As the kitchen renovation continued, I made two special little quilts for a couple special little girls!
I am certain that the little gals that will receive these for their first birthdays - yep, twins! - will enjoy rolling around on them and my prayer is that they know and understand the love of their Father as grow up. 💗
Back to the kitchen...
The renovation continues. And while pictures show little to no progress, we really have moved forward.
We now wait on our counter top and sink. BUT, the walls are flat, smooth and painted and ready for a back splash... that we have not yet settled on. We know what we want after looking at Lowes, but need to spend more time at a real tile shop to find the exact pattern and tile size.
It will be a few weeks until the counter top and sink are in, but I have plenty to keep me busy in the coming weeks. I just received some vintage hankies to be made into a quilt for the customer's grand-daughter. It should be a fun project!
This is just a quick picture of the layout - We agreed that they would look better with a bleached muslin border (unifying the block size) and blue sashing strips, along with blue corners.
Have you ever made a Hankie Quilt?
Any tips or suggestions?
Let me know in the comments...

But before I can work on the hankies, I have finish up a University of Michigan and Raiders quilt for a special young man. More to come on this one - it is ready for a Raiders border!
Sew, there you have it... a little bit of this and a little bit of that - including the kitchen sink!
Happy sewing,