Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sew & Tell ~ January 13, 2025 ~ RSC & Golden Afternoon

As the snow came down on two separate days last week, I stayed tucked away in my studio making slow but steady progress on the scrappy red Golden Afternoon. 

There are lots of pieces in each unit... and because I am working with scraps, strip piecing for the 4-patch units didn't really happen.

Here's what I have so far...

I need 13 of the star units and 16 of the chain units. I need many more low volume 4-patches... many many more.  

On Friday I shared some thoughts about the losses our family experienced in 2024... three members of my family tree of quilters...

I also mentioned that I would begin my Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. I ended up with 25 pink hexies as I sewed as we traveled to my Uncle's service.  It was a sweet time as family remembered him and stories were shared.  
Mom thoroughly enjoyed the trip. (front row, on the left)

That's all I have for now...

This week's Sew & Tell feature is Melisa at Pinker Punkin Quilting.  She showed us the progress she made on her Merry Little Winter quilt.  She shared several cute little snowmen.  Go check it out!

Let's get this party started! 🥳 

Keep Piecing, 


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1 comment:

  1. Your Golden Afternoon is going to be delightful! Are you using all reds and low volumes for it? I love that combination! I'm so glad you were able to take your mom to your uncle's service.
