
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ Day Camp & VBS Done

We survived!  Haha... Actually, the big girls are easy to have around.  They help out when asked without complaint and for the most part have figured out how to get along and know that we don't tolerate their fighting.  

There were popsicle breaks in the afternoons, bedtime stories, and games following dinner.  

Emma enjoyed the embroidery more than Maggie.  Emma finished her towel within a few days and loved the French knots.  

Grandpa got in on the action and helped Emma make the petals on the flower. 

The French knots were a challenge for Maggie, and she didn't like them, but she loved the running stitches and the cross-stitches.  We'll finish her towel in July at our "family camp weekend."

Both girls asked to do some sewing on the machine.  I gave them a choice of pillowcases or a drawstring bag.  Both chose the bag as their project.  They made their selections of fabric, and I made one for baby sister, Hanna... because... well, she can't be left out. ;)

There was fun in the sun at a splash park and at Trinidad Lake, as well as movie time.  Emma had selected the book The Secret Garden at the library.  She didn't get far, but they watched the 2017 version of the movie.  It was very different from the movie I watched when our daughters were young.

Playing at Trinidad Lake with a neighbor boy

We read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at bedtime.  We didn't finish it, but we still enjoyed the movie on Thursday night after a dinner of lasagna and sparkling cider to celebrate the end of the week.

We had a great time with them... and they enjoyed their time here as well.  They stated several times that they wished VBS went all summer and are talking about coming again, not just next year but several years ahead, when Emma would be old enough to be one of the volunteer helpers. 

We love our time with the grands!  But we were wiped out!!! We reminded ourselves several times... this is why we had kids when we were young. ;)

I made very little progress on the Plus Quilt... and this week I will be busy helping with the final details of Mom's move.  It will be happening by the week's end.  After the move is done... we will go camping.  Hmmmm... It may be a few weeks before I get back to it.  Good thing it isn't needed until October!  This is quite the contrast to the 10-year anniversary quilt that I whipped out a couple weeks ago.  😮  Summer activities seem to push quilting to the back burner for many... I see so many talking of gardening, travel, activities with children or grand-children, and many more.

Is this something that happens to you as well?  
What sort of activities/distractions cause your quilting to stall?

Let's take a look at this week's randomly selected Sew & Tell Feature... Congratulations to Gretchen at Gretchen's Little Corner where you can join the celebration of her finishing her Hearts & Wreaths Quilt.

Hearts & Wreaths was put into the quilting frame January 5, 2024 and removed from the frame May 31. I spent last week binding the quilt. I was very enthused about this quilt so the quilting went quickly, 5 months for a short stitched quilt is fast!

Let's get the new party started... What have you been working on?

Keep Piecing,


PS... Every once in a while, you need to do some "housekeeping" and that is one of the things I have been doing in conjunction with my husband's website. I've added a new tab at the top of my blog so that you can easily find all of the links to the stories of the Pieces of My Life Sew Along. :)  Do you have other suggestions?  I welcome constructive and gentle critiques.

Linking with:



  1. Thank you for highlighting my quilt, Hearts & Wreaths was a joy to make! How wonderful you spent time withyour granddaughters. They'll remember sewing with you forever!

  2. Your time with the Grands sounds wonderful, and I love the projects you had for them. We have The Littles coming in July, and I need to plan out activities - they loved being busy last time, and they both love to "sew". Like you, we have let them know we don't tolerate certain attitudes. Our daughter just doesn't understand why they don't "act out" when they are here. ;) I just checked out the new "Pieces" page - thank you!

  3. I wondered how your time with the grands went! How fun that they talk about coming back:) Looks like a great sewing week here with rain in the forecast a lot!

  4. Sounds like a busy and fun week! I love seeing the girls' embroidery and the drawstring bags you made. The tab for Pieces of My Life will be really helpful! I do find myself going back and looking for information from your past posts about it once in awhile. I just finished up the most recent blocks yesterday!

  5. What a wonderful time with the kiddos. I can imagine they are wearing...but so rewarding. I think I will be too old by the time there are any...but maybe seems to happen faster when they marry in their 30s.

  6. yea teaching kids to sew!
    I get stalled by workshops on painting... like the one this week, I want to do it all!

  7. Hi Melva, I'm so glad that your week went well with the grandchildren. These weeks with them will given them special memories of their summer and you! I'm not doing much this summer, so if it cools down I'll be playing in the garden, otherwise, I'm inside stitching away :-)

  8. This week it's foot surgery that has taken my time. I have been able to sit for a bit and sew, but no quilts on the frame for at least 2 weeks. Love your sewing camp!!

  9. Lovely family time! Sweet girls, their embroideries are beautiful. My sewing time is eaten by work, and at the end of the day I'm just too tired to sew :/

  10. The only time I'm not distracted from any type of sewing is when I get to go to a retreat where it's dedicated sewing time!

  11. It looks like you had such fun with the grands! What a wonderful summer week they will remember forever. Their embroidered towels are so pretty! Love those little drawstring bags. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  12. The girls did a great job, Melva! Making good memories with them! Love the embroidery and the drawstring bags.
