Sunday, February 2, 2025

Dress Maker - Sew & Tell ~ February 3, 2025

Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps & The weekly Sew & Tell party!  Also... welcome to February... the shortest month of the year.  Blink and it will be gone in a flash!

I did a variety of little things this week. Among them I wrapped up the use of my pink scraps and finished a second pink scraps baby quilt.  I shared a few thoughts of The Great Scrap Bin Phenomenon here.

Head over there to read my correlation of the never-ending scrap bin to doing laundry (naked). 😂

We had a blustery and snowy, cold day that I passed as I did some baking and adding labels to the four quilts that I completed in January.  I added hanging sleeves to two of the three quilts that will be on display at the local library again in March - celebrating National (World) Quilting Day on the third Saturday (March 15th).

And then, for something completely different... I started transforming a dress that I wore in 1998 when Dave and I renewed our vows into a dress for our 10-year-old granddaughter to wear for her baptism. It needs a second ruffle, but I was waiting for her to try it on to see what length I need to make it.

The skirt is from fabric that was used in her Momma's wedding dress.  The ruffle will include some lace from my/Rebecca's wedding dress.

I waited ALL WEEK for this box to arrive...

I have one week to get three dresses finished.  A visit is planned so that some fittings can take place this afternoon (it is Sunday morning as I write).  Since the box with the dress and lace that I wanted to use arrived late, I made up two dresses for the younger girls to try on.

 I anticipate needing to make a third pink dress for the oldest... because, you know, little sisters can get something without big sis being included;) but that can happen after the baptisms next week.  

How was your week?

Time for the weekly feature.  Nann at With Strings Attached shared some scrappy placemats.  Here's what she had to say about them.  

The parts department had two 80" lengths of neutral-squares-neutral (6.5" wide) intended for a border that I didn't use.  I added another strip of squares, then sewed the lengths together, and cut into four 20" pieces.   

I'm using the serpentine stitch to quilt these placemats.   The photo shows the borders sewn on but not yet sewn down. 

I giggled about the "parts department"... Is that what we're calling it now?  LOL.  She showed off her RSC pink stars too.  Head over to her blog to take a look.

It is now time to kick off the party 🥳 The more, the merrier. 

Keep Piecing,


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  1. I've used the term "parts department" to describe extra blocks that I find a use for, too! Good luck with your dress finishing. I hope the girls love them!

  2. Melva, those dresses are so precious. They will be thrilled.

  3. You did a beautiful job transforming your renewal vows dress! I like the term "parts department" :D

  4. I love how you repurposed special dresses into the baptismal dress, very cool. A that is one of my favorite things to do, remaking things and giving them a new life.

  5. I like your pink scrap work a lot! log cabins with stars, love a hexie. The connection story of the dress was touching... right up my alley to read. Thank you for putting bits of history and connection of family in your posts. LeeAnna

  6. Love your pink blocks and quilts, and my, those precious little dresses! Well done!

  7. Thank you for hosting Sew and Tell! I’m late to the party, but glad it is still open. I so agree with you about The Great Scrap Bin Phenomenon – and your correlation of laundry and naked!
    Ohhhhh….it looks so cold where you live! I would be hibernating! Brrrr! I love your labels! You are so thoughtful and talented! I’m so happy your granddaughter will be able to wear such a special dress! Your granddaughters are so blessed to have such special dresses made for them!
    Nan sure made a great use of scraps! Yes, I found the title “Parts Department” amusing!

  8. Great upcycling project!

  9. What a great project and it will be so special for your DGDs baptism, Melva. I know the others will appreciate their dresses too. I used to make the cutest little outfits for mine, but at 16 (in a couple of weeks) she's outgrown those cutesy outfits! As she will be at a dance competition on her birthday in a couple of weeks, we celebrated her and my birthdays yesterday and went to Red Lobster for lunch. While there was saw a cute denim jacket with the back cut out and strands of pearls going across. It was really cute. I told her if she'd find a thrift store jacket we'd try that. We'll see if that happens! LOL Have a great week and thanks for joining us at Monday Musings.
