Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pieces of My Life ~ Small Spool & Wrench


Welcome back to Pieces of My Life. We have two blocks featured this time...  Another spool (a small one this time - 6" finished) and a classic, the (monkey) wrench.

The memory book page for the spool takes us back to our childhood with questions like "Did you ever learn to knit or sew?" and "Who taught you?"

Well... obviously I know how to sew since I quilt.  I have shared snippets of this story before about how I learned as a young girl when I participated in 4-H.  I learned to knit (and crochet) as well.  You can see pictures of my projects from 1977 by clicking on the link above.

My Mom had the plan to sign me up for sewing and have one of the 4-H leaders teach me.  That leader called Mom and explained that she had several other girls she had to teach, and she had only one machine for them to use... She stated, "I need you to teach Melva since you already know how to sew."

I made a blue, gingham checked skirt for my main project.  I'm sure there were a few other practice projects, but at this moment, I can't recall what they were.  Probably an apron and a drawstring bag.  Somewhere in the deep "archives" I still have the project book and have pulled it out several times as a reference when teaching someone to sew.

I learned to knit from the Mom of a friend ~ Mrs. Piquette.  She was a brave soul to take on five or six giggling girls as she taught us how to cast on, knit and purl.  I am still in touch with several of the gals that were in that class, including Karen, daughter of Mrs. Piquette.  

Another question included is "did you have a special quilt or blanket?".  I have an embroidered nursery rhyme quilt that my Grandma Teegarden made.  I had it on my bed from the time that I can first remember until I was married.  Considering the fact that it is 55 years+ old, and used for nearly 20 years, it is in excellent condition.

My brother had a matching one with blue fabric, rather than pink as the sashing strips.  I don't know where it might be or if he still has it.

One last question that I'll include in this story... "What's the hardest thing you have ever done?" accompanies the Wrench block.

There have been many hard seasons and lessons throughout life.

One of the most difficult things was losing our first baby.  We had announced to our families at Thanksgiving in 1986 that we were expecting.  We had included this news in our Christmas cards that year as well.  Sadly, just days before Christmas, at about 13 weeks, I had some bleeding.  Shortly later, a D&C was required.  I shared in the Diamond Solitaire newsletter story about Dave buying me a diamond pendant necklace for us to remember that first child.  

These raw feelings were recently brought to the surface when we learned that one of our daughters was experiencing the same loss.

The other "hardest thing" was standing by his side and watching Dave as he left his job of 18-1/2 years.  It had become a large part of his identity.  At the same time, the death of my Dad as well as the loss my part-time income as a daycare provider.  It. Was. Alot!  That was 11-1/2 years ago.  It was a difficult time in a dark valley, but as is almost always the case, we grew.  We now place our identity in Christ, rather than in what we do, and we have a greater appreciation for where we are now as a successful self-employed couple.  From day one we placed God as the CEO of our business and give all glory for each success, job completed, and bill paid to Him. 

Our philosophy is this... "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord" ~ Colossians 3:23

We have said for years that God's math is a little like common core math.  It doesn't make sense to us.  We learned to trust that there is always enough.  Not only enough, but usually a little extra... and that the opposite of more is not less... it is enough.

It's time for you to grab the Small Spool and Wrench patterns in my payhip store.  I look forward to seeing your completed blocks when you come back to join the block parade.

These two blocks will complete Section III of the Quilt As You Go or asymmetrical layout.  You should use the same layout as Section I.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Fall is in the Air ~ Sew & Tell ~ September 16, 2024

Welcome to the first fall session of Sew & Tell!  Our maple trees are beautiful as they are beginning to turn red... The days are cooler, and the overnight temps continue to dip lower.  And, though we have not had a freeze or any frost yet, I know it is just around the corner.

After our return from a far too quiet camping trip, I added the border on the Baby's First Year, twin-sized, top.  I selected a primary color fabric for it...  then, I was waiting for a fabric order of backing fabric to arrive, so I played with the organization and selection of a few more Camping Journal blocks.  You can catch the whole story about why it was a quiet trip and the blocks HERE.  I have a renewed spark of interest in the project and have realized that I will soon be done with the top because the "Journal" will soon be full.  Woohoo!

I started a daily photo diary of the color changing show and as I did so I recalled a friend who had commented on my reel the last time I did one.  And it was a good thing that my mind wandered her direction!  I soon recalled a special request that she made last year for one dozen fall themed mug rugs!  

Her request was made so far in advance that I nearly forgot.  When she asked, I had thought that they could be good traveling projects (which is still true) but then we didn't do as much traveling this summer.  I kinda feel like my summer was hijacked or something. LOL. I digress...

I did about 1/2 of the sewing on the machine and then added a touch of (in some cases only) hand quilting to several as I binged a new season of Heartland.  Each one is unique!  The afternoon of slow stitching was soothing to my soul as I realized, once again, that everything was far too quiet. I know it will simply take time to adjust.

I will be found this week sandwiching, quilting and binding that twin-sized quilt.  That's one of my goals for the week anyway... I have a few days to consider the binding fabric since I am prepping for a show to a quilt guild ~ Story Telling Quilts.  Would your quilt guild or group be interested in having me give a program?  Reach out to me by leaving a comment or sending me an email.  I'd love to hear from you!

I will be sending out another newsletter this week with the next two sections of the Pieces of My Life memory book as well as the patterns for the quilt blocks that will represent them. Here's a sneak peek...

And now it is time for the featured Sew & Tell star from last week. Cheree at Lively Latte shared a delightful finish she called Pumpkin Wreaths.

She also shared her angst over the quilting design on her Flannel Fall quilt.  I feel her pain, as most of us quilters can really relate and "been there, done that".  You can read about it on her blog by following the link above.  Cheree, I hope that you have made a decision about your solution and that you are at peace with it.  Hugs!

Is fall in the air where you are?
What's your favorite part of fall?

For me I love that the days are moderate in temperature and there is no need for AC!  Windows and doors can stay open... I love the colors of autumn... The reds, yellows, oranges and browns. I love the smells that come with fall harvest... like apples & cinnamon, pumpkin spice everything and the sound of walking through the leaves on the ground.  And so much more.  Fall is my second favorite season. πŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ€Ž

Leave a comment!  I'd love to hear from you.

Keep Piecing,


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Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Rainbow Bridge

It's been a sad time for us lately.  When our plans with our friends were waylaid last week, we shifted gears and planned for camping.  We thought we might let Shelby enjoy one last camping trip with us... We were all excited about the prospect of the time away.

Saturday morning, the day we were leaving, was not good.  Shelby had been favoring her front right leg for months, but it was even worse that morning.  In addition to that, her left leg was tender as well as one of her back legs.  I witnessed her almost fall several times.  It was evident that she would require full assistance getting into the truck AND the camper. 

We knew it was time... we could not let her suffer any longer. 😭She crossed over the rainbow bridge and is now free to chase an endless supply of tennis balls and will never grow tired or sore.

RIP Shelby Grace.  Here are some thoughts I shared on facebook...

Shelby Grace.... you came into our lives 11-1/2 years ago when we were in the middle of a career change and so much loss and pain. You taught us patience, love and devotion.  You loved everyone (except Mr. Holder), and you were everyone's favorite meth lab...You made us laugh, you made us mad... (why do you always make me yell?)   You lived so much longer than we could have ever dreamed after first discovering a lump and learning a few months later that it was cancer (almost 2 years).  We cherished EVERY MOMENT.

And today we cried as we walked you across the rainbow bridge... where you are able to run and play freely and without pain.🀎

We packed up the camper between sobbing sessions and went away to one of our favorite campgrounds in the Sangre de Cristo National Forrest ~ Alvarado.

As we were getting settled into our campsite a small butterfly hovered nearby as we set up.  I mentioned it to Dave and commented that Shelby appeared and approved.  As we were having lunch, a grasshopper wildly flew through the site and Dave said, "THAT is more like Shelby!"  Hahaha.

We were able to go on longer hikes than we have had the opportunity for in over a year... and our legs are still sore, days later!  The hikes were much quieter but still as beautiful as ever.

We mourned our loss but found solace in God's creation.

The aspen leaves were already turning!

I did sew up one block for our Camping Journal quilt... An organ cactus. I am slowly getting caught up and nearly done with the section that will represent our spring trip to Arizona and New Mexico.  

I have selected the blocks that will represent this most recent camping trip... the first without our Shelby Grace.  It will be a hiking boot with some rainbow dog paw fabric as the background, a butterfly and a grove of aspen tree trunks.

I can't believe we are less than a month away from our fall trip!  I will work hard at getting the last two blocks for the spring trip completed so that I can get a better idea of where I am with completing the left border section.  Once it is filled in, I will be ready to begin the final two rows at the bottom of the quilt.  I need to know how much room I have to work with.  

In estimation, I have room for 23 single blocks before the "journal" is full.  Eeeeek!  

I had been getting a little bored with this quilt, but now that I realize I am so close to a finish I have a renewed interest.

With our fall trip around the corner we look forward to exploring some new roads and areas.  We'll be attending a family wedding and then travel Route 66 from Chicago to Albuquerque.

Have you made the Route 66 trip?
Are there any "must see" stops we need to know of?

Leave a comment... I'll take notes as I hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ Patriotic Finish

 Welcome back!  I have two finishes... sorta.

One is the Baby's First Year quilt that is ready for borders. That counts as a finish, right??? Of course it does!

Once I got it to this point, I set it aside to quilt a customer's Quilt of Valor quilt.  She sent it to me in hopes that it would be finished and ready to be returned to her via her son & his wife.  Our friends, Jamie & Jack, whom we frequently visit in Seymour, TX were to come visit us.  Sadly, their plans were hijacked by an emergency.  

Alas, I have it done and doesn't it look regal!

She requested flannel as a batting, making it light weight and soft.  The quilting is simple wavy line grid, allowing the quilt itself be the star, rather than the quilting.

Here are a few close ups...

The backing fabric was lacking some, so I did a quick inventory of my stash and found this blue checked gingham that was similar in color and weight of fabric... Like it was meant to be!  Pieced backings are done all. the. time. ;)

Since our friends aren't making it to Colorado, I'll be mailing this beauty back to my customer.

And since we had cleared our schedules for several days... guess what we did!

I'll skip the featured quilter/blogger this week.  Instead, I'll share a little about two stories that haven't had a lot of "coverage".  First is a finish that I featured as a recent TGIFF party host.  The party was held over the Labor Day Weekend and had a very low attendance.  This is the wedding quilt for our nephew and soon-to-be niece.  It is a Plus Quilt that I first called "My Heart Beats for You" because of the quilting design I chose for it.  It is to loosely represent the rhythm of a heartbeat like you would see on an EKG.  Maybe I could call it a Pulse Quilt.  LOL ;)  You can read more details, see more "glamor shots" and read all of my thoughts on this quilt here.

The second story of "interest" is block #16 of the Pieces of My Life Sew Along ~ Noon & Night.  This block could be called Day & Night because of the 4 contrasting colors and how their placement plays a key role in the final look of the block.  The topic of memories/questions focus on the transition required by both partners in a marriage (why do opposites attract?) and what sort of weekend/evening activities you enjoyed early in your marriage.  Find the full story and a link to the free pattern by following the link above.

Thanks for visiting MLS and for joining in on the fun of the Sew & Tell party.  Because of you, I earn a few pennies just by you visiting my blog.  Leave a comment to share your thoughts or to ask questions.  I love to hear from you!

Keep piecing,


Linking with:


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pieces of My Life ~ Noon & Night

Welcome back to the Pieces of My Life Sew Along... Block #16 is called Noon & Night.  We could also call it Day & Night.  It features lots of half-square triangles in four contrasting fabrics, that with color placement and fabric choices, can offer very different results. 

The old saying is that opposites attract.  Dave and I are so similar... yet so different.  The first question posed in the memory book for this block asks:

What were some adjustments you had to make since you were living together?

He grew up in a metropolis area (45 miles NW of Chicago).  I grew up on the plains of southern Colorado.  He can be loud and rowdy and when he walks into a room, he will generally make his presence known.  While I like to laugh and have a good time, my entrances to a room are much quieter.

We both prefer to have things around us calm, well-organized and tidy.  He was known (and given a hard time) in the dorm to have the cleanest room.  

I don't recall having any real difficult adjustments since we had both moved from living with our parents to living as a married couple.  We had discussed how we would divvy up the household chores.  Since there was no "yard work" that accompanied the apartment setting we had, he helped out with a few dinners each week on the days he was off. (He worked weekends and had 2 days mid-week as his weekend.)  Once I found a job, I worked the more typical M-F, 8 am to 5 pm.  He would help with house cleaning so that I wasn't responsible for all of it when I was off.

I do recall that I had a few complaints about the toilet seat being left up. hahaha... I also recall that he would take his socks off and leave them wadded up in a ball.  He would toss them into the laundry basket, but all wadded up.  We must have had a night at the gym, and I was doing laundry the next day... I had to unwad those socks and one was still sweaty and gross! DISGUSTING!  I only asked one time for him to please make sure that his socks were not in a ball.  After I explained why, he understood, agreed that it had to be pretty gross, and complied.

We agree that over the years we have simply grown up together.  And attribute that as the reason that our transition to living together was so smooth.  I see some couples nowadays that struggle with the transition of living alone to having a roommate or spouse.  (I do admit that I struggled with roommates in college.  ;) The rooms were very small, and the first roomie was from Japan and didn't speak English, and a smoker... the second wasn't bad, but an anorexic partier.  The third became a bridesmaid in our wedding.  Third time's the charm.)

As I mentioned, Dave worked weekends and had two days off mid-week.  The business he worked remained open until "dusk".  Which meant that during summer, two nights a week, he would not get off of work until nearly 9 p.m.  But it was made up for in the winter when he would be home before 5 p.m.

I spent a fair amount of my weekends and evenings hanging out in the retail store and his shop.  Evenings that Dave was home, we always enjoyed watching prime time television.  Some of our favorites were Family Ties, Magnum PI, Growing Pains, Full House and MacGyver. I think ER and LA Law were a few years later, post-children and after their bedtimes.  I could often be found on the couch working on a cross-stich project as we watched the shows.

Dave and I both still enjoy television in the evenings.  We have learned that if we don't have the mindless downtime, we don't sleep well.  So, we have returned to some of the same classic shows or even older shows from our childhood era.  Since we cut the cord to satellite tv and strictly stream (Frndly TV and Netflix) we have enjoyed MASH.  NCIS is another staple for our evening entertainment.  

When with friends, we do enjoy a good game of some sort... though we will not sit next to each other because we have had a few good arguments about the constant beating that one or the other can get in a game like UNO or other card games. ;)

That covers most of the questions with this section of the memory book that accompanies the quilt.  This Noon & Night pattern can be found in my payhip store.  Head over HERE now.

But before you go, tell me what your typical evening looks like.

I'd love to hear from you!  And don't forget to come back to link up your finished block.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ September 2, 2024

We have turned the pages of the calendar to yet another month!  Here we are in September... I call it the "yellow" season.   My Grandma Teegarden's favorite color was yellow, and she loved going for a drive in the fall to see the turning of the leaves.  She marveled at the amount of yellow... not just the aspen trees, but so many of the grasses, small bushes and flowers are yellow as well.  She would mention multiple times, "It's all yellow."  LOL  She may have believed that the season of autumn was meant just for her ;)

Bed head gets cut off =D

The past week has had a few distractions.  On Monday morning I had planned on starting the Baby's First Year quilt for my customer.  But I kept eyeing the dress pattern and fabric that I had pulled out of my stash.  It was a free pattern ` the Benning Dress ~ from Seamwork.  

It was a simple dress to make and IT HAS POCKETS!  With the exception of the hem, I had it finished in one day.  When I showed it to Dave he asked me, "You don't make clothes.  What happened to my wife who makes quilts?"  Hahaha.

I like the dress... though I wish I had extended the bodice.  An empire waist is not the most flattering for my body.  I added a bit of elastic to draw in the waistline so that it doesn't simply hang like a gunnysack on me.  I found that wearing a different bra made a BIG difference as well. (I'll NOT share one of those photos... it was really bad. ;) )

With the dress complete, I was ready, truly ready to tackle the box of baby clothes.  They were small!  The majority of them were newborn and 3 months.  There were a few (maybe 3?) that were 6-9 months.

This meant that I needed to re-think my plan and, in the end, redesign my block to accommodate smaller pieces.  I had decided that a "potato chip" block would work since all pieces for that block were 2" x 4" finished.  The problem was that there were items that required larger than that to get the full graphics on them.  

I redesigned my block to use a 4-1/2" block, and 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" and 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles.  I even managed to get a few 6-1/2" pieces from a few dresses and the larger pieces.

My customer has asked for a twin-sized quilt.  Here's what I have so far. I'll continue piecing blocks until I run out of clothing pieces... I may be supplementing some additional blocks from my stash and large borders will help to bring the top to the proper size.

The other distraction that arrived was this sweet gal!  A vintage Franklin sewing machine that was rescued from an old farm building that was being demolished.  I was touched that our friend thought of me!  She is dusty and dirty and has one cover plate missing, but I cannot wait to clean her up.  

Dave located some replacement parts on ebay and they are on the way to us. :)  I am enchanted with her fancy decor which is in excellent condition.  The bobbin is still mounted on the front of the machine... which is a small miracle!

She will reside on a cabinet in the hall just outside of my studio so I will get to pet her, love her and admire her every time I pass by.  I have dreams of being able to use her one day.  I want to look into having a hand crank added to the wheel so that she can travel with me. Maybe it is just a dream, but wouldn't that be cool?  When Dave and I reach the real age/stage of retirement, i.e., collecting social security, we want to travel the US for 3-4 months and take time to really explore different regions.

I'll get to last week's Sew & Tell feature really quick, but first...

What do you like to dream of?

Deb at A Scrappy Quilter shared not one, but TWO string quilts that are gorgeous!  One was a wedding gift and the second will remain in her Cozy Collection.  The backs of the quilts are what set them apart.  Want to see them???? Head over to her blog by clicking on the link at the beginning of this paragraph.

Let's get this party going!  

Keep Piecing,


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