Friday, March 21, 2025

Sunshine & Spring

I had the full intention of continuing my work on the wedding quilt... I really did!  Monday was lost to my Mom's second cataract surgery.  She is doing well, though she said that her days are now consumed with drops for both eyes, at varying intervals, and can be a bit confusing.  She is filling the in between time with reading and puzzles.  

On Tuesday morning I was fully prepared to jump in on the wedding quilt and get the burgundy border around the heart... 

It was as though I heard a small sound coming from... yelling to me... "Come play with us."  And just like that I had the Hawiian squares looking like snowball blocks with some HST cutoffs that I found in the bin.  I thought that I would be satisfied with that... NOPE!  

I suddenly found myself making up scrappy, improv patchwork blocks... but because the design wall was occupied, I was working on the area of my sewing table.  The end of the day came along...

Well... I can't very well continue on with the wedding quilt yet because... well the sewing table is covered!

I was fully committed to getting the patchwork blocks completed and the rows together so that I could move it off of the table... and THEN return to the wedding quilt.

Ummmm.... I couldn't just leave the yellow scraps alone.  I decided I needed a narrow border and a scrappy piano key border with cornerstones of the Hawaiian fabric.  Finally!  I am able to set aside and focus on the wedding quilt.

Why is it so satisfying to work on something so... ??? Artistic?

I don't even know how to describe it...

It is satisfying in know that I am making something useful from the bits and pieces that are leftover scraps.

It was satisfying to try some crazy idea and have it turn out successful....

This little thing will certainly brighten any space it may end up in.  It measures 36" square and could be used as a baby quilt, a table topper or a wall hanging.  

Yellow is such a cheerful color!  The color of some of the first spring flowers - daffodils.  I haven't seen any locally, but I know they are not far away.  The grass is coming to life, the trees have buds that are ready to burst open.  Here's a fun little song all about spring!  

Happy Spring!

Keep Piecing,


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  1. Melva, you're right - this is so happy! I'm glad you took time out from your regularly scheduled quilting to play with these yellow scraps. This quilt is the perfect way to showcase the Hawaiian fabric, too!

  2. Your yellow quilt is so very pretty and festive, way to go you! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I am LOL at those Hawaiian blocks making noise! To give in to those siren calls is so satisfying. And the result is really beautiful. Glad your Mom is doing well with her eye surgeries. The biggest revelation for me was the amount of light that I had been missing. On the morning after my first surgery I had to shield my eyes from the bright bathroom lights, and it was marvelous! :D

  4. Love it!!! the Hawaiian fabrics surrounded by yellow is just perfect - I am ready to go to the beach now!!!

  5. Your post made me smile and chuckle!!! I love that I'm not the only one that gets side-tracked and works on a different project than what I intended!! The Hawaiian fabrics are so fun, surrounded by all the yellow sunshine! Love it! Thanks for sharing on TGIFF!
