Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sew & Tell ~10 years Baby

Jessi is a young woman I met about 4 years ago when she was baptized at the small church Dave and I were attending at the time.  Jessi has a little girl that is spunky, feisty and sweet - Jayli.  Jayli loves being outside... she loves all animals, including chickens.  Jayli helps each day to collect the fresh eggs they sell.

When Jessi was pregnant the ladies' group that I was leading at the time held a baby shower for her.  She received many of the typical shower gifts, including all of the adorable little onsies and outfits.  Jayli would have been well dressed from all she received at the shower, but Jessi also had many things from a cousin that had two daughters.

Even though Jayli outgrew the outfits quickly, Jessi, like so many of us Moms, just could not part with those special pieces of clothing.  

Her cousin recently contacted her and asked for a gift idea for his wife for their 10-year wedding anniversary... "What do I buy her?  Ten years is a big deal and she doesn't wear jewelry."  Jessi recommended a memory quilt made of some of the baby clothes that they had passed on for Jayli.  He loved the idea.  Their anniversary is just around the corner, and they will be in here visiting for a week, so she dropped off a bag of clothes (and some eggs) on Monday and I started cutting right away.

My full focus was on that bag of clothes.  By Friday, I had 24 blocks pieced and on the design wall, ready for sashing strips.  I approached this memory quilt a little differently than I do the typical t-shirt quilt.  Since the pieces are much smaller, they needed something different.

These 12" blocks are made up of two 4x6 inch rectangles, one 4x8 rectangle and an 8 inch square.  Most of the smallest onesies were not large enough for the 8" square.  I used coping strips to make up the difference in size.

It is a perfect choice for a scrappy look!

After getting a look at some wedding photos, I went with a pink and purple floral print with a pink background for sashing strips; a light green border will be finished off with a pink binding and a special little label.

Because babies can be a little messy, some of the pieces need a little extra attention to get a few stains out a little less noticeable, I have it soaking with a solution recommended for antique quilts before I wash it. (I'll share pictures once is it sparkling clean and wrinkly.)

I think this is a record finish for me... If your recall, I didn't have any big projects on the horizon.  And certainly not one with such a quick turn-around time.  My head was down, pedal to the metal, and blinders on so that I would avoid any DrEAMI projects. But that didn't keep me from dreaming and planning for the next quilt.

With this anniversary gift complete, I am ready to turn my attention to a wedding gift for a nephew and his wife getting married in October.  

I have p l e n t y of time before we plan to deliver in August when we visit for a 50th anniversary party for one of Dave's sisters.  The wedding shower will be just a week later, but we are unable to stay for it.  I have a "Plus" quilt planned made of floral fabrics.

The design wall will be much needed as I leisurely layout the pieces for this one...

Speaking of florals... Nann at With Strings Attached shared a variety of flowers she saw at a nearby forest preserve as well as a fun and wonky butterfly quilt...

Go check it out!

Time for you Sew & Tell!  Join the party... but not before you tell me...

What is the fastest time that you have made a large throw-sized quilt?

Keep Piecing,


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  1. Aaah what a sweet story and a perfect anniversary gift.

  2. A very beautiful anniversary gift for your friend. So many wonderful memories for them have been woven into that quilt. I'm sure it will be loved.

  3. And in answer to your question, my fastest quilt was made in a day. I pieced together layer cake squares, quilted it with a big loopy meandering design and machine bound it. Sore shoulders, but it was finished quickly for a last minute gift :)

  4. Love the story and the quilt, you're on a roll! It's going to be amazing. Looking forward to the floral plus quilt. I honestly can't remember a fast turnaround on a throw quilt!

  5. How great was that that you were able to just whip it up in short notice! I am sure they will love it.

  6. Love the "got it from my mama" in the quilt! And thanks for the shout-out.

  7. A lovely story and a really lovely quilt. It's perfect.

  8. What a lovely gift for the mother on her anniversary! A once in a lifetime full of memories gift. And it will be special for the daughter waaaaay down the line.

  9. Beautiful memories. Thank you for joining the link party. #HomeMattersParty

  10. What a great idea! Love your blocks. The quilt turned out wonderfully. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  11. Your memory quilt turned out great. Love the border.
    And, aren't those wonky butterflies cute?

  12. Melva the Anniversary quilt is a real treasure. Well done. Looks like you had a very productive week last week. I hope this went as well. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday 😉
