And welcome to Melva Loves Scraps! I hope that you will take some time to look around my blog and learn about me.
My block is "Dragonfly"... or as QM re-named it, The Damselfly. What a clever name! I love it!
My inspiration came last summer when I was participating in the Cloud 9 Blog hop, where all of the participants designed and made an original block. I believe there were 40+ blocks created and will soon be made into quilts to be donated to charity... I started sketching...I started with a butterfly block that I had previously made and then moved forward... I wasn't very successful. I had something that resembled an ugly bumble bee (right below the butterfly)...
but with just a few tweaks here and there - once I had the wings figured out, I had the Damselfly!

Dragonflies are not your average insects. These mysterious and ancient creatures have lived on earth for millions of years, far longer than humans. They sometimes appear fearless and maybe even a bit nosey, not hesitating to land on a nearby twig or even on a gardener’s hat. (from Dragonfly Symbolism) If a dragonfly repeatedly flies alongside someone as they take a morning walk, following the passing of a loved one, what would it mean to them? For those involved, these real life experiences symbolize hope, immortality, and the afterlife. They offer comfort during a time of need.
Dragonflies remind me of lazy, laid back summer days. Especially the lazy summer days at the cottage on Indian Lake that my Father-in-law and his wife, Connie, had in Michigan.
It was in August 2005 when our family road-tripped our way from Colorado to Southern Michigan. Paul & Connie had planned a family gathering and we were among the few that were unable to be present at the time that it was planned. We had already had a trip to Gettysburg and Washington DC planned, but we re-arranged our schedule and showed up as a surprise to Dad & Connie. Boy were they surprised! All of the eight siblings and their spouses were present, and all but two of the grand-children.
It is quite the bunch when everyone is together... 27 in number! (at the time)
There were giggles between cousins.
There was food.
There were birthday celebrations.
There were card games.
There was laughter.
Some water skied.
Some tried to water ski.
Some swam.
Some tubed.
Some floated.
Some paddled.
And some rested.
There were chairs, towels, toys, and kids everywhere!
There were memories made...
These sort of gatherings don't happen much anymore since family members have scattered across the US and the world - from California to South Carolina and Colorado and Texas to Illinois... and let's not forget Abu Dabi!
Dad and Connie have passed on and our lives has moved on, but we all have such fond memories of this weekend!
This is what "Damselfly" reminds me of...
So, tell me...
What does the visit of a Dragonfly remind you of?
Leave a comment by 11:59 p.m. (Mountain time) May 7th for an opportunity to win a copy of Volume 15.
There are two chances!
Remember, if you are "no-reply" blogger be sure to leave your e-mail address with your comment to ensure that I can contact you if selected.
Good luck! And thanks for stopping by!