Friday, February 7, 2025

A Dress Maker's Finish

What a busy week it has been! If you visited this week's Sew & Tell party, you will recall that I was making dresses for our Granddaughters.  They will be baptized on Sunday.  We have had some beautiful weather all week and wanted to take advantage of it to work in the camper... but we both had work to get accomplished.  So... we devised a plan to work in the shop and studio until 2 pm, and then head to the camper. (I'll give a full update on the camper reno in a few days with the next Sew & Tell party.)

I started with three wedding dresses... my intention was to make three smaller dresses using pieces, parts and leftover fabric so that each baptism dress included a portion of all three dresses.

After a quick fitting session on Sunday, I got right to work. Each of the girls had a special request. Thankfully, I was able to fulfill each request.

Here's a look at each dress as they were originally made...

Here's a look at the three dresses ready for Sunday...

Our daughter Rebecca suggested that I make some special keepsake ornaments with scraps. Mom came to help and it seemed right that I include fabric from her wedding dress as well.  She made her dress in 1960... and remade it a few years later to make a dress for me in 1967.

Each dress could be included in a 4-patch with the back of the keepsake made from "their dress". The backing for the grands came from their Momma's wedding dress.

The good news is that there was enough leftover fabric from making Heather's dress in 2014 that I didn't need to actually cut into the dress. Should one of her daughters choose to wear the dress at her wedding, it is available.

I do love it when a plan comes together as I had hoped! Though, the waiting for the package that contained one of the dresses was excruciating,  that time of waiting helped me to be fully prepared with the dresses for the fitting session... That fitting session removed any questions and doubt that I had in how they would look and if they would, in fact, fit.

Here are the bonus dresses they get... each unique, yet similar. 

I didn't often dress our daughters in matching outfits, but the few times I did... this was pretty much the reaction I got... Hahaha!

Did you dress your children to match? 
As a child, did you get dressed to match siblings?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from. 

Keep Piecing, 


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  1. Pretty dresses. Nope. I didn't have a sister so there was no dressing alike. Such a good way to use a wedding dress!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  2. Melva these dresses are beautiful and just priceless. How sweet that your Mom came to help, quite a generational experience. No sister here, and my kids were boy and girl, so no dressing alike. :D

  3. What a fun thing to do with the dresses. Love the little ornaments, too.

  4. love the dresses and that each girl got to personalize her own dress. they will be wrapped in the love of their family on baptism day. my girls had one made by me matching dress. the fabric of which is now included in my quilting endeavors (perfect for your memory quilts series!). the only other matching make they got from me were fleece coats to wear to disney (along with the agreed upon family color of the day) in case we got separated ...pre cell phone and technology days... remember those?

  5. That is super amazing that you made the dresses from the wedding dresses and I'm sure the girls had to be thrilled. A camper renovation sounds interesting too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. What special dresses and ornaments - I love that kind of history. and yes... yes I did - the 3 boys would match their dad - and everyone said how special, and the boys were tickled... I am not sure that would have been the reaction if they matched me??? haha

  7. Hi Melva, those are such cute dresses! Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks.
