Friday, June 15, 2018

Some Days... are hard

Some days... Well, what can I say?  Some days I feel fairly confident with my tech knowledge.  And some days... Not!

Today would be one of those "NOT" days...

I was trying to update our business website.  It is a daunting task to me because there is just some sort of mysterious thing on the host end that "points" the directory to the correct place.  

I always plan to do such a task on a day that I feel especially patient.  I thought today was one of those days... 


After my temper tantrum (it was NOT pretty), a phone call to tech support (that, BTW, was not very supportive) and starting over from the start to get the files uploaded correctly, I was finally successful.  Whew...

On to my blog...  I participated in the "Where Flowers Bloom" blog hop this week.  I offered a give away... 

In recent history, my readers have been leaving more comments.  I enjoyed responding privately via e-mail... and then a "thing" happened (another one of those mysterious things) that updated blogger so that I was no longer being notified of comments being made.  

Just prior to the hop I changed my settings so that all comments needed moderation... thinking I would receive an email telling me so.  I was not seeing ANY comments... and I was not getting any emails telling me there were comments to be moderated...

In my post tantrum pity party, my heart sank... and then I dug around in my blogger dashboard I found a section for comments awaiting moderation.  OH MY!  I found all of the recent "missing" comments.  

I have read all of the comments {and feel loved again ;) } and collected contact info for those wanting a chance to win my 1/2 Hexie Template.  I will be responding to the comments this weekend.  Thanks for your patience with me... though I haven't been very patient with myself. :/

I hope that all of the Techy Challenges are done for the day!

I will be headed to my sewing room to make progress on my "Farm Land" quilt.

Remember, you still have time to enter to win the 1/2 Hexie Template on the Where Flowers Bloom post (link provided above).  Just comment on that post before June 18th.

Piece Out...


Melva Loves Scraps - home of the Quilters Through The Generations series


  1. I really enjoy your blog. I hope you get your website updated successfully. It can be hard to wrap your head around.

    1. Thank you Deborah. I did manage to get it up and working properly. I feel a little like I need to call the tech support line and apologize for my rudeness. :-/ Maybe an email to them...

  2. For the record, Blogger is not sending out emails and it is something that they have known about for almost a month... sigh... I hope it gets fixed for everyone soon!

  3. Melva, on your 1/2 hexagon gifting blog post you have a picture of a quilt block that I am very interested in it is 4"T" s
    My granddaughter's name starts with T and I am thinking of making her high school graduation quilt a "t" quilt
    I have a year to get it decided upon and made
    Thanks for your blog
    I don't blog but I read several one blogger said her work around the notifications was to reply to her own blog and checking "notify" so that way she did get notifications
