Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mid-week Update

I think... I may actually be caught up on my rest and housework.  The past 3-4 weeks have had me so out of routine.  So much so, that I was a day early for an appointment that I had last week.  Thankfully, the chiropractor happily worked me into his schedule.  He is such a thoughtful guy... he kept apologizing for the wait that I had.  I reminded him that I was the one that had the wrong day.  The funny thing was that I actually had it on my calendar correctly... I just didn't know what day of the week it was!  LOL

As I shared in the Sew & Tell party on Sunday/Monday... we had just returned from a long weekend of our "Family Camp".  As promised, here are some pictures that summarize the variety of activities we had... a baseball game, archery, roasting marshmallows and making s'mores, puzzling, an "at home" escape room" where we solved several cold case mysteries that took place in Chicago... painting, crocheting, embroidery and quilting, hiking, hand pies and doughboys... water play, whittling lessons, naps, reverse dying, tie dying, ice dying and driving lessons...

Sunset baseball

Who wants a S'more???


Whittling Instruction

Waking up with a puzzle

Driving Lesson!

Mystery Solved!
And Chicago style food enjoyed all day.

Korean Checkers

Water Play!

Hiking Buddies

What a view!

Shelby sought a little shade and rest

Reverse Dying

More water play... 

Another fun Family Camp enjoyed by 4 generations. <3

This is just a small sampling of our time together... I tried 3 times to create a short video... all which were too large to upload. :\  I finally gave up when there was a lightning strike nearby and opted to turn off all of the electronics. I know you will trust me to believe that the long list of items I listed really did take place ;)

I returned to my studio on Monday and was longing to get back to creating... however, neither of the two projects I have in progress were not something my mind was ready to tackle.  So, I did what everyone that procrastinates does... I started a new project!

A few years ago, I gifted my Mom a Flower Letters Story - Audrey Rose.  It is a story told through a series of letters.  It took place at the time of WWII.  Audrey met and fell in love with a soldier and eventually married.  They talked of building a house when he returned home and how they wanted a stained-glass transom window at their front door.  

Included with the letter was a coloring page to recreate the stained-glass window.  I chose to recreate the window in a quilt.  It is a bit "rustic" and I still need to stitch the fused applique pieces down.  But not now...  

My creativity began flowing as my mind cleared and I am ready to tackle the tumbling block quilt for a customer.  

It is a little wonky because of bias edges, inconsistent seam allowances not to mention the inconsistent sizes of the pieces... It will be a challenge for sure, but I am ready to make it all it can be. :)

If you would like to join this week's Sew & Tell party, you can find it here.

Do you have family weekends or vacations?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear what you do when you get together.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:



  1. Welcome home! We used to go with family...and there were times we had 4 generations - My grandmother, my mother, me and my son....not mention others. It has been awhile, but they were all such fabulous times.

  2. Your family trip looks like a happy, memory-making time in such a beautiful environment! You did a great job piecing the stained glass effect block.

  3. How wonderful! Family time is the best time! It looks like a lot of warm memories were made.

  4. Sounds like an awesome camping trip with family and great memories! I love hearing about your family trips - so special. I like what you are doing with that stained glass window quilt. The tumbling block quilt will be gorgeous. I'm sure you'll whip it right into shape, Melva! Love the fabrics. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  5. What a lovely family outing! So many great activities. Looks like you all had fun. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
