Announcing the winners of the Wish Upon A Star Blog Hop...
Congratulations to Anna Brown, Selina Kidney and Rosalind Gutierrez.
Anna & Selina - your prizes have been mailed to you.
Rosalind - I need you to email me your address so I can mail your prize.
If I don't hear from you before Monday, June 4th, I will draw a new name.
The time of waiting for the birth of our second grand-daughter was a lesson in patience for her Momma. Her first child arrived on her due date with a strong-willed personality (and her bags packed from the time of arrival).

Our daughter Heather (who also had her bags packed up arrival) even compared the personalities of Emma and the soon-to-arrive Maggie to herself and her sister. Rebecca is a bit less intense and a little more laid back than Heather is... and she recognizes it. It is what makes Heather tick... she has a purpose and a goal and nothing gets in her way.
She has stated with gratitude that "God must have known I couldn't handle two high maintenance, demanding girls."
Heather felt that her second child should arrive prior to her due date because... well, that is what is she wanted to happen. As if SHE was in control or something! ...and the labor goes much faster... because, again, that is what happens, typically. Well, labor did go faster... but getting to that point? Maggie made her wait for three extra days. :) She tried all of the old wives tricks...
But little Maggie Kay was comfy in her Momma's womb and in absolutely no hurry to make her appearance to this world. She is as opposite as can be from Emma. Emma arrived in the late afternoon... Maggie made her appearance in the wee hours of the morning... Emma has light brown hair... Maggie has blonde... (Though they both have beautiful curls!) Emma has a beautiful shade of brown eyes and Maggie has... you guessed it, blue! Emma fought naps for fear of missing out... Maggie loves sleeping.
It has been a joy to watch her grow and learn and explore. And since she is now nearly two years old, I finally completed her First Year Quilt... A picture is worth a thousand words, but I have included some of her Mom's commentary with them.
Maggie Kay Jaramillo
July 30, 2016 at 450am
6 pounds 13 ounces, 19.5 inches long
One of her professional hospital pictures... I have included the lace yoke of the outfit, as well as the cute little headband.

Meeting big brother for the first time. Tyshan was completely in love with Maggie. He was amazed at how small she was, commented on her cute little nose and his heart melted when she grabbed his finger and held on to it. The two still have a very special bond...
Our smallest beauty is One Month old today. It's hard to believe a whole month has already passed!! Some days I wish I could make time stand still....#MaggieKay #LittleLove
Our littlest love is 2 months old today. 10 pounds 1 ounce, 22 inches, happy, healthy, and perfect as can be. We are so in love with our #MaggieKay!#PrettyGirl #HappyBaby #SmilesForDays
All these years, I never knew how wrong the Folgers commercials were. THIS is the best part of waking up!
(You will notice the hospital blanket in this picture)
I think the little punkin had enough fun at the pumpkin farm... Take. Me. Home!
Trick or Treat!
Little miss Maggie Kay is Three Months old today. She is so happy and smiles all the time! She loves watching everything around her and sucks her thumb like crazy. We love you so much, little miss!
Seriously, time? Where have you gone!? Little miss Maggie Kay has been with our family for 4 months already! She has a smile that will light up the world. She's so happy! 100% loves her momma and daddy, sleeps like a champ, and sucks her thumb to calm down and go to sleep (which is about the cutest thing you've ever seen). #PrettyGirl #SmilesForDays #HappyBaby
She steals a little more of my heart every day....#MaggieKay #5MonthsOld
Had a little #MomFail yesterday and didn't make the 6 Month shirt. So.... one day late, here it is! Miss#MaggieKay is taking her sweet time rolling over (I swear it will happen any day now), LOVES eating peas, and is the sweetest little thing you've ever met. Seriously.
She's wearing green, but her cheeks just beg to be pinched ☘

My pretty little 9 month old. I just love her.

Our pretty little thing is 10 months old today. She is probably the happiest baby in the world, but has been having a bit of a rough time with teething. She finally has one tooth! She still does not crawl, but can scoot on her butt or roll to get where she wants. Shes a picky eater, and by picky I mean if there are several things on her tray, she will pick put what she wants! (Like the marshmallows out of the lucky charms....) #MaggieKay #DoubleDigits #SmartyPants
Our baby girl is 11 months old today. She has grown and learned SO MUCH in the last month, it's crazy! She now has 4 teeth, she's crawling all over, can go from laying down to sitting up, is trying to pull up to standing, and knows how to sign for "more". She loves fruit, especially berries, loves splashing in the pool, and gives the best hugs and kisses ever.#MaggieKay #AlmostNotABaby

Our gorgeous gal has been blessing our lives for an entire year. Its so hard to believe that this day is here already! She brings so much love an happiness to our family, we could not have asked for a better baby. #MaggieKay #TheBig1
Happy Birthday Maggie!
My husband and I have
The time spent raising a family is a huge investment... yet the returns are great! The moment you see and hold your child is precious. Your heart bursts with a love your mind cannot really comprehend.
And yet, the moment you see and hold a grand-child your heart bursts again with a new love that you never realized existed.
The "monthly picture" thing wasn't a "thing" when my girls were babies... I did, however, take pictures and created photo albums for them and tracked their vital statistics and milestones on a calendar and have those saved. I saved a few clothing items as well. This will just have to do...
For their high school graduations I made each of them a t-shirt quilt with the shirts from the various events/trips. I know they both cherish them still.
I'm not sure that the Emma's or Maggie's First Year quilts are for them... They may be more for Mom. LOL.
Have you made a special memory quilt for anyone? Who was it for?
What sort of items did you include?
Leave a comment... I love to hear from my readers.
I have always responded to comments via email... however, recently I have lost the opportunity to do that. :-/ I am hoping that blogger will correct that problem soon, but in the meantime, I will reply to your comments here on the blog. Thanks for your understanding.
Now, go make quilts out of memories...
Melva Loves Scraps - Home of the Quilters Through The Generations series