
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2025 Planning Party


As the year draws to a close, I am looking forward to 2025 and enjoying the calendar of Pieces From the Past quilt blocks that I made.

I did a review of 2024 last week.  Take a quick peek HERE for that story.  You'll find my comparisons of the what the stats show as the "Top 5" versus what my "personal favorites" were.

As a quick review of the goals I had for 2024...

❧ Taking my Pieces from the Past and Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail programs on the road.  
❧ Continue with my custom quilting and t-shirt quilts... I will also continue leaving a trail of love from my quilted hearts.
❧ With my fingers crossed, I think I may be able to complete our Camping Journal Quilt. 
❧ Make certain that I am creating and finding joy in life even in the midst of the move for Mom.  

I am pleased to say that I did reach every goal listed.  

Looking forward many of the goals remain the same:

❧ Taking my Story Telling Quilts program on the road.  I have multiple quilts now that could be included.  
I was blessed to be able to present to a wonderful group of quilters in Greeley.  Would you be interested in having me visit your group?  Let me know, we can make plans!  I will have the new quilts hanging at the local library again in March to celebrate World Quilting Month.
❧ Continue with my custom quilting and t-shirt quilts... I will also continue leaving a trail of love from my quilted hearts.

❧ I'll continue my weekly Sew & Tell party, and I've signed up to be the hostess for three TGIFF linky parties.  In early December I saw that many participants of the Virtual Cookie Exchange party were disappointed that it was the last one as the hosts were ready to hand up their party hats.  I'm considering picking up that "baton" and running with it.  If I were to continue the tradition, who would be interested?  Leave me a comment... If there is ample interest, I'll make plans for it.
❧ With our Camping Journal Quilt complete, I am thinking of taking up a hexie project for some of my hand-stitching.  I've printed and cut 3" tall hexies.  These large hexies could easily become a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.  But I haven't settled on that yet.  TBD

❧ I need to compile all of the stories from our camping adventures into a book to accompany the Camping Journal quilt.  Which means I will be looking into a blog-to-book option.  While I am at it, I will gather all of the patterns and memory book pages from the Pieces of My Life quilt and get them in a published format as well.  
❧ Above all, I want to make certain that I am creating and finding joy in life through my quilting projects.

It seems like a pretty vague list... but I am okay with that.  

Like last year, I have no plans for another sew along.  Of course, we know how that turned out ;)  The idea for the Pieces of My Life quilt came along in February.  Will the same happen again???  I will simply wait and see.

Last year my focus Scripture was:

This life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: If we go through the hard times with him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with him!  ... the joyful anticipation deepens.

In looking back over all that happened, I feel that the year was more of a lesson of patience. A very long lesson of patience. ;) Patience and anticipation are similar... As the year went on and the lessons continued, I forgot the joyful aspect. We had some camping adventures... most with our little brown dog, Shelby which helped to make the adventures more exciting and joyful.  I mean an excited and friendly dog that loved to smell and explore and say "hello" to everyone she met certainly helped with the "childlike" joy.

I've been considering a focus word or Scripture for the coming year and Proverbs 3:5-6 has been showing up in numerous places... since October!  Just recently, verses 7 and 8 were included with it...   

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

Do I understand exactly what the Lord intends to do with this?  No.  But I would be foolish to think that I did!  

Happy New Year!


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Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ December 30, 2024


Wow!  The year of 2024 is nearly gone... tick, tick, tick.  I can hear the clock counting down.  Can't you?

This is my current view... I am spending every free moment I have at my Babylock Jazz quilting wavy FMQ lines on my Camping Journal Quilt.  I know (and understand) that you are tired of hearing about this quilt.  Trust me!  I want it D.O.N.E. as well.

I promise that (after today) the next mention of it will be that it has the binding complete, and it is ready for the bed in our camper. 

This is the sample of the quilting design

While progress is getting made it is slow... though I have had a fair number of interruptions.  Like having to address a septic line issue at my Mom's house (yes, the one that we are still trying to sell).  

One buyer cancelled the contract because their "inspector" found issues with the line (they said crack).  It was not a crack... rather, there had been a minor shift in the ground and the tiles were not aligned properly.  "Tomāto, tomato".  It is now officially inspected and repaired and certified as so.

Christmas was quiet for us.  We enjoyed a leisurely morning, a late breakfast and Christmas movies on the Family Movie Channel (Classics... from 1940s and 50s).  We had a long hike at Trinidad Lake and then more movies and a spaghetti dinner.  

Dave won the prize for creative wrapping.  Any guesses of what it is???  If you were to guess new cutting mat, you would be correct.

We celebrated Christmas on Saturday with Mom, our girls and their families.  A joyous time with plenty of food!  Most of it even fell within the various dietary restrictions. ;) 

As Dave and I watched the classic movies I enjoyed doing some paper embroidery on old Christmas cards.  I was purging 7 years' worth of cards.  A few of them avoided the trash for this purpose.  They will make for some nice tags next year.  :)

I've been looking back over 2024... If you missed my "Best of 2024" story, you will find it HERE.  I am not a huge believer in making New Year Resolutions, but I will be sharing some goals for 2025.  Here's a quick look at what I had set out to accomplish this year...  I'll share a full review with some new goals on December 31.  There have been years that I "failed" horribly... and others that I was an overachiever and super productive.  But throughout all of the years of participating in the planning party I have learned that my #1 unwritten goal, is to enjoy entire process.  If a task or project is just too hard, I give myself permission to bail or set it aside for a time.  Let's be honest... some projects just earn themselves a time-out. ;)

❧ Taking my Pieces from the Past and Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail programs on the road.  
❧ Continue with my custom quilting and t-shirt quilts... I will also continue leaving a trail of love from my quilted hearts.
❧ With my fingers crossed, I think I may be able to complete our Camping Journal Quilt. 
❧ Make certain that I am creating and finding joy in life even in the midst of the move for Mom.  

It is time for the Sew & Tell feature!  This week Astrid from Red Needle Quilts showed off her Star Streams quilt top.  What started out as a RSC quilt became a beautiful two-color quilt in varying shades of blue.

It is just beautiful!  Head over there and show her some love. πŸ’™

Do you make goals or resolutions for the year?  

I'd love to hear from you... leave a comment.  Now, let's get the party started πŸŽ‰

Keep Piecing,


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Thursday, December 26, 2024

Best of 2024

Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs has been hosting the "Best of" linky party since 2015.  I have participated in the party each year and it is always interesting to take a look at what some of the stats reveal... and what my personal feelings are in regard to those stats.  I am sometimes usually at little surprised at what posts/stories appear (by the numbers) to be the most popular (and this year is no surprise)... And then there's my personal favorites.

By the numbers:

Several older posts (I mean years old) made the list.  I'm not quite sure why but when I pull them out of the mix the announcement of the Pieces of My Life Sew Along tops the list.  I am not surprised at this.

The Maintenance & Self-Care story was nothing exciting (I wanted to say it was nothing to write home about, hahaha) but obviously it was a topic that resonated with my readers.  Perhaps we need more frequent reminders that we need to take care of our machines AND ourselves... to be reminded that not every project needs to be completed at a record pace.  Slow and easy can be just as enjoyable... possibly even more so.

The Sticks & Stones (II) quilt (pattern from Missouri Star Quilt) was popular... both when the top was finished and when it was fully finished with quilting and binding.  Dave called this quilt "Christmas Morning" because it reminded him of the excitement of children unwrapping gifts, bits of wrapping paper, bows and gifts. It has been purchased by a customer and will certainly bring some bright joy to their family on Christmas Morning.

The November 4th Sew & Tell featured a table topper featuring a vintage piece on linen that I hand-quilted.  

Just behind that was a story telling of my repurposed full-length mink fur.  There seems to be a great interest in the fur since the furry poms were viewed more than the mink bed runner(Or maybe it was just that they were with the Sticks & Stones quilt...)

And finally, the 50th Anniversary Quilt that had been sewn in (semi)secret. 

My personal favorite list is a touch different.  If I stick to strictly quilted projects of the year - 17 in all- (and cheat just a little by grouping a few projects) I have four categories... And let's face it... choosing a favorite quilt is like admitting you have a favorite child ;)

#4 encompasses the custom memory quilts I made: two quilts using baby clothes and three that included shirts from a father/grandfather for his daughters and grandson.  

#3 includes the four items I created from vintage linen pieces.  The small elephant runner was a silk scarf, the teal table runner was made with a dresser scarf that was made by my Grandma T, the tablecloth found its way to me from a friend who was selling her mother's items after her passing and the coffee cup table topper with a vintage center that had been gifted to me several years ago.

#2 includes the two storytelling quilts from the Pieces of My Life Sew Along.  When I started the sew along, I was only going to offer one non-traditional layout that incorporated the twelve 12" blocks as well as the eight 6" blocks using a Quilt as you go method.  I was concerned that not everyone would want to have a non-traditional layout... and being the (recovering) people pleaser that I am, I decided that I would include the fabric requirements and directions for a more traditional quilt.

After deciding this I realized it would be best (and easiest) to make an actual quilt so that I could verify and confirm the information I was offering.  I chose purple as the colorway... and about 4 blocks in I learned that the full range of purples was a challenge to get to work together and keep the red-violets and blue-violets from fighting clashing with each other.  In the end, it all worked out well with the help of the sashing fabric that I used.

#1 is the Camping Journal Quilt that has been a labor of love for years.  Oh, ok... this is not a "group" of quilts... but since it is my most recent finish, I can claim that it just might be my favorite finish of 2024.  (That's ok, right???)  Quilting is still in process as I write this post, but it is my hope that it will be completely finished, binding and all by December 31. 

The number of quilts I made this year was a little lower that past years but given all that life included with a major move for my Mom, I feel okay with that.  I trust God to send customers my way and if there is a lack of custom work... He inspires ideas for quilts to make and the time to do so.

Do you have a favorite quilt that you made this year?

Leave a comment telling me all about it.  I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


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Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas

Earlier in the month I reviewed the events of my year for our family Christmas letter.  I've mentioned sometime in the past that our Christmas letter is unique.  Years ago... I was the sole writer/author of our family letters.  But there was one particular year that I was overwhelmed with the task I was facing and needed help, or the letter was not going out.  

The girls were in high school and more than capable of writing a short piece about the highlights of their year.  That was the beginning of a beautiful tradition.  I was freed of the sole responsibility... each person was able to share whatever they liked.  It was an interesting peek into their priorities and if we had similar "favorite events".  Whether it was sports, school, friends, summer camp or vacation, or relationship status... it was up to them.

There were years that boyfriends or even more serious relationships were mentioned... and then the following year the topic was suddenly dropped like a hot potato or just was not mentioned.  I was often the person left to "clean up" all the things they avoided... and I knew we would have people ask about "so & so".  It wasn't a very fun job, but I would gently rip the Band-Aid off and then move on to the highlights of MY year.

As the girls have matured (one is 37 years old and the other 34... how did that happen???) I no longer "clean up their messes" (they are now fully responsible for that!) and am able to fully focus on MY year.  Here's what I what I had to say...  Some pictures are included in our family letter, but I can share a lot more here - and include links.

It would seem that as the days tick by, they have increased in speed.  2024 seems to have flown by, but as I reflect back on the year, I realize that was packed full to the brim.  I’ll hit the highlights.     

        After a deep freeze in January that caused issues with the water system, we anxiously awaited spring and made a run for warmer temps to the south as we traveled to Arizona and New Mexico.  We saw many sunny days and explored several national parks/sites, including Tonto, White Sands and Bandelier.  
In the Tonto National Forest
Sadly, we had very few opportunities to make short camping get aways because there was a lot of work to be done in making a smooth transition for Mom as she down-sized from the house to a 2-bedroom apartment in town late June.  Once move in day came, we got her settled fairly quickly and then focused on getting the house ready for listing and selling off the remainder of the items she could not take.  A 3-day sale over the holiday weekend took care of 90% of it and if not for the help of family, it would have been much harder and taken a lot longer.

Our summer was kicked off with a week of Emma and Maggie staying with us to attend Vacation Bible School.  Their mornings were filled with Bible songs, Scriptures, crafts, fun and friends.  There were embroidery and sewing lessons as well as popsicle breaks in the afternoons, games following dinner and bedtime stories.

We all enjoyed time together in July at “Family Camp”.  It was filled with games, crafts and activities and plenty of outdoor time. (We really should remember to do a group picture earlier in the weekend, rather than when we are all worn out from having so much fun. ;) )

        We made a fast dash to Illinois to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Dave’s oldest sibling (picture on Page 1).  The siblings of both Linda & Carlton trusted me to make a special quilt that included messages of love and congratulations to commemorate the milestone.

We returned in October (pulling our camper) to celebrate the marriage of a nephew and his bride.  Of course, they also got a special quilt.  We traveled Route 66 on our return trip.  It was fun and interesting as well as a learning experience.  

With the completion of the fall trip, I was able to complete the Camping Journal Quilt that I have been making over the years.  Each trip is recorded with a sign telling the location and date along with one block for each night’s stay at each location.  I am excited that it is ready for quilting and am already looking forward sleeping under it next spring when we begin the camping season again.

I had the opportunity to display a few quilts at the local library ~ “Storytelling Quilts” that included the Pieces from the Past quilt (2020), the Santa Fe Trail quilt (2021) and the Garden quilt (2022).  It was well received, and I had the chance to take the “show on the road” in September when I visited a quilt guild in Greeley.  I hope to have similar opportunities in 2025.

May you be blessed with the gifts of faith, family and friends this Christmas and in the coming year.   

Keep Piecing,


I would be remiss in mentioning that I appreciate all of my followers and readers. πŸ’•The love and support you offer as I share my quilts and life events is touching.  Sooooo... as a special gift to you I will make all of the pages of the Pieces of My Life "Memory Book" FREE for a short time.  Go to my Payhip store and use the code Memory24   If you missed any of the downloads during the sew along, now is the time to get them, saving $3/each. ;)


A Quilter's Night Before Christmas
(author unknown)

'Twas the night before Christmas,
And the quilts were not made.
The threads were all tangled, the cookies delayed.
The stocking weren't hung, the pantry was bare.
The poor weary Quilter was tearing her hair.
Stacks of fat quarters, tipped over in streams.
Visions of Log Cabins had turned into dreams.

When what to her wondering eyes should appear,
But a bus full of quilters with all of their gear.
They went straight to work with just a few mutters,
Sorting and stitching and brandishing cutters.
The patterns emerged from all of the clutter,
Like magic the fabrics arranged in a flutter.
Log Cabins, Lone Stars, Flying Geese & Bear Tracks
Each quilt was a beauty-even the backs.

Her house how it twinkled, her quilts how they glowed.
The cookies were baking, the stockings were sewed.
Their work was all done, so they folded their frames,
And packed up their needles, without giving their names.
They boarded the bus and checked the next address.
More quilts to be made, another quilter in distress.

She heard one voice echo, as they drove out of sight,
Happy quilting to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ 12/23/2024

Hey there my quilty friends!  It is Christmas week, and I know that many of you are busy... maybe with last minute gifts or maybe simply celebrating the season so this will be very short.

I finished up the last of my small "multiples" gifts that I wrote about last week... I decided to make fabric corner bookmarks.  I had fun pulling coordinating fabrics from the scrap bin.  

I have a special Christmas gift FOR YOU that will be revealed in a story published on Christmas Eve.  

Let's get the party started. :)

Merry Christmas and Keep Piecing,


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Last Minute Gifts & Tutorials

I am a planner and like to get any big Christmas gifts done well in advance of the holidays and all the hubbub that goes along with them.  But I have noticed over the years that I am drawn to small projects that are quick and easy.  Many of them can be something to have on hand if a last-minute gift is needed or just a bonus "stocking stuffer."  And if they don't get finished???  No sweat!

At the top of the quick and easy project list are pillowcases. 

As I mentioned a few stories ago, I made several for a nephew to go with the alarm clock that he requested.  At the same time, I cut the fabric and printed instructions to make pillowcases including thread to create a DIY pillowcase kit that will be for our oldest granddaughter.

The next project was making a few hair scrunchies.  The tutorial for these can be found on Marie Bostwick's blog... HERE.  I may continue making a few more to keep on hand for when the granddaughters come for a visit.  It seems that one of them is always in need of a hair tie.

As I sewed these up, I recalled helping my daughters make a different style of hair ties when they were in middle school... I decided to create another DIY kit for the middle GD.  Items needed:

9" piece of round elastic
18-24 fabric strips - 3/4" x 6-1/2" (I used a wavy or pinking rotary cutter to cut down on fraying)

Tie a knot in the elastic to create a circle.
Attach the strips to the elastic by folding strips in 1/2.  Pass the loose ends through the folded end and draw up until snug.  Add strips until the elastic is covered.  Easy Peasy!

I had a recent request for a few therapeutic rice bags.  These are another quick and useful gift, and it is easy to make in multiples.  You can find the link to make them HERE.  They include a pattern to make a "monster cover."  But I make a cover from two pieces of flannel (10"x13").  The cover helps to keep the rice bag a little cleaner and a little more sanitary if used by multiple people.  I have made them in a variety of sizes, including a long one that easily drapes across the shoulders.  My mom used them throughout her knee replacement recovery, both as ice packs and hot packs.  

One last item... the knit stocking caps that I embellished with a fur pompom. Since a tutorial had been requested... Here you go!

I purchased these hats from a clearance bin at our wally-world months ago (as they were bringing out spring clothing) for just 50-cents.

The two hats on the far right are from mink.  My original 6 hats are from beaver.  The size difference is noticeable because the length of the fur.  The beaver poms appear larger and much fluffier than the mink.

The first step is to trace a 3-1/2" circle from a template onto the back of the fur.  Mark said to always work from the back of the fur.  Cut the circle from the fur using small snips (basically, just the tips of the scissors).  Using a large needle and some heavy thread (I used upholstery thread) make a running stitch along the edge of the circle.  Gently tug the thread to create the pom.  Stuff with some poly-fil. Finish gathering the circle in tight and knot, leaving a long tail on both ends.

Using the long tails, attach to the top of the cap.  Make several stitches to secure the pom.  Knot your tails together and clip.  I left the tails one inch long.  If you ever need to wash the hat, make sure you remove the pompom.

If you don't happen to have a fur laying around to use, you can use this same process with faux fur.

Ok... one more that I have on my list but haven't made yet... Corner Bookmarks.  I am not sure if I want to make them of fabric or if I will be using scrapbooking paper.

So many ideas!  So little time!

Keep Piecing,


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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Camping Journal Quilt ~ Sew & Tell - 12/16/2024

It's D.O.N.E!  The Camping Journal Quilt (top) is done.  As I shared on fb and instagram...

This quilt has been a labor of love for years and documents each and every camping adventure we have been on.

It tells the stories with one block for each night's stay at a location.  It includes small things and big things... when we saw a bear or deer or bighorn sheep or a tarantula...our transition from our truck camper to the 5th wheel camper... as well as the loss of an awning and our beloved Shelby.

I will be finishing it soon and look forward to more camping adventures... while sleeping under these memories.

Thank you, Fiona Sandwich, for the patterns and inspiration. 😘

Many of the signs give some
indication to the weather/season

The various encounters with wildlife
or fishing excursions are included

The transition from the truck camper to our 5th wheel is recorded

It tells stories of each campsite since we started in 2017 - 103 campsites, in all...
Surf & Sand, mountains, dinosaur tracks,
campfires and weddings
Now for the quilting!  Stay tuned... 
And a book! I NEED a book to document each of the stories.  I already have the stories recorded here on MLS and I recently read of a way to turn my blog to book.  I will be investigating further.

Have you ever done a blog-to-book?  

Leave a comment... I want to hear your thoughts!

A few weeks ago, as I was texting with my fashion designer friend, he thought he overused the exclamation mark.  

Perhaps I should too.  LOL! ;)

With the camping journal quilt top complete I thought I would turn my attention back to the furs.

I cut into the full-length mink.  last week and slowly (because it is all hand-stitched) got the edges turned, "finished" and stitched down.  It is so slow... It requires a larger needle and upholstery thread, and that mink hide is not easy to get through.  

I removed the pockets and tacked the openings closed.  The backing fabric is also hand stitched.  Another slow step since you are again attaching it to the hide of the mink.  My fingers get pretty sore (and weak) after several hours.  Steady as she goes, though!  The fabric from South Africa is perfect and I love that I included Angie's name and the labels as part of the back.  

I will be making a few more poms for hats this week and Vicki has asked for a tutorial.  You can count on a tutorial for these simple things coming soon. :)  I may include tutorials (or at least links to some tutorials that already exist for a few more quick and simple gifts...) Therapeutic Rice bags and Scrunchies.

I will now move on to our weekly feature... Sylvia at Treadle Stitches joined the party with two finishes using the "Happy Block", creating variations of an I Spy Quilt.  Follow the link above to learn of the similarities and the differences.

These are perfect for littles... from infant to toddler.  Well done Sylvia. :)  Welcome to Sew & Tell!

It is time to get this week's party started!  Tell me what you have been working on.

Keep Piecing,


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