This was true for my own children and it is true for my children's children. Emma Noelle is 2-1/2 years old and I wonder, almost daily, where has the time gone??? My little "Sweet Tater" is a spunky little girl - has been been from day one - and I don't see that changing any time soon.
Her Momma was so diligent in making sure pictures were taken each month and on holidays. Digital cameras make it so easy! I wish that I had been a little better about photographs... but developing film in the late 80's and early 90's could get a little pricey and there was never a guarantee that the photos would be clear and capture the moment... ah, but I digress. This is really all about Emma...
After gathering up all the little shirts, outfits, hospital hat and blanket I decided that circles would the primary shape of the quilt.
A few of the items weren't quite circles, but an oval shape would be acceptable...
So, there is a picture that coordinates with each item...
First up the blanket from the hospital was used as the background blocks that I appliqued the circles to.
"Welcome to the world, Emma Noelle"
She is known as my "Sweet Tater" because her momma wanted sweet potato fries towards the end of her long labor.
Just a few days old her Mom stated...
"Way too much cuteness out of this girl at 330am"
With Big Brother, Tyshan...
"Cutest Sister Ever!"
"One month old!"
"Can't believe our big girl is one month old today! How is that even possible?"
Taking a nap before her first Bronco Game with Dad

"This beauty is 2 months old today! We can't believe how fast she's growing up."
This was a shameless plug by Grandpa and Grandma and our business, Nolan Quality Customs.
"Emma has it right! "Life IS too short to shoot an ugly gun!"

Emma's getting into the Halloween spirit!
"3 months old! Getting bigger and more beautiful every day."
Baby Girl is 3 Months old today! I can't believe how fast she's growing. She amazes me daily. Big Girl. Gorgeous."
"Happy Thanksgiving from our littlest turkey"

"Emma's first Christmas. She's a beauty."

"Emma can't believe it either.... this girl is 5 months old today! We can't believe how fast the time has passed and how she grows and changes daily! Smart, beautiful, and happy as can be... what more can a parent ask for?"
"Celebrating this girls half birthday today! How is it possible that she is 6 months old already? Mom's not ready for you to be big yet, bug!"

"Happy Valentines Day from our little love bug!"
"This can't be possible..... the Love Bug is7 months old today!
Time is flying, and miss Emma is growing way too fast.
She is Beautiful, Smart, and Happy...
what more can a parent ask for?"
"I know she's wearing green, but I pinched her cheeks anyway! Happy St Patty's day!"

"Our beauty is 9 months old today. That's 3/4 of a year! And I still cant get over how adorable she is. We make awesome kids."

"10 months old today! Emma has 6 teeth (2 bottom, 4 top), stands fairly well on her own and has taken a couple steps!! She's also ornery as heck, so don't let that sweet smile fool you! 😉"
"This gorgeous girl has been bringing smiles and laughter to our family for 11 Months! Hard to believe that we only have one more month until she turns one. She's growing up so fast!!!"
"Our big girl is one!"
I have certainly enjoyed the trip down memory lane. And I am pretty certain that Emma's Mom & Dad will too.

Have you made a memory quilt for a baby?
What tips, techniques or ideas would incorporate into the quilt?
This is actually my second first year quilt... the other one turned out good, but not what my customer was really expecting - you can read about it here. I think this one will be much better received.
Oh, and don't forget the label! I used a few of the embroidery alphabet patterns available on my Babylock. It isn't perfect... the thread broke as it was moving from the E to the m and I didn't get it lined up perfectly, but it isn't bad. I'm pretty sure that my Sweet Tater won't mind.
Enjoy the time you have with the young ones in your life... make memories with them... before you know it they will be all growed up.
Head over to Quilter Blogs and see what other quilters are talking about.
What a sweet way to commemorate her first year. So many great memories and I am sure the quilt will be with her for so many more.
ReplyDeleteShe is a major cutie pie! Wonderful memory quilt, Melva.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos, she is a little cutie.