Friday, August 18, 2023

Those Magical Little Words

We all have a few words that are magical and meaningful to us... For some it might be "I love you".  For others it might be "You don't need to do it alone... Let me help you."  

Maybe you have seen this one...

I am blessed to have Dave... he will often gather the dishes up and rinse them as I am putting the remainder of dinner away.  Unless the dishwasher is empty, or nearly so, he leaves the loading of dishes to me.  Remember... Teamwork makes the dream work."

I looked all over the web for the meme that says... "Go ahead and buy the fabric."  The one I envision in my mind has Matthew McConaughey in it... I do enjoy when Dave encourages me to purchase something a little beyond the "need"... like an extra bottle of wine from a winery we may have visited, or a special tool or ruler that would simply make life quilting easier...

It took a few days after our recent trip to Red River to get back into a "work" schedule. But we have both been busy and diligent with our work.  I have finished T-shirt quilt #3/3.  

Labels will soon be sewn into place and then they are ready for the permanent homes.

This quilt had fewer shirts to be included, so I made room for the smaller blocks as a header for the quilt.

Dave has been waking early, early and unable to get back to sleep.  He finally spoke the words that made me smile from ear to ear... "We need to go camping."  I cautiously refrained from asking "when???" too quickly.  

Fingers crossed that it will happen next week!  He is in the middle of a big project and wants to reach a certain point in it before he switches gears... he is close!

It is a little like us quilters reaching milestones such as, all blocks pieced, blocks joined together, borders on, sandwiched, quilted and binding done... and don't forget the label!

A feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction arises with each step.

With the finish of my customer's quilts, my design wall is empty and cutting table is cleared.  

I was inspired when we visited the Wild Rivers Convergence near Red River when I saw information about The Old Spanish Trail.  It is the trail that travels from Santa Fe to California.  Actually, there are four different routes of the Spanish Trail.  It should be interesting...

Two books have been requested via inter-library loan, and on their way.  I have the diary of Susan Magoffin, a traveler of the Santa Fe Trail.  I knew, since my childhood, only that she and her husband had stopped off at Bent's Fort in La Junta on their way to Santa Fe.  From Santa Fe they journeyed south to Mexico.  

I also have Cathy Williams, the story of the only female Buffalo Soldier.  Her life is quite interesting and is being considered for a block of the month event... as are all of the others.  

The other finish for the week is mini-quilt challenge, #33/52... a little flower garden inspired by my sister-in-law's garden bouquet..

That's it for me. But, before you go...

What are some special little words you love to hear?

Leave a comment... You know I love when you visit.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:



  1. First words that come to mind..."Dinner time." My husband has been making dinner and doing the dishes for 49 years. It never gets old. I've been the family CEO and CFO for the same amount of time. :) It works for us. That mini quilt is adorable. Great finish.

    1. Those are some special words. :) Dave and I have had the agreement that I handle the inside, he does the outside. :) Of course, we help each other along the way... Teamwork makes the dream work! ;)

  2. Since our daughter moved away, my hubby does the dishes at night. I put the food away and he rinses and loads the dishwasher. To me that is one way of saying "I love you."

    1. It is, indeed, an expression of love. Thanks for the visit. :)

  3. Years ago, we played that game at a family gathering. "What three words would you most like to hear from your spouse?" My husband's aunt brought down the house with "You are right".

    1. That is hilarious! But don't we all want to hear that at times? ;)

  4. Great finishes. I love your little flower garden :)

  5. Love the little mini flower garden. Hopefully you'll get to go camping soon and can find a nice cool spot! I was just getting ready to type "You are right" and see that I am aligned with Anonymous above! We often make the other repeat those words when they are said - lol! I think they are important to say, because I know some people who won't say those words, and it just causes so much friction. Sometimes they are hard to say, but in our experience they almost always are healing words.

    1. Thank you, Linda, for the visit. There really is healing in admitting that you were wrong.

  6. I love the Tshirt quilt. I enjoy how many variations and layouts can be made. Ther is an incredible children’s book about the Santa Fe Trail by Holling C. Holling-Tree in the Trail. Look for it at the library. It is had incredible illustrations and you will end up wanting to read all his books. You will love it.

    1. Thanks for the book suggestion. I'll take a look. :)

  7. It is so wonderful that your dear hubby gives you a helping hand on the chores and I am sure that makes it easier to get to quilting time. Don't you just love those words- "Let's go camping" . We are heading out for a few days ourselves. Have a great week. Oh and wow on the tshirt quilt. You finished it in no time.

  8. I love your mini quilt, so bright and cheerful. Juste like the real garden bouquet!
    I'm like Gwyned, same situation at home ;)) My sweetie does meals, house cleaning, pretty everything except laundry. I prefer not to... :D
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up!

  9. "Let's go on retreat" is a great phrase to me. Right next to "Would you like some chocolate?" Hahaha! Sweet flowers!
