Welcome back to Melva Loves Scraps and the Pieces of My Life Sew along. 💙💜
With these blocks ~ a single star and My Heart ~ we transition from our childhood and teen years to the awkward yet exciting time of being a young adult. Prompts in the Memory Book pages include questions about memories of cancelled school days because of a snowstorm and winter activities to the time that you ventured into the world as an adult...
I recall the excitement of turning 18, graduating high school and dipping my toes into the "adult" world of no parent to answer to at college. It was freeing yet terrifying all at the same time.
I only worked a portion of the summer, earning money to pay for college. I think I had planned to have the entire month of August "off". During that month, I had plenty of time to hang out with friends and even made a week+ trip to Tucson with one of my besties to stay with my Grandparents. Karen and I drove Grandma & Grandpa home. They had wrapped up a big trip of theirs... we were not aware of it but, Grandpa was not well. But Karen and I thought it was really cool of them to let us do all of the driving. It was a little like having our own little road trip!
Karen and I generally got along really well... except when we had to share a bed. After sharing a bed for two nights in Tucson, Grandma & Grandpa gave up their bed (they slept in the camper in the driveway) so that I could get some sleep and Karen and I could be besties again. We walked all over town. We wandered around the University of Arizona Campus and enjoyed our time together. When it was time to go home, we met my parents at the Grand Canyon.
Sidenote:: I think this was the time and location that Grandma said something about me someday writing my memoirs. She must have known!
It was time for Karen to return back to the HS for her senior year and I prepared to go to Trinidad State.
I remember I was excited to begin my classes. Move in day was on a Wednesday or Thursday and Registration on Friday. But I was freaking out because I had to write a check for said classes. I knew that didn't have enough money in my checking account to cover the cost ($1,050 plus some odd change - Yes, I still have all of the paperwork from registration with classes & cost!) and I didn't know where I was going to find enough to cover it. Mom assured me that she would put money in the account to cover it. Thanks MOM! I did get a work-study job using my secretarial skills that I was learning in my classes for the Basketball Coach. I was able to reduce the cost of college by getting all of my books through the athletic department. The job helped me to have enough for the gas expense of going home some most weekends. I also had a dorm scholarship to help cover the cost of room & board.
I met Dave on one of the first days on campus and the first weekend on campus was filled with activities. I attended the Freshman mixer on Saturday night with a group of girls from the dorm. Dave was also in attendance with a twinkling star look in his eyes. He was a good dancer and even won a dance contest with another girl. He strutted back and forth in front of the table we were sitting at. The other girls were encouraging me to ask him to dance... I was a big ol' chicken and needed some courage to do so. That courage came in the form of beer that was provided at the dance.
After consuming the proper amount of liquid courage, I did ask him. He said yes. I thanked him for the dance with a kiss as we left the dance floor. I was the one he left the dance with. After the dance we went to some apartment in town where the party continued. We were pretty much a couple from then on... even though I had a little business to take care of back at home... like break up with a guy that told me to go enjoy "the full college experience". I found out from Karen shortly after my leaving town that he was see on a date with someone else. We parted ways without much fanfare.
A few pictures from our college years photo album |
After being together for just a week or so, Dave told me that he would marry me. I did not believe him. In fact, my response was "You're crazy!"
I guess he knew what he was talking about. (Just like Grandma knew, too) LOL. By November we had talked about getting married when he was done with the gunsmithing program. Shortly after, he talked to my Dad about wanting to marry me and for Christmas he gave me a promise ring.
Bit by bit and piece by piece, Dave captured my attention, my heart and my devotion. I'm glad he knew... and that he was patient enough to not give up on me.
I have "revamped" my email list for the memory pages to include ONLY those that have downloaded any portion of the book. My list went from nearly 500 down to less than 100. If you have not received a newsletter with the "private" link to the pages for this section, but would like to, please let me know by sending an email at MelvaLovesScraps@NolanQualityCustoms.com. I have made the previous pages available for purchase for a small fee.
I have spent a great deal of time working on this sew along as I have written patterns, tested them and created two quilt layouts... not to mention the pages and memories and stories that I have shared and will continue to share (pages available at no cost if you subscribe to my newsletter)... and am happy to have you join me. If you have a deeply appreciative heart and would like to leave me a "tip" or buy me a "ko-fi", I have I have added in a button below and in the side margins (of the full web page) so that you can do so.
I have offered all of my sew alongs at no cost to you. They truly are a labor of love and I get great joy out of creating them. I find great joy in seeing your creations also. Sooo...
It's now time to for you to get your patterns in my payhip store. Don't forget to come back to bring me some JOY as you share your blocks in the parade of blocks.
But before you go, tell me...
Do you believe in "love at first sight"?
Keep Piecing,
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