March is marching on... Mom's surgery went well, and she has been a good patient. She has managed the various drops without problems. Woohoo! She has asked for some help, but even better... several of her neighbors have volunteered and stepped in even without her asking. I love that! There is a 1-week follow up appointment Monday morning, and we anticipate that all bending and lifting restrictions will be lifted.
The sun was bright and beautiful most of the week, but there was wind to contend with. The grasses and weeds started poking their little noses out of the ground and the juniper and cedar trees are full of growth/pollen. The combination played havoc with my allergies.
Since I was avoiding the outdoors, I have the dresden sunflowers pieced and ready to go for the placemats and the tablerunner ready to sandwich. I hope to have the table runner and placemats finished this week. How convenient that the RSC color of the month is yellow. ;) All of the fabric for this project has come from my stash... not necessarily out of the scrap bin, but I am not purchasing anything new for it. Does this count???
By Friday, my throat was scratchy and sore and my sinuses insisted that I keep kleenex within reach. The allergy medication started to kick in, but I spent most of Friday in a chair enjoying the series Wind At My Back and stitching my hexagons together. Here's my progress. It looks a bit like an ameba right now... but I have a plan. I've made a few small transition areas by strategically placing some "blender" pieces between the colors... for example, the pink & blue printed fabrics offer a gentle change as does the pink & yellow... I have another one already planned for a transition to green. Can you spot the transitions?
Snow moved in overnight, and we woke on Saturday to about 5 inches of white stuff, which helped to knock down the pollen in the air offering me some relief. But as soon as it all melts my sinuses and body will be likely be unhappy again. My fingers are crossed that the short break has allowed the allergy meds to be in my system for a while and working properly. In the meantime.... I am a vegetable and have a groggy, disconnected feeling. π This is the routine every spring... *sigh* Never mind my whining... I will be fine.
Saturday, March 15th is National Quilting Day. πI will be giving a talk at the Trinidad Carnegie Library at 1 p.m. to celebrate. I'll be sharing the stories of the Pieces of My Life quilt and the Camping Journal quilt with those that are interested.
How will you be celebrating National Quilting Day?
Let's move on the feature of the week. Joy at Days Filled with Joy shared her progress with several crochet projects, but what grabbed my attention was a block from her Vintage Christmas Quilt BOM.
"These blocks are actually quite fun to make – I feel like I am getting the hang of the small pieces, phew! It is going to be such a fun quilt!"
It is a fun looking quilt (jump over here to learn the full details of the event). The quilt is made up of 42 six-inch blocks and finishes at approximately 67" x 75". If you decide you want to join in, I'm sure it is not too late. Go show Joy some love ;)
Let's get the party started. Join the fun and share with your friends! I'd love to see what you have to Sew & Tell.
Keep Piecing,
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