Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps and the weekly Sew & Tell party!
I finished up the Red Skies quilt last week! I am so very pleased with it. In case you missed it, you can see some additional glamor shots that I shared HERE.
Since the design wall empty, I returned to my pink scraps. It was in my dreams (again) that I was quilting... This time I saw that I was using bigger pieces of pink and a stack of fabric squares that were purchased in Hawaii in 2004 when our daughters earned and made a 2-week trip with the Girl Scout Troop they were active with.
First up is this big block baby quilt. After working with 2-1/2" blocks for Red Skies 6-1/2" seemed huge. ;) The larger blocks and the smaller in size project, helped to make this scrappy "In the Pink" quilt come together super, duper fast - less than 2 days start to finish. The Hawaiian blocks are cut to 6-7/8", perfect for a 6-1/2-inch half-square triangle.
This quilt will be sent to young woman that was one of the other scouts that made the trip in 2004. Here's the story: A few years after the trip (in the fall of 2008), she and her Mom hit a very difficult time in their relationship. Grace was a good kid and only asked that her Mom be (and act like) a "parent". At the time, Grace found herself to be more responsible in guiding and caring for her younger sisters. Grace's Mom had reached a point of frustration and stated that it was just too much for her and they both needed a little "space."
Grace asked if she might be able to come stay with us for a while. (The timing was interesting because just 6 months prior I heard the Lord telling me I was going to be serving as His hands and feet (arms?) as I held and loved on some children at an orphanage in Romania. Turns out we didn't need to go anywhere! God delivered the one that needed that attention and love to our front steps.) We welcomed her with open arms stating that she was welcome for as long as she needed a place. While with us I made her a quilt for Christmas. I have searched through all of the photo albums and archived photos and cannot find a single picture of her or the quilt I made her... Ack! It was a quilt made of denim - pockets and all - and fabric with shades of pink printed all over it with large paisley shapes, from pastel to bright. I called the quilt the Traveling Pants quilt... The books/movies were popular at that time. And I wanted her to remember that she would always be welcome at our house and that love was tucked into each pocket, wherever she might go... and that her phone could be as well. She may have lost misplaced her cell phone several times while with us. LOL!
As I pieced this quilt, I had many memories of the time Grace was with us. One memory in particular... I recalled hearing quiet voices coming from the room Rebecca and Grace were sharing late one night. I was all prepared to offer a scolding to both of the girls, despite the fact that our Rebecca was in college... When I opened the door, I found them both sitting there with their Bibles open having a conversation about what a particular Scripture passage meant. Ugh... I hated to bring an end to that, but it was late, and they needed to be up early the next day to get to classes.
She and her Mom were able to reconcile after a few months. Grace graduated from HS, went off to college, became an Occupational Therapist and got married. She and her husband will soon welcome a baby girl. And that little gal can grow up hearing the story of how Grace once visited Hawaii... and so many more stories and adventures that Grace has had in her life. So... there's my Sew & Tell for the week.
I'll be found in my studio this week laying out and piecing the other two scrappy pink quilts that I made in my dreams. ;) But first, let's take a quick look at the randomly selected feature for the week...
Gretchen at Gretchen's Little Corner showed off block #10 of 25 of her Elegant Garden quilt. Looking lovely, Gretchen!
Be sure to give her a quick visit to see the other nine blocks. :)
Quilters are some of the most generous and kind people out there and often involved in some sort of community outreach. But tell me...
Have you ever been on a mission trip?
I've not been on an actual mission trip, but that time with Grace was a mission trip brought to me. ;)
Keep Piecing,
Linking with:
Fun story of Grace and the jeans quilt, and now a baby quilt on the way!!! As for a mission trip, I left for a 2 year mission trip in Japan and stayed for 24 years. Half of my heart is still in that country with those people.❤️🇯🇵
ReplyDeleteThat's a beautiful baby quilt, Melva! I love how you made it a memory for the mom, too. When our kids were young, we were involved in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, and that felt like a mission - guiding boys into young men and helping them achieve their goals. It was a good thing to be involved with!
ReplyDeleteThat is an amazing story, and one that has a Happy outcome - I love it. your heart is so big Melva. I did a few mission trips - one was just to the farming town to the north of me ( when I was a kid) and probably had the most impact. Oh!! and this quilt is awesome - what a Beautiful show of love
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful story, Melva. You were a blessing to Grace and still are!
ReplyDeleteRed Skies did indeed come out lovely! Don’t you love how pretty quilts look after they’ve been washed? A baby would have a blast exploring your big block baby quilt! What a lovely story of reconciliation, love and being sensitive to God’s voice.
ReplyDeleteRed Sky is gorgeous, and that baby quilt is so sweet. I loved the story about that new mom it's going to. We had a niece live with us for about 18 months while finishing up college. We enjoyed having her here, and feel like we have a third daughter.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet story, I am so glad that things worked out for you to help her and that her and her mom reconciled.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely quilt and a lovely story to go with it!
ReplyDeleteIsn’t it wonderful how God brings people into our lives that become family? My daughter’s Israeli friend lived with us for 7 years! We think of him as our son too. We pray every day that he will be able to get a green card and come home for good!
ReplyDeleteLovely story! Each quilt always has a story and I never tire of hearing them! It is great that Grace was able to find peace and move forward while you had an opportunity to share in that.
ReplyDeleteRed is one of my fave colors and I just love Red Skies. I was blessed to grow up in a large fairly loving [farm] family; hubs and I have provided one for our kids and we're also surrounded by good families on both sides. As someone who embraced motherhood with everything in me, I struggle to understand how it just ISN'T for so many, and my heart hurts for those who haven't had security and love we have. Good for you for stepping in and providing it--it's so important to break that cycle.
ReplyDeleteHi Melva, that is a very lovely baby quilt. It's nice to play with large blocks every once in a while!
ReplyDeleteI have been blessed to be able to go on to a mission trip. It was in Arizona on an Indian reservation where we helped them update the school, helped build 2 houses, had Bible school for the children and more. We did take quilts to present to each family.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful story of Grace and your family being the hands and feet of Christ. I know she will appreciate the baby quilt for her little one on the way. Thanks for sharing.