
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ Grandparent's Day Camp Plans

Welcome!  I am thrilled to have you stop by for Sew & Tell.  The place where you can share your latest creative projects and find inspiration for new projects.

The past week had a relaxed pace for me as I completed the Plus Quilt flimsy.  When I shared on Friday, I was well motivated and ambitious and actually thought I might be able to not only get the quilting done, but the binding as well. 

I plan to do a sort of quilting design that would resemble a healthy heartbeat, with a heart in the middle of each "rhythm".  
The name of this quilt will be "My Heart Beats For You."  I need to practice this design on my FMQ jig before I start quilting.  
The "lazies" snuck up on me on Saturday morning and I had no desire to do quilting.  I piddled around with several things... like looking at the furs that we acquired a few months ago.  I purchased some stocking caps on clearance and want to make fur pompoms for them.  But now I can't decide on which one to cut into to begin the repurposing step.  There is one that I would actually wear for a fancy event... The other mink stole could be transformed into a vest but there wouldn't be large enough fur pieces to make a pompom.  The full-length fur will become a large throw but I'm not ready to cut into that one... Such problems! 

So, instead of quilting I gathered some things together for our afternoon "day camp" projects with the girls.  I put together some small embroidery/sewing boxes with pencil boxes (that were mysteriously sent to us last year).  I have included a small embroidery hoop, a few needles, a thimble, pincushion and a notepad.  I will add in some scissors and a pencil and let the girls pick through the embroidery floss from the tin that was my Grandma's embroidery/crewel tin.  (One of the items that followed me home from a down-sizing session at Mom's.)

I will make up a small "corner design" for a dishtowel for them to learn on.  I plan to include running stitches, cross-stitch and a few lazy-daisies and French knots in the design.  Depending on how well they do with that, and if they have a continued interest, we can do another corner or another item like a pillowcase or apron.

The first thing we will do on Monday afternoon is to make a visit to the library to allow them each to choose a book to read.  I need to pick up a second copy of The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe for us to take turns as we read aloud.  I have the book on CD as well and will pass the nearly 90-minute drive listening to the book as we drive to Emma's softball game on Tuesday evening.  They can follow along in their books.  Thursday evening will be the last night they will be staying with us, so I have a "movie night" planned to watch the movie.

We hope to spend one afternoon splashing, romping and playing on the shore of Trinidad Lake. Finally, if needed, we will give some tie-dying a try... with a twist by using natural dye made with avocado skins, red cabbage, beets and yellow onion skins.  (Maybe... after reading the process of creating the dyes, it may be easier to buy some Rit Dye and call it good. LOL!)

That's it... there's our "organized" Day-Camp activities.  I think that is enough to keep them busy occupied a good portion of time.  I don't want to over-organize and over-plan their time with us.  Besides... we have plenty of other "stuff" they enjoy playing with when they visit... like the Barbies, Big Girl Dolls, board games and card games, as well as outside stuff too.

Ok, I'll be honest... I don't want to overload ME with the responsibility of coordinating more activities and I feel this is just the right amount. 

Time for the Sew & Tell feature.  This week it is Allison at A Messy House is A Sign of a Happy Quilter. I think this is her first time sharing in Sew & Tell and this is just one of the lovely Moda Blockhead blocks she has. Be sure to visit to see what else she has on display for all of us... and be sure to tell her that I sent you ;)

That's all I have for you this week. :)  Let the party begin!

But before you go... tell me if you ever went to visit your grandparents for a week or more.  What sort of activities did you get to do?

I had this opportunity several times.  The first time I was about 12 years old, and I was so homesick for Mom & Dad.  After a few days I got to talk to them on the phone and then I was good.  Back to my happy, normal self. 

Keep Piecing,


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  1. I never stayed overnight at my grandparent's homes--they lived practically next door to each other and about 12 minutes drive from our home! It sounds like you have enough activities planned to keep everyone creative and enjoying, Melva!

  2. We lived several hours from my grandparents and we were farmers so we didn't spend more than an overnight there. Hope you have a great week with your grands and don't get to tired out!

  3. How old are your girls? My Littles want to sew a quilt when they come in July, so that will be part of the plan. Last time we had many activities for them - I was exhausted but pleased, and they seemed to be quite excited about it. We can do the sewing machine with close supervision, but I don't think they can handle a needle and thread at 8 and 5 - but maybe I should try it? I was sad to learn that our daughter does not take them to the public library. Haven't yet figured out a way to bring that up with her.
    I never visited either grandma by myself. My grandpas were gone before I was born, and my paternal grandma died when I was 8. In "the olden days", we were not entertained or kept busy with planned activities like we do our grandkids. We entertained ourselves by playing outside or reading inside.

    1. Almost 10 and 8. They made pillowcases and skirts last year. Last year the older one learned how to do a buttonhole stitch to repair a pillow that had a hole in it. She did well. I’m not sure that the younger one will have much interest in the embroidery, but we will give it a go.

      I raised our daughters on the public library and Storytime activities. They are both avid readers, though Momma doesn’t have much time to enjoy reading to herself anymore with 4 children. I think she would utilize the PL more if she weren’t working full-time.

      My grandparents always made plans to take us to one of the pools on the UofA campus one day and we would have some sort of “outing” to a museum, Old Tucson or the zoo. Grandpa helped my brother learn about photography and developing photos. Grandma always had a craft of some sort ready for me to enjoy. But we spent a fair amount of time “entertaining ourself” too.

  4. I really like your quilting idea for your plus quilt.
    I stayed with my Grandma a lot and that is how I learned to sew... she started me when I was about 5 making craty things and learned her treadle machine. she also spoiled us and let us have rootbeer floats while watching tv!! ( even in the TV room, not at the dining room table ha!)

  5. That sounds like a fun week of planned and unplanned activities! The key is probably like with teaching - have more planned than will probably be necessary, lol! My grandparents all lived in Iowa, where my parents grew up, so we drove there for two weeks every summer - one week with Dad's parents, one week with Mom's. I don't remember there being a lot of planned activities for us kids - we figured out how to entertain ourselves!

  6. My grandmothers died in 1947 and 1952. We went to visit the Pennsylvania grandfather (and other relatives) in 1955 and the California grandfather (and other relatives ) in 1957. They died in 1956 and 1958 respectively.

  7. What awesome activities you put together! The grands that I have overnight are boys....very occasionally a girl. She would love for me to sit and make things with her.

  8. Oh those summer days. When a child, I spent a week each at Momma's and each of the 2 aunts. That means my Mother had 3 weeks off! Since the cousins were there, we didn't need entertaining. We played outside all day. Momma was in the country and one of the aunt's was in a small town with a city pool we went to every day. It was a treat for this country girl to spend time in a neighborhood of so many kids.
    Then when my 2 grand daughters were growing up, they spent a week with me. We always had an 8 course meal I made up with mostly stuff in my fridge and cabinet and included apple sprite (champagne) and a monster size menu I made. They made mud pies and everyday had a dress up from the silky lingerie we found at Goodwill that became "evening gowns" for them. We also took a trip to Dollar Tree, when it was still a dollar, with 5 bucks to spend anyway they liked. Watching their thought process was interesting. I really miss those days.
    You put together some fun projects.

  9. Hi Melva, I used to spend a week at my grandmother's trailer. My grandfather worked nights, so we had to be pretty quiet. We had walks and picked blue berries. I even went to bingo with her one time :-)

  10. How great to have fun stitching with the grands. Mine has enjoyed learning cross stitch when I can keep her still long enough! LOL She has her first job now helping in a friend's restaurant. She gets her first check Monday and I have a feeling there will be no keeping her still between money and learning to drive! LOL Have a great weekend. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  11. Lovely top! Your quilting plan sounds wonderful. Love that practice jig your husband made up. Sure looks like it takes the fear out of trying a new FMQ design. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
