Sunday, February 9, 2025

Singing the Blues ~ Sew & Tell - February 10, 2025

After a strange turn of events leading up to the baptism service for our granddaughters, I am singing the blues.

Because of a choice (ridiculous) demand by the SIL, we were only able to drop off the special dresses and gifts.  I have so many words that I want to say! I am practicing restraint and will simply pour my feelings into this month's RSC color ~ blue.  I refuse to let my joy be stolen... 'Nuf said.  

After a rousing session of house cleaning, I pulled out the blue scrap bin and started with some of the bigger chunks for my 3" hexagons.  

And then I started my Korner Kabin blocks. This time, I chose to use a fun novelty fabric featuring Kats... Yes, Kats in the Korner ;) 

In the spirit of the season of love, I pulled out another vintage quilt for the guest bed.  This Hearts and Flowers quilt was made by my Great-Grandmother, Lala Teegarden.  She was part of a quilting group comprised of ladies from the First Christian Church in Trinidad.  You can read her story from my Quilters Through the Generations series here... and a related story about a quilt that found its way to me for a repair here.  It was moving to think that I not only held something that had been made by my Great-grandmother, but that I had the honor to repair it... my stitches, right alongside hers.

Because of the mild weather and 60- and 70-degree temperatures (the first false spring), we made great progress in our camper reno.  Each afternoon we stopped at 2 p.m. to accomplish a little more... By the week's end we had the flooring and trim installed throughout.  We have only two stairs left to finish.  Dave will be building drawers for a little extra storage.  

Leanna at Not Afraid of Color showed off her Stay At Home Round Robin progress.  Her most recent addition included production feed sack fabric pinwheels.  So sweet!  

I wish was in a more cheerful, joy-filled mood, but I continue to remind myself... This too shall pass... and "cast your cares on the Lord... for his yoke is easy and burden is light".  Did you know that your spirit is lifted by singing?  You cannot be angry when you sing... just give it a try ;)

I will be found in my studio in every extra moment I have this week doing just that... lifting my spirit by singing praises to the Lord... probably with the music just a little louder to encourage me to sing along.

Keep Piecing,


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  1. Singing chases the blues away. If I cannot sing, I will listen to uplifting music.

  2. Oh my goodness I can't imagine what the demand was - I'm so nosy - lol! Whatever it is, glad you are able to tamp it down and keep your joy. :) The dresses were absolutely beautiful - did you get photos yesterday? Looks like your camper reno is really coming along. Have a great week!

  3. So sorry for a demand that caused you a moment of sadness, but glad you are trying so hard to overcome it. Sewing is our therapy, hope your week goes great;)

  4. your camper looks like a great nest, and so tidy and new and cozy. You're right, " little by little the bird builds his nest" as the French say.
    I am having much trouble finding safety and peace and find myself not singing but using my sewing nook as a nest. My little SAHRR house quilt is turning out to be the colorful refuge of "making" that helps me reboot. Thank you for showing it... I can imagine how good it will be to again climb into your rolling nest and travel

  5. Pouring all your frustration into cleaning the house sounds like the way to go! Then you can sing and sew and play with a happy heart. Your camper reno is looking great! Happy Monday, Melva!

  6. I am so sorry to hear about the demands of SIL. There is so much more I can share about personal experiences, but like you said, “Nuf said.”
    Your hexagons have inspired me to work on my blue EPP hearts today. Kats in the Korner – love that. Your grandmother was indeed talented! I studied her unusual sashings. They are lovely! Your camper is looking fabulous – read to make memories!
    I’ll have to try singing more often – even if my dogs howl at my voice. 😊

  7. In-laws and Outlaws! Both require chocolate and alcohol! As only child of only child, who has only one child - my pile of quilts is rather large and wondering if I should sell them now while I can still control their destiny! Really love the Corner Cabin quilt! Going to the site now to read more about it! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh my talk about misunderstanding - I thought you meant Trinadad in the Caribbean!

  9. Family drama - so difficult to navigate sometimes. I hope the situation improves so you can enjoy time with those granddaughters. Your corner cabin blocks are very cute!

  10. Hi Melva, love the quilt and your camper renovations. It'll be ready to take off when ever the real spring shows up!

  11. Oh dear, it sounds like you are going through a rough patch with family. I’m glad you have your faith, your hymns and your quilts to shepherd you through this.

  12. I turn on the K-Love app on my TV for hours each day. I am hankering for using the camper. I've not been in it at all since the cold.

  13. Oh no! Not easy to maintain peace when someone is there simply to stir things up. Hope the blue fabrics helped to uplift you. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  14. I'm so sorry you didn't get to attend your granddaughters' baptisms, but you are right, singing definitely lifts my spirits, especially Christian music of all genres! Hang in there. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings.

  15. I love your blue blocks, cute and fun! Quilting is a therapy and a remedy, I hope that you had fun with your pretty fabrics. Thank you for sharing and linking up.

  16. Oh I'm so sorry you're feeling blue... but your block blocks are lovely! Thanks for joining in on Monday This & That! xx

  17. I can't imagine why they kept you from the baptism, but I have had such bars put against me before, too, so maybe I can. So sorry. I'm glad you made their dresses. That was special. I hope you've had a better week and are getting on with life. I love your corner cabin blocks!
