Sunday, March 23, 2025

Patchwork of Love ~ Sew & Tell - March 24, 2025

Welcome to Melva Loves Scraps and the weekly Sew & Tell party.  We've have had some new faces/names to the party... Have you noticed?  Please be sure you take a little time to visit a few of the links. :)  Afterall, this is what makes the party fun!  Let's mingle. 

Spring is in the air... and so is love!  Our niece, Bonnie, was wed last Sunday.  Welcome to the family Andrew.

We've only seen a few pictures, but from what we have seen, it was a lovely day and such a special and intimate celebration.  I have their quilt top complete and am to prep for quilting once the backing I have on order arrives.

It is so difficult to get true colors captured in photos... the burgundy is not nearly as red-violet as it shows, and there is more yellow than shown.

I'll wait until I get the quilt finished and be more concerned with color and contrast then.

Until then... I am able to respond to the begging from scrappy yellow quilt to finish it.  A pieced back that includes some tropical print fabric found its new home after being in my stash for more than 10 years.  YAY!

I have plans for a scrappy yellow binding.  I shared some of my thoughts about how this bright and sunshine-y quilt was calling to me (and kept me from working on the wedding quilt), signs of spring and the satisfaction I had in making this quilt... you could read all of those here if you missed it.

I have one final appointment for Mom's eyes Monday morning and then... ??? No pressing matters and no deadlines... But plenty of yellow scraps.  I think I want to work on another string quilt... in yellow, of course!

Let's take a look at this week's feature - Preeti, at Sew Preeti Quilting shared her recent Island Batik finish (Dreaming of Daylilies) made with the Signature Collection Poetic Bouquet.

She was able to get a second quilt out of the collection... and I liked it even more than Daylilies... but you'll need to visit her blog (link above) to see it. ;)

And now... it is time to get this week's party started.

Be sure to tell me what your plans are for the week... I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Friday, March 21, 2025

Sunshine & Spring

I had the full intention of continuing my work on the wedding quilt... I really did!  Monday was lost to my Mom's second cataract surgery.  She is doing well, though she said that her days are now consumed with drops for both eyes, at varying intervals, and can be a bit confusing.  She is filling the in between time with reading and puzzles.  

On Tuesday morning I was fully prepared to jump in on the wedding quilt and get the burgundy border around the heart... 

It was as though I heard a small sound coming from... yelling to me... "Come play with us."  And just like that I had the Hawiian squares looking like snowball blocks with some HST cutoffs that I found in the bin.  I thought that I would be satisfied with that... NOPE!  

I suddenly found myself making up scrappy, improv patchwork blocks... but because the design wall was occupied, I was working on the area of my sewing table.  The end of the day came along...

Well... I can't very well continue on with the wedding quilt yet because... well the sewing table is covered!

I was fully committed to getting the patchwork blocks completed and the rows together so that I could move it off of the table... and THEN return to the wedding quilt.

Ummmm.... I couldn't just leave the yellow scraps alone.  I decided I needed a narrow border and a scrappy piano key border with cornerstones of the Hawaiian fabric.  Finally!  I am able to set aside and focus on the wedding quilt.

Why is it so satisfying to work on something so... ??? Artistic?

I don't even know how to describe it...

It is satisfying in know that I am making something useful from the bits and pieces that are leftover scraps.

It was satisfying to try some crazy idea and have it turn out successful....

This little thing will certainly brighten any space it may end up in.  It measures 36" square and could be used as a baby quilt, a table topper or a wall hanging.  

Yellow is such a cheerful color!  The color of some of the first spring flowers - daffodils.  I haven't seen any locally, but I know they are not far away.  The grass is coming to life, the trees have buds that are ready to burst open.  Here's a fun little song all about spring!  

Happy Spring!

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Sunday, March 16, 2025

National Quilting Day & Instagram Quilt Fest ~ Sew & Tell ~ March 17, 2025

If you happen to follow along on social media, you know that I have been participating in the Instagram quilt fest.  Amy Ellis at Amy's Creative Side offers prompts for each day.  You can head over there now to see what I shared so far...                                                                     My celebration of National Quilting Day at the local library was fun.  I shared some of the stories of our camping adventures as well as the story of the Bride's Quilt which was the foundation for the Pieces of My Life sew-along.  The crowd was very small, but those who attended were interested and enjoyed it.  They were full of questions after hearing about what some of the blocks represented and became curious about other postcard blocks in the Camping Journal Quilt.  

The bulk of last week was spent working on the set of sunflower placemats and table runner.  I worked diligently and am happy that they are finished and will be delivered to my customer on Friday.

She was thrilled with them and had to share with all of her co-workers.

With the sunflower projects complete and delivered, I can turn my focus to a new wedding quilt.

I had mentioned that a brother-in-law was placed into hospice care in February.  He and Dave's sister, Sharon, have three children.  

We attended one of the weddings last October.  It was such a joyous celebration!

Their youngest daughter has been in a serious relationship for nearly 6 years.  After the news of her Dad's prognosis and rapidly declining health, she was proposed to and accepted.  Plans ensued quickly and the celebration of their wedding will be a private event with only immediate family being present.  This will not keep us from celebrating them with a special quilt!  

As I scroll on social media, I snap screenshots of various design ideas... I cannot tell you the source of this picture (probably some ad or AI generated post), but it is the design I have settled on and am using these photos as the color inspiration...

The bride's color selections

Here's my progress... I am now at the point that I need to determine what background fabric I will use... I am undecided!  A muslin or cream would be my natural choice, but I fear that the heart will be lost...  I need something that will provide a sort of border, fit into the color scheme AND help the heart to stand out.  

I think a 2" strip of the burgundy all around, and then a tan/beige.  It will offer the bold accent it is asking for.

I'll let you know how it works it... but I have to say... I am NeRvOus! about this step.  I may try a bold yellow... Hmmmm....

On to this week's feature of the Sew & Tell party.  By the way, have you noticed that the party has grown?!?  Thanks for supporting the party and coming back to visit and share each week.  

Quilty Girl, Alycia, has been playing in her scrap bin full of yellow fabrics, making and trimming HSTs.  She also shared some in-depth discoveries of the effect of the color on our lives and minds.  It's worth the read... head over there now.

I look forward to seeing what she has chosen to do with these HSTs.  I'm guessing another Buckeye quilt ;)

Time to party folks!
But before you go, tell me...

What sort of "pop" of color you recommend to outline the heart?  

I'd love to hear from you.

Keep Piecing


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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunflowers & Snow ~ Sew & Tell - March 10, 2025

March is marching on... Mom's surgery went well, and she has been a good patient. She has managed the various drops without problems.  Woohoo!  She has asked for some help, but even better... several of her neighbors have volunteered and stepped in even without her asking.  I love that!  There is a 1-week follow up appointment Monday morning, and we anticipate that all bending and lifting restrictions will be lifted.

The sun was bright and beautiful most of the week, but there was wind to contend with.  The grasses and weeds started poking their little noses out of the ground and the juniper and cedar trees are full of growth/pollen. The combination played havoc with my allergies.  

Since I was avoiding the outdoors, I have the dresden sunflowers pieced and ready to go for the placemats and the tablerunner ready to sandwich.  I hope to have the table runner and placemats finished this week.  How convenient that the RSC color of the month is yellow. ;) All of the fabric for this project has come from my stash... not necessarily out of the scrap bin, but I am not purchasing anything new for it.  Does this count???

By Friday, my throat was scratchy and sore and my sinuses insisted that I keep kleenex within reach.  The allergy medication started to kick in, but I spent most of Friday in a chair enjoying the series Wind At My Back and stitching my hexagons together.  Here's my progress.  It looks a bit like an ameba right now... but I have a plan.  I've made a few small transition areas by strategically placing some "blender" pieces between the colors... for example, the pink & blue printed fabrics offer a gentle change as does the pink & yellow... I have another one already planned for a transition to green. Can you spot the transitions?

Snow moved in overnight, and we woke on Saturday to about 5 inches of white stuff, which helped to knock down the pollen in the air offering me some relief. But as soon as it all melts my sinuses and body will be likely be unhappy again. My fingers are crossed that the short break has allowed the allergy meds to be in my system for a while and working properly.  In the meantime.... I am a vegetable and have a groggy, disconnected feeling. 😔 This is the routine every spring... *sigh* Never mind my whining... I will be fine. 

Saturday, March 15th is National Quilting Day. 🎉I will be giving a talk at the Trinidad Carnegie Library at 1 p.m. to celebrate.  I'll be sharing the stories of the Pieces of My Life quilt and the Camping Journal quilt with those that are interested.  

How will you be celebrating National Quilting Day?

Let's move on the feature of the week.  Joy at Days Filled with Joy shared her progress with several crochet projects, but what grabbed my attention was a block from her Vintage Christmas Quilt BOM. 

"These blocks are actually quite fun to make – I feel like I am getting the hang of the small pieces, phew! It is going to be such a fun quilt!"

It is a fun looking quilt (jump over here to learn the full details of the event).  The quilt is made up of 42 six-inch blocks and finishes at approximately 67" x 75".  If you decide you want to join in, I'm sure it is not too late.  Go show Joy some love ;)

Let's get the party started.  Join the fun and share with your friends!  I'd love to see what you have to Sew & Tell.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sunshine & Thoughts

Can I get you a cup of tea?  Maybe a muffin??? They're gluten-free ;) Come on in, let's have a visit...

Lately, I have had time to consider the ways of the world and the chaos that seems rampant, and I have started the sunflower table runner and placemats for my customer.  Returning to my studio with a slower more meditative approach to my next project has been a sort of therapy.  I need at least 6 sunflowers each of two different sizes, and I am making certain that I am not rushing the process... taking the time to "pet the fabric" and carefully selecting the perfect colors for the petals, the centers and background.

As I have pieced the petals, I have been listening to a couple of my favorite pandora channels that lift my spirit and mood.  I tend to ignore most of the ads that are presented, but there has been one for a good time that has annoyed me... it is about easier access to mental health care.

Don't get me wrong... I know that there have been therapist for years.  With an increased focus on mental health over the years, it almost feels to me that they would like us to believe that EVERYONE needs to have a therapist.  This frustrates me.  

What ever happened to having a close circle of friends to share hardships with and to celebrate victories?  As a mom of young children, I relied on the friendships that formed at play groups or library time.  We supported and helped each other when a child fell on the playground or required a mom to turn her attention to just one of her kiddos and other moms stepped in to help with a sibling or siblings while she was otherwise occupied.  Moms of teens banded together if there was worry or concern for a wayward child.  

I cannot express how valuable the time spent with friends was to me... it is still very valuable, though less frequent.  In our area, people are spread out and close neighbors can be 1/2 mile away or more as many "neighborhoods" are made up of acreage... anywhere from 5 to 35 or more.  Several of our friends live 30 to 45 minutes away.  Friends don't just drop in anymore.

I miss the many, many morning conversations I had with a sweet friend who would stop by for a cup of tea and snack as she drove home from dropping off her children at the bus stop.  She and I were privy of some the deepest thoughts, fears and secrets of the other.

Life has changed... first off, children have grown, but she now lives in another state.  But more than that, society has changed.  We already know that time is valuable... but the world has taught us that we need to have "something to show" at the end of the day to prove that we were productive and not just a slug and laid on the couch doing nothing.

I question you... what is wrong with that?!?  Society poo-poos the idea of rest and with that the physical and mental health has plummeted into the pits of despair.  Children these days don't know what it is like to be bored.  They don't know how to entertain themselves... they wait for the parent or guardian to shuffle them off to the next activity.  We are not made for isolation... yet that, it seems, is what has happened... and we need to pay someone to listen to our troubles or frustrations.  This is just wrong!

I like the idea that more and more people and families are discovering a new-found interest in gardening, raising chickens (homesteading) and living off the land.  This doesn't always mean slowing down, though.  It can be hard work... But there is a deep satisfaction to the soul to find that you are more independent.  It can be relaxing and fun watching the garden grow and collecting the produce - the result of the time spent watering and nurturing the plants. AND the food is better for you... free of pesticides and harmful fertilizers.  So, the result is you feel better - physically and mentally.  A bonus is that there is often extra produce that you can share with others.

I always welcome excess produce that is sent my way... but even better is the conversation that takes place when a friend drops it off!  

I know that gardeners are already starting seeds and nurturing the seedlings so that they will be ready to go into the garden when the threat of frost and freeze is gone.  I am not one of those gardeners... well, I used to be.  But then I was introduced to quilting! Hahaha.

My personal feeling is that we don't need more therapist willing to listen... we need FRIENDS!  I caution that we need to be careful in choosing our friends... not everyone out there is interested in helping and supporting...

Thanks for listening to my rambling... I enjoyed the time with you.  I hope that you enjoyed it as well.  I need to get back to my sunflowers.

My friend and I used to say... Well, we solved the problems of the world... if only anyone bothered asking us. ;)

What problem of the world would you like to solve?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sew & Tell ~ March 3, 2025 - Jumping into March

Welcome to March!  And welcome to Melva Loves Scraps - home of the weekly Sew & Tell party where you can share the progress of your projects.

As I turned the calendar page from February to March, I have to admit that I am not sorry to see the shortest month move on. It was a challenging month for me personally and I have a new hope for March.  I have a horrible case of spring fever!  I was able to hold it at bay for a short time as we finished the camper reno, knowing that it was not in any state close to being ready to go.


BUT... it is complete! (Except for hardware installation for the built-in drawers in the stairs.) 
additional storage area
is always a bonus

We are beyond pleased with the final result.  The vinyl plank flooring looks fabulous and will be much easier to keep clean than the carpet that was in the "entry area".  I won't even discuss the carpet in the bathroom. Bleh...
this will be easier to clean!

Since Mom is having her cataract surgeries and follow-up appointments this month, the idea of a two-week trip is unrealistic.  But with warmer and nicer weather around the corner and even revealing itself from time to time, we have hopes of making some 2 or 3 day trips to locations that are within 2 hours of us. 

Stay tuned... ;)

If you look closely at the bed, you will see our camping journal quilt.  After the brief appearance in the photos, I pulled the quilt out to take to the Trinidad Carnegie Public Library to be displayed on the Art Wall during National Quilting Month.  Our journal is joined by the purple Pieces of My Life quilt.  I will be offering an "artist's talk" on National Quilting Day, Saturday, March 15th at 1 p.m.  I look forward to sharing the stories of these two quilts with local quilters/residents.

Did you hear about Hanna-Land?  I gave a mid-week update that explained what I was doing... you can get the details on where the idea came from and who I am making it for.  I stuck with the applique throughout most of Saturday when I suddenly found myself at the end!  **happy dance** All that is left to do are the game pieces (Dave is in charge of them), the cards and sewing a pocket in place for all of them to live (and hopefully not get lost.)

A close up of some details

After finishing Hanna-land I made my yellow Korner Kabin blocks.  And then 
I spent a little time preparing yellow scraps for the hexagons that will be added to my hexie RSC... I'll have several hours to pass on Monday.  Mom's surgery is at 8:15 a.m. and she has a post-op follow up in the afternoon at 3:30 p.m.  Any guesses for what I'll be doing? ;)

Along with the yellow scraps, I pulled out the Hawaiian squares that are still hanging out in my stash... 21 years later!  Lol... there were a lot of them... I still have a lot of them. ;) The pink quilt I made with them finally went out in the mail last week.  I look forward to hearing from Grace when she and Daniel receive it.

It is now time for the feature of last week's Sew & Tell party.  This week we celebrate with Gwyned Trefethen her finish of Pond Life.  This was her creation and entry into the PQ16-4 challenge which was to create something in the color of your birthstone. Gwyned's birth stone is emerald. 

She shared a few thoughts on life cycles.  Head over to her blog to see how they tie into her Pond Life quilt. 💚💗It is interesting, and I relate.

Time to get the party started!  I love to see what you have been working on.  Be sure to stop in for a visit with some of the other participants.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Mid-week Check-in ~ Hanna-Land

As I tucked away my remaining blue scraps, I took an inventory of my "To-do List". 

T-shirt quilt for our daughter
T-shirt quilt for a friend 
Sunflower Table Runner/Placemats
Bowl Cozies

None of these items have pressing deadlines and a couple require special supplies to be ordered ~ The table runner/placemats & bowl cozies...  And I really didn't have a desire to delve into either of the t-shirt quilts...

Hanna-Land it is!  This was an idea I had in my dreams a few weeks ago... imagine a quilt similar to a Candyland board game.  Several years ago, I made a playmat for a nephew to play with his matchbox cars.  I am using some of the same ideas from it for Hanna-Land.

This game board quilt will be a birthday gift for our grand-daughter, Hanna... thus the name "Hanna-land".

Hanna will be turning 4 in April, and her older sisters have the fun, Paper Doll Quilts.  I thought she needed something fun as well...  And they can play the game with her.

The path of colored squares has a long way to go, as well as a lot of fussing, fusing and trimming... the "short cut", the rainbow trail, is from some cute rainbow fabric and intentionally bridges the water section.  

Here's the progress I have made on my journey to Hanna-Land.

Applique is not one of my favorite techniques, but it is amazing what one will do for a loved one!  

The small characters are trimmed from a scrap of novelty fabric.

As I have made this quilt, I have thought of the fun memories I have of playing Candyland as a child, and then again as Mom of toddlers.

It is an easy game that doesn't require reading... only color recognition.

Just the other day, I saw a picture of a "scrabble" or crossword puzzle quilt.  The maker included the names of family members in the patchwork.  It would be a great gift for a lover of crosswords or the game scrabble.  I have seen Monopoly quilts and even a Clue quilt.

I've considered making a hop-scotch quilt.  But then my daughter who is a Physical Therapist Assistant cautioned me about the quilt being used on a hard floor and the increased risk for a fall/injury.  She encouraged me to place some non-skid shelf liner on the back to avoid that. I wasn't ready to try to tackle that...

Have you made any gameboard quilts?
What did you make?

If you haven't made one, what game board would you make?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


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