that my account was disabled because it did not comply with community standards and the decision to disable it could NOT be reversed.  Gee, thanks!

Dave made an attempt with a phone call to some fb tech support number he found, but after a 15-minute call, which we thought we were actually making progress, we were disconnected.  I did manage to reactivate Dave's account and took down his business page (the source of the whole issue!).  I am over it... 

So... I returned to my studio to make a dozen file holder/tool rolls that I sell to local gunsmithing students at the beginning of each semester.  It is some mindless sewing that passed the time away.  I have made so many of them over the years, that I think I could make them in my sleep. 😉

I'll be continuing my therapy in the studio this week by pulling out a box of blocks that came from my customer earlier the year.  As well as bringing a new mini-quilt idea to reality.

That's all I have to share this week.  Let's take a look at this week's featured quilt by Bonnie at In Stitches with Bonnie

Bonnie had three wonderful finishes that she shared with us.  

But this is the cheerful quilt that captured my attention... "it will be going with a therapist who is working with Ukrainian children in Romania."  

You can get all of the details in her post by following the link above if you want to make and donate a quilt or two.

It is time for the new party to begin!  Bring all of your projects... I want to see all of them because... well, I'll have extra time since I'm not on Facebook now. 😂

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Life Happens

Love Beads Mini Quilt #34/52

Sometimes life seems to "come at us" at warp speed.  This is the situation this week... and it is only Tuesday.

Saturday morning I was happily typing away here on my blog, and planning for upcoming social media posts.  Next thing I know I was writing the Sew & Tell party story for the week. Not all that unusual, except that I typically do that on Sunday.

Saturday afternoon was spent in the ER with my Mom having "muscle cramps" in her chest... insisting that she was NOT having a heart attack... yet, she had been turned away at the walk-in clinic because of said muscle cramps. She is nearly 83 years young and has struggled with severe seasonal allergies and asthma most of her life.  She has had stress tests done with inconclusive results in the past and she will have tests done again.  She has never had an issue with high blood pressure, yet her pressure was sky-high... alarm setting off high in the ER.  They gave her something for pain and it began to drop, but still considered too high. Lab results did not indicate heart attack or stroke, or clots...  I'm not sure why they let her leave without BP meds...

Sunday was hijacked by an impromptu, but much needed visit to our youngest daughter and her husband.  We needed to spend some time, see them face-to-face, and have a sort of "welfare check" since there was some unexpected news from her doctors' appointment on Friday.  Nothing life threatening, but we certainly wanted to see her rather than talk with her on the phone.  It was fortuitous that the Sew & Tell party was ready to go! She was in a much better frame of mind on Sunday than she was on Friday... and we felt better for her.  (Parenting is sooooooo hard!  And it never stops... even after they are adults and on their own.)

To top off Mom's ER follow-up visit this morning, (yes BP was high, but not alarm bell like) she shows a rash to the doctor and finds out she has Shingles. **UGH**

Blood pressure medication was prescribed as was the antiviral for the shingles virus.  She has an appointment for a laser treatment on Thursday morning.  The laser treatments, in addition to the Rx, were so effective for me last year when I had the virus. She is awaiting a call to schedule a lung function test and follow that up with an appointment with a cardiologist. **sigh** (no wonder I am tired...)

Also this morning (Tuesday), to top off aaaaaaallllllllll of that, my personal Facebook account was stolen and ultimately, disabled... which means that I am locked out, not only of my account, but also my business page, Melva Loves Scraps and my husband's.  I don't really have the time, nor energy, right now to deal with it so we are running away from "adulting" to go camping and soak in time with God and His beautiful creation.  

In all honesty, I'm not sure I will even try to recover it (them).  Instagram is still secure so, for now, that will be more of a home for MLS in the social world, for now.
I am considering alternatives... such as more frequent, but shorter stories here on the blog.  What would you suggest?

With a more cheerful update... I had a "goodie box" arrive yesterday from a friend.  She has recently been assisting her Mom get through a hip replacement surgery and move into an assisted living facility.  In doing so, she had a moving sale.  She sent a few items my direction.  One is this sweet carousel horse quilt.  It is machine appliquéd and pieced, but hand quilted.  

I love the border and the rounded corners.  The bottom two horses are worn with most of the embroidery non-existent and one saddle has a tear in it.

I have a plan to fix this sweet quilt... 

I will remove the two damaged horses and move the border up.  I think it will look fabulous.  

Dave is encouraging me to remove the center horse and replace it with the quilted setting square below it. 

If this were a restoration of sorts for a paying customer, I would go that extra step and use that center horse to replace the lower right horse that with the blue mane that has some saddle embroidery worn away.

But since it is just a sweet quilt that my friend couldn't part with, it would be just for fun and experience.

Since we are running away... I may do that.  But for now... I'll be packing up clothes and food for our run away from the world. 

If you have tips or suggestions on regaining access to my fb account, let me know... 

Do you follow just blogs?  How do you follow me?  Or do you do more on other platforms?  

If you want to chime in on how far you would take the repairs... let me know that as well.

What do you know of Patreon?  General content shared on the blog for free and sew alongs & such with a "subscription"? Fill me in!

If you made it this far... Thanks for the listening ear!  BTW, Love Beads, mini-quilt challenge #33/52 was subliminally created from my surrounding circumstances.  LOL!  I didn't even realize... 

Piece Out,


Linking with:

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sew & Tell ~ 8/21/2023 ~ Love Beads Mini

Another week... gone in a flash!  The short spell of cooler, more tolerable temperatures is done and we are back to having the AC units running for most of the day, well into the evening. **sigh**  It was good while it lasted... but this too shall pass. :)

Last week I finished quilt #3/3 for my customer and have them all labeled, packed and ready to ship.  

I mentioned in my previous story that Dave has been waking up early, and early... he leaves the room so that his tossing and turning won't wake me up as well. So very sweet of him.  But the truth is, while I usually do doze off again, I lay there and come up with quilt ideas.  When this happens, I have to remember to sketch them out in my ideas/inspiration notebook. 

Several ideas for my weekly mini-quilt challenge series filled my early morning dreams. Since the design wall is vacant and the cutting table cleared, I have plenty of time for the minis.

Back in March of 2021, I participated in #IGQuiltFest2021... The topic of the day was Quilt Admiration.  Somewhere in my scrolling social media, I found this photo from Diane Harris of Stash Bandit Quilts and thought it would be a good idea (at that time) for a notecard.  Using that same inspiration, I turned my idea into a mini quilt. 💛💙💕💚💜  Who remembers the beaded curtains of the 1970s?  🙋 LOL...

Dave asked for another table topper for his worktable in his shop.  I made one a few years ago... and he decided that it was too nice to leave on the table for "every day".  He proudly pulls it out when he wants to do a photo shoot of a completed project.

I have ordered some custom fabric from Spoonflower with our logo printed on it for a more utilitarian table topper.  If he turns that one into a "too nice for every day" quilt, I'll dig out an old quilt from the closet.  Haha.  Silly guy... 

This week's Sew & Tell feature is Maggie at Making a Lather.  She shared progress of numerous quilts, but the finish that captured my attention in her story was Saturday Soire, an UFO from 2013.  

Well done, Maggie! It is simply stunning!  And as she said, "it is finished!"

Now it is your turn... link up your Sew & Tell items!

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Friday, August 18, 2023

Those Magical Little Words

We all have a few words that are magical and meaningful to us... For some it might be "I love you".  For others it might be "You don't need to do it alone... Let me help you."  

Maybe you have seen this one...

I am blessed to have Dave... he will often gather the dishes up and rinse them as I am putting the remainder of dinner away.  Unless the dishwasher is empty, or nearly so, he leaves the loading of dishes to me.  Remember... Teamwork makes the dream work."

I looked all over the web for the meme that says... "Go ahead and buy the fabric."  The one I envision in my mind has Matthew McConaughey in it... I do enjoy when Dave encourages me to purchase something a little beyond the "need"... like an extra bottle of wine from a winery we may have visited, or a special tool or ruler that would simply make life quilting easier...

It took a few days after our recent trip to Red River to get back into a "work" schedule. But we have both been busy and diligent with our work.  I have finished T-shirt quilt #3/3.  

Labels will soon be sewn into place and then they are ready for the permanent homes.

This quilt had fewer shirts to be included, so I made room for the smaller blocks as a header for the quilt.

Dave has been waking early, early and unable to get back to sleep.  He finally spoke the words that made me smile from ear to ear... "We need to go camping."  I cautiously refrained from asking "when???" too quickly.  

Fingers crossed that it will happen next week!  He is in the middle of a big project and wants to reach a certain point in it before he switches gears... he is close!

It is a little like us quilters reaching milestones such as, all blocks pieced, blocks joined together, borders on, sandwiched, quilted and binding done... and don't forget the label!

A feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction arises with each step.

With the finish of my customer's quilts, my design wall is empty and cutting table is cleared.  

I was inspired when we visited the Wild Rivers Convergence near Red River when I saw information about The Old Spanish Trail.  It is the trail that travels from Santa Fe to California.  Actually, there are four different routes of the Spanish Trail.  It should be interesting...

Two books have been requested via inter-library loan, and on their way.  I have the diary of Susan Magoffin, a traveler of the Santa Fe Trail.  I knew, since my childhood, only that she and her husband had stopped off at Bent's Fort in La Junta on their way to Santa Fe.  From Santa Fe they journeyed south to Mexico.  

I also have Cathy Williams, the story of the only female Buffalo Soldier.  Her life is quite interesting and is being considered for a block of the month event... as are all of the others.  

The other finish for the week is mini-quilt challenge, #33/52... a little flower garden inspired by my sister-in-law's garden bouquet..

That's it for me. But, before you go...

What are some special little words you love to hear?

Leave a comment... You know I love when you visit.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sew & Tell ~ August 14, 2023

Another week has passed by!  How can it be??? Last week I found myself grumping around for most of the days.  I've not shared the saga of our roof... We had a new roof done less than 5 years ago... Dave happened to be on our roof in the spring and noticed that there were many cracks in the shingles... all over the roof.  They were considered top of the line, 50-year shingles. So, for them be cracked like that was simply not acceptable.  

At that point we began a slow process of a warranty claim and fiiiiiiiiinally had supplies delivered on Monday, with workers scheduled to be here on Tuesday.  Tuesday morning came and we waited... Dave contacted the contractor we have been working with and he explained (and apologized) for the crew not being there.  They just decided that they were not going to travel the distance required to get to our house.

The whole thing didn't sit with me well... Thus, the reason I was a grouch. We had arranged our work schedules around their being here... did they not understand this??? We finally had workers arrive on Thursday morning and I got to listen to the incessant sound of pounding and movement on our roof as well as the sound of an air compressor operating the nail guns.

At the same time, I have been assisting my Mom with a warranty claim on her roof as well.  Her roof is a few years older but has similar problems. The contractor stated that they have now run into a supply problem, so her replacement claim is delayed.  Oh, yay... I get to spend another day under a noisy roof since we will not leave her at her home alone while all that is happening.  At least I don't have to do it this week.  There is always a bright side... right?

Thursday also happened to be our 38th wedding anniversary... and my being a grump because of the noise was not what I really wanted for the day, but it was what we got.  I sought solace and comfort in my studio as I spent most of the day fiddling with our Camping Journal Quilt.  I embroidered all of the signs with the various locations and dates trips this summer and added the blocks I had completed.  I need to fix a few of the signs since a few of the embroidered letters got a little funky on some of them. The second border on the right side of the top is nearly filled out... YAY!

I enjoy so much about making these little blocks... From making the memories to be included, the planning of the blocks as I recall the memories from the trips, the piecing together of them and getting them placed into their spot on the top. This quilt will soon-ish be proudly displayed on our bed in the camper.  THIS was almost enough turn my frown upside down. haha!

The next day, a much quieter day, found me turning my focus to T-shirt Memory Quilt #3/3.  I now have all of the blocks on the design wall awaiting the addition of sashing strips.  My back is so much better.  Enough so that I don't have to think twice about how I'll get my pants on.  It shouldn't take much effort to get the sashing strips added getting it ready for borders.  I'll be cautious to not push it too much as I work toward a finish... Dare I say, by the end of the week?

That is if I don't find any distractions to keep me from it... I could easily have had the top ready but I chose to pull out a 1971 Singer sewing machine that belongs to a friend.  It needed some attention and an adjustment in the timing.  Dave and I had agreed to fixing it together.  

It was not sewing at all... The bobbin thread was not getting picked up, so we adjusted the timing of the rotating hook and lubed it up good (it was sooooooooo dry) and it is sewing beautifully!  Yay us!  It did take much longer than either of us had anticipated, but it was a rainy afternoon, and it was nice to spend time together since our anniversary day was a bit of a bust.  

This week's feature is from Nann at With Strings Attached.  She shared her quilt featuring Australian fabrics... she "searched the stash and found an African wax resist print" for the border... Nice job Nann!

I have two pieces of African printed fabric selected for me by a couple that Dave has done work for.  They have gone on several safari hunts in South Africa and have been so kind to bring back a few mementos for me.  Someday I will choose to use them in a very special way... for now...

It is a new week, and I am ready to put a smile on my face... not a fake smile, but one that reflects joy!  I have cleaned house, which is always a good way to expend some of the frustration.

Complaints foster more complaints... But gratitude can change an attitude.  I'll be looking for the good in all moments.

Despite the "less than perfect" anniversary week we had, I am grateful that we GET to go through life together.  We have recently adopted the phrase "Teamwork makes the dream work!"

What are YOU thankful for?

Leave a comment... I'd love to have a whole gratitude party this week :)

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Musings at Songbird Designs

(Have you noticed that I've been joining a new party?
Cheryl is a great host and has many participants...
only requirement is that whatever you share
it needs to be "crafty".  I think you can define as
you see fit. ;)   )

Craftastic Monday at Sew Can Do
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter
Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese 
Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation
Free-Motion Mavericks at Quilting & Learning


Friday, August 11, 2023

Never Give Up

Reverse Tie Dying... Take 3 🎥LOL!

When you are not pleased with the results the first time, try, try again.

Attempt #1 (at Family Camp Weekend), wrong bleach... no change.

Attempt #2, too densely folded on most of the fabric and the bleach did not saturate through.

Attempt #3, SUCCESS!  (sort of...)
Attempt three found me in the garage with letters cut from cardstock, a spray bottle full of bleach solution and fingers crossed.

I cut the fabric to size to make pillowcases and placed them on a makeshift "table of storage bins covered with a vinyl tablecloth. Letters in place, I began spritzing the area around the letters.  I could see almost immediately that it was working out as I had hoped and desired.

I moved on pillowcase #2 for Maggie... the letters were a little more delicate and narrow that Emma's were... and the pink fabric was changing as drastically or as quickly as the blue fabric had.  I left it to sit hang in the sun (the exposure to the sun speeds the process) for a little longer.  Once dry, I dipped it into the rinsing solution to stop the bleaching process (if left for too long it can damage the fabric).  

Not completely pleased with the results I turned the fabric and tried a free-hand version of the name.  It was just different... While I wasn't completely pleased with the results, it made a fun pillowcase anyway.

I still wanted to try a swirl pattern so I grabbed the fabric slated for Hanna and prepped the fabric.  Once swirled and soaked with water, I sprayed and squirted it with the bleaching solution... placed it in the sun and waited. 

When I finally could not wait any longer, I unfolded it and discovered this...

It was still not what I had expected... maybe it was because I grew impatient.  Maybe it was because the fabric had been soaked in water before having the bleach solution applied (further diluting the solution?) that it is bleached to a different color.  With the center of the swirl pattern started in a different place, it does offer an interesting look.  Now I need to figure out what to do with this.  Little Hanna is just 2 years old and doesn't have a 'big girl' pillow.  I have made her a little "peasant" dress with it.

Isn't it just adorable??? I am waiting for a measurement from my daughter so that I can finish it.  If it needs to be just a bit longer, I'll add a ruffle. 

I still have the orange fabric (that had been selected for Tyshan) to experiment with.  His will certainly be made into a pillowcase that I will use coordinating Denver Bronco fabric with. 

All in all, I am happy with the projects that I have completed.  The fabric (un)dying has been a fun experiment and experience, but I am ready to move on and simply utilize the fabrics.  I am already planning to incorporate pieces of each of these reverse dying fabrics into a mini-quilt.  Watch for it!

My visit to the chiropractor helped me and I will slowly return to the sewing table for longer stretches of time, with plenty of breaks to stretch and walk around.  I'll begin working on the third memory quilt for my customer by getting fusible interfacing on the blocks.  It will be another black and white quilt, at the request of the recipient.  

Slow and steady is what I will be repeating to myself as I sit.  Of course, the piecing stage of making the quilt is not when I find myself sitting for so long.  I am up and down as I grab t-shirt blocks off of the design wall and cut the strips.  But still... I am finally able to raise up my left leg to get pants on without discomfort.  I don't want to go back to that! I'll be setting a timer to remind me to move around.

In fact, I need to get moving and do some laundry...

How often do you take breaks from quilting? 
What do you do during your breaks?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear your answers. 

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sew & Tell ~ August 7, 2023

We have had a subtle change in weather for the last few days and I am tempted to believe that the extreme summer temperatures are (nearly) a thing of the past.  Oh, I know that we will have another short spell of warm hot weather, but the evenings are becoming much more comfortable at an earlier hour.  I am very excited!

I am also excited to share the winners of last week's mini-quilt give away in celebration of the 1-year anniversary of Sew & Tell.

#1 Andrea___
#2 Nan Hohenstein
#3 Jocelyn
#5 Kim at The Purring Cottage
#6 Kathleen
#7 Brenda
#8 Linda
#9 Alycia

As I collect the addresses, I'll get them sent out.  Thank you to everyone that participated!  

After returning from our time away, my back had improved... but it was not really happy that I sat at the machine to finish the T-shirt quilt to finish my customer's Florida quilt.  You can see the photos here.

After having a relaxing day on Saturday as I binged Heartland and slow stitching, it is better (again), but I'll certainly be scheduling a visit with my chiropractor before starting the 3rd quilt for her.

I finished a block with a bell (it is really the Liberty Bell) for the many bells we saw in Ogalla, Nebraska in June. There were bells at the fire station and at several churches. 

I turned my attention to a new mini-quilt challenge ~ #32/52... This little thing finished at 5"x7" and has a Dresden pieced sun and butterfly. My original idea was to have the butterfly much smaller... and include a cone flower.  The sun was the first piece I made and after seeing the size, I decided that I didn't want to go any smaller.  The sun rays and the flight path made my smile grow as I got closer to the finish of it.  The brightly colored fold-over, raw-edge "binding" gives the impression that there is a beautiful flower garden in the surrounding area. 

Once-upon-a-time... I used to enjoy gardening.  It was an easy, no-brainer experience in the Midwest with good black dirt and more moisture.  My Dad helped me to establish a few flower gardens when we moved to Colorado in 1995, and I maintained them while the girls were still in school.  I would get up early in the morning and tend to them with weeding and watering... mostly because I knew that I could have some uninterrupted time to myself.  As they were leaving the nest, I was ready to take my hobby of quilting to a new level and make it more of a career.  That was when the flower gardens easily became overtaken with weeds and grass.

This summer, actually, I have taken a tiny bit more time to care for them... Dave and I both hate weeding, but when you do it together, you have company to talk with and it gets done twice as fast. By a bit more time, I mean that they have been weeded twice, instead of just once... You see, my reasoning was that if they accidentally got so overgrown and I couldn't see if there may have been a snake or some other critter or insect hiding in the weeds, I wouldn't touch it.

So... you see, I'm doing much better!  LOL... no really! 

Are you a gardener?  
What is your favorite part of gardening?  
How much time do you spend caring for your plants?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you.

This week's featured quilter is Jocelyn the Happy Cottage Quilter.  She showed off her sweet quilt, Moon Glow.  

Nice job Jocelyn!

Let this week's party begin!

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:

Friday, August 4, 2023

Florida House Memory Quilt Finish

Quilt #2/3 for my customer is finished!  My customer wanted it in creams and off-whites for her Florida house.  I was happy to oblige with assorted "low volume" scraps for the sashing strips.  But I needed to purchase fabric for the borders and backing.

This quilt had a softer look than her Black & White quilt and was asking to have the quilting just a bit closer together to give it a more "feminine" look...

A few years ago, I read an article about how quilting for men and women can differ.  Aside from the obvious use of floral prints, just the quilting style can offer a his and hers feel.  For a stronger, more masculine feel, they recommended straight lines, or a square grid. For a softer, feminine feel, curves were suggested or on-point lattice, closer together, such as 2" to 2-1/2" or so.  A diamond grid layout was also suggested.  

I went with 3-1/2" spaced lines for this one versus the 4" spacing on her first quilt.

In case you missed my story on Monday, I had strained my back making it rather difficult to sit and quilt.  I did manage to get it 1/2 done before leaving for a few days to Red River, New Mexico.

It was a veeeeeeeeery relaxing time away.  We enjoyed lunch with some friends that treated us to lunch at Red River Brewing Company.  (They welcome dogs on their outside patio!  Shelby loves it there.) Our relationship goes back nearly 20 years when they were the youth leaders for our daughters.  They now have two teenagers (one is now driving) and have a little more freedom with their free time so they chose to enjoy a nice ride on their motorcycle.

That morning, Dave and I had visited the Wild Rivers convergence in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument area, which is comprised of rugged, wide-open plains at an average elevation of 7,000 feet, dotted by volcanic cones, and cut by steep canyons with rivers tucked away in their depths. The Río Grande carves an 800-foot-deep gorge through layers of volcanic basalt flows and ash. Among the volcanic cones in the Monument, Ute Mountain is the highest, reaching to 10,093 feet.

This area has attracted human activity since prehistoric times. Evidence of ancient use is found throughout the area in the form of petroglyphs, prehistoric dwelling sites, and many other types of archaeological sites. More recent activity includes abandoned homesteading from the 1930s.

The Monument is an important area for wintering animals and provides a corridor by which wildlife move between the two mountain ranges.

The unique setting of the Monument also provides a wealth of recreational opportunities. Whitewater rafting, hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain biking, and camping are some of the more outstanding activities that can be enjoyed in the Monument.

The next day we went to town with the purpose of doing some wine tasting and to purchase something from the RR brewery & distillery.  Both errands were successful... I selected two crowlers (think super-sized beer cans) of amber beers for Dave and he purchased two bottles of wine for me. 

I also chose some gourmet cheese - a sharp cheddar with jalapeño and some jalapeño spiced pistachios. 

Both are (were) scrumptious!  The cheese is already gone.

While we enjoyed time in the Junebug campground located in Carson National Forest we read our books, I sewed, and Dave played his guitar. 

I finished two more blocks for our camping journal quilt as well as a quilted hearts.

The blue tent is a memory of helping Samantha set up her tent while in Illinois for the family reunion and the covered wagon for one of the nights in Ogalla, Nebraska, where there was a stop for the Oregon Trail.

We all enjoyed evening walks through the forest between Junebug and Fawn Lakes campgrounds.

My back pain was less noticeable as each day passed.  Alas, we returned home and I sat at the machine to finish the Florida quilt... It is not all that happy again, but I am happy because the quilt is finished!

I'll be calling my chiropractor for an appointment next week before I even consider starting quilt #3/3.

This weekend you will probably find me watching Heartland and doing some hand sewing.  I need to dig into my inspiration folder for the next mini-quilt.

I have a folder on the computer and one on my phone where screenshots of creative and quilty inspirational ideas get placed.

Do you have an idea folder? Leave a comment... I'd like to hear how you organize and save your ideas.

Speaking of which... Did you miss my give away announcement?  

In celebration of the Sew & Tell Party turning 1 year old, I am giving away 9 of the mini-quilts.  Make sure you head over to the party page to enter the drawing!

Happy Friday!

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:

Oh Scrap! at Quilting is More Fun Than Housework
Sunday Stash at QuiltPaintCreate
Slow Stitching Sunday at Kathy’s Quilts
Scrap Happy Saturday at Super Scrappy
Patchwork & Quilts at The Quilting Patch
