Friday, June 5, 2015

Still Square Dancin'

I finally had an entire week at home!  Woohoo!  The first since before Mom's knee surgery... and OH! It felt SO good!

And with my time at home I was, naturally, in my sewing room.  This week I was able to finish the Frozen II quilt, deliver the Fireman's Patch quilt, fix two misplaced blocks in my second Addicted to Scraps quilt and play with a few Idaho Square Dance blocks to create a table runner.

The retired Fireman loved his quilt!  When we originally planned the project he talked about it being a gift to his son... when he proudly walked out of our house he was holding it closely and wasn't too sure about giving it away. Lol!

I was pleased with the final product of the Frozen II quilt.  You can read about that one here...  Frozen II  I am certain that some sweet grand-daughter is going to LOVE this one.

You will learn about the misplaced blocks sometime in August... I will sum it up in this "The queen-sized quilt was done and ready to be be photographed for Quiltmaker.  And then I saw it!  Two blocks that were turned the wrong way! And I couldn't leave them that way."  'Nuf said... you can read about it later when the quilt is revealed.

When I had started the Idaho Square Dance blocks I was intimidated by the number of  1-1/2" squares that were in the block.  So I played around with some larger blocks.  This is the result...

Using 6-1/2" center squares, 2-1/2" squares and 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles I quickly had three 14" squares and a table runner ready for quilting...  After completing one block and giving the project some consideration I chose to not alter the pattern... but this was a fun, quick project!

My time in the studio for the week is done, but you can bet I will back in there soon... next on the cutting table is denim for file holders for the summer NRA Gunsmithing students. Hey, this girl doesn't just quilt... I am a multi-faceted sewologist!

Happy sewing!

Follow along with fellow quilters at Quilter Blogs

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