Sometimes we need to be reminded to find things to be happy about... it could be an unexpected phone call or text from a friend, or the reminder (from someone whose life ends suddenly and unexpected) that life is short and we need to be sure that those we love know it.
So this week I stand reminded, again, that we need to enjoy life and look for the happy moments... even in the rough times.
"After another long day at work... THIS is my happy. I would not trade snuggle time with my Littles for anything in the world. My heart is full." ~ Heather
I so enjoy watching my daughter in the role of Mommy... It makes my heart smile

This was the first week in nearly a month that I have had the opportunity to spend large blocks of time in my sewing room and that always brings a smile to me. I have been working on this fun quilt for my cousin and his wife. I searched and searched for a pattern but was unable to find an original source so I started doing some math and jumped in.
Bonus smile that I want to pass on to you...
I recently received a tote of fabric and patterns from somebody... who doesn't smile at this??? However, I really don't have a need for all of these patterns, though, so I thought why not pass the blessings on... If you are interested, follow my blog, and send me a postage paid envelope (a flat-rate envelope with postage paid is $6.45) and I will happily send you 25 patterns (for your own personal use) contact me at and I will give you my mailing address. These would be perfect for someone just getting into quilting.
So Have you received an unexpected blessing recently? Have you shared with others so that others can smile?
Happy Friday!
Be sure to head over to see what Amanda and others are smiling about... You can find Amanda at Gypsy Moon Quilts.
Head over to QuilterBlogs to see what other quilters are talking about.