
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2025 Planning Party


As the year draws to a close, I am looking forward to 2025 and enjoying the calendar of Pieces From the Past quilt blocks that I made.

I did a review of 2024 last week.  Take a quick peek HERE for that story.  You'll find my comparisons of the what the stats show as the "Top 5" versus what my "personal favorites" were.

As a quick review of the goals I had for 2024...

❧ Taking my Pieces from the Past and Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail programs on the road.  
❧ Continue with my custom quilting and t-shirt quilts... I will also continue leaving a trail of love from my quilted hearts.
❧ With my fingers crossed, I think I may be able to complete our Camping Journal Quilt. 
❧ Make certain that I am creating and finding joy in life even in the midst of the move for Mom.  

I am pleased to say that I did reach every goal listed.  

Looking forward many of the goals remain the same:

❧ Taking my Story Telling Quilts program on the road.  I have multiple quilts now that could be included.  
I was blessed to be able to present to a wonderful group of quilters in Greeley.  Would you be interested in having me visit your group?  Let me know, we can make plans!  I will have the new quilts hanging at the local library again in March to celebrate World Quilting Month.
❧ Continue with my custom quilting and t-shirt quilts... I will also continue leaving a trail of love from my quilted hearts.

❧ I'll continue my weekly Sew & Tell party, and I've signed up to be the hostess for three TGIFF linky parties.  In early December I saw that many participants of the Virtual Cookie Exchange party were disappointed that it was the last one as the hosts were ready to hand up their party hats.  I'm considering picking up that "baton" and running with it.  If I were to continue the tradition, who would be interested?  Leave me a comment... If there is ample interest, I'll make plans for it.
❧ With our Camping Journal Quilt complete, I am thinking of taking up a hexie project for some of my hand-stitching.  I've printed and cut 3" tall hexies.  These large hexies could easily become a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.  But I haven't settled on that yet.  TBD

❧ I need to compile all of the stories from our camping adventures into a book to accompany the Camping Journal quilt.  Which means I will be looking into a blog-to-book option.  While I am at it, I will gather all of the patterns and memory book pages from the Pieces of My Life quilt and get them in a published format as well.  
❧ Above all, I want to make certain that I am creating and finding joy in life through my quilting projects.

It seems like a pretty vague list... but I am okay with that.  

Like last year, I have no plans for another sew along.  Of course, we know how that turned out ;)  The idea for the Pieces of My Life quilt came along in February.  Will the same happen again???  I will simply wait and see.

Last year my focus Scripture was:

This life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: If we go through the hard times with him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with him!  ... the joyful anticipation deepens.

In looking back over all that happened, I feel that the year was more of a lesson of patience. A very long lesson of patience. ;) Patience and anticipation are similar... As the year went on and the lessons continued, I forgot the joyful aspect. We had some camping adventures... most with our little brown dog, Shelby which helped to make the adventures more exciting and joyful.  I mean an excited and friendly dog that loved to smell and explore and say "hello" to everyone she met certainly helped with the "childlike" joy.

I've been considering a focus word or Scripture for the coming year and Proverbs 3:5-6 has been showing up in numerous places... since October!  Just recently, verses 7 and 8 were included with it...   

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

Do I understand exactly what the Lord intends to do with this?  No.  But I would be foolish to think that I did!  

Happy New Year!


Linking with:



  1. I’ve heard of selecting a word to focus on for the year but never a scripture verse. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Wishing you many blessings in the new year!

  2. Lovely, thoughtful post Melva - have a happy 2025!

  3. Continuing to create and finding joy in it is a great goal for the new year! I'm with you on that. I would definitely join in if you were to host the Virtual Cookie Exchange. I have only participated in a few blog hops like that, but have found them fun! Happy New Year, Melva - thanks for all you do to inspire us!

  4. Great Bible verse to lean into. The Lord is always faithful. We need to trust Him more and ourselves less.

  5. May 2025 be full of more good in the balance, Melva. Thank you so much for linking up and I hope you have a lot of fun working toward your goals.

  6. Your quilts are always so beautiful and I hope you get to go out n' about with them in 2025! Happy New Year from all of us and thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Wonderful goals and attitude. Blessings in 2025.

  8. I have never had a verse for the year…interesting thought! I just read something on waiting this morning. We wait and wait, until we are finally just content to be with the Lord, and we understand that He alone knows what He’s doing. I purchased the “A Woman After God’s Own Heart” Bible and journal earlier this year when it was on sale, and though I don’t plan to try and read the entire Bible in a year, I want to do 2-4 readings and journal pages a week. So far it has been encouraging and challenging. Blessings to you in2025!

  9. Great job on the 2024 list!! and wow - your 2025 looks great. we loved having you take your Pieces of the Past on the road!! it was wonderful! I'd be interested in doing the cookie blog hop if you hosted - that sounds fun.
    Your verse - its a great one. Excited to see how it plays out for you this year - hugs!!!

  10. Congratulations on completing all your list for 2024, Melva! I love your scripture verses. It's always interesting to look back and see how far God has brought us! Happy New Year blessings for 2025! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  11. Hi Melva, it's great that you've accomplished your goals for 2024. Thanks for keeping the Sew & Tell linking party going and thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Happy New Year!
