
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ July 1, 2024

Ready? Set. SELL!

What I did last week... And what I will be doing this week...

The Living Estate (Senior Downsizing) Sale is taking place Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

There was only one morning that I made took time to finally touch and fondle any fabric... at this point in time, I don't even remember which day it was.  My Mom had a quilt that needed the binding replaced.  Out with the old and in with the new.  

We can't have something worn and tattered in the new place!
She has settled in quickly and seems to be very happy with the place.  Does she miss her big house?  Yes, but no.  

I stopped by unannounced one afternoon to drop off her fine china and silver to be placed in "deep storage" (the upper cabinets that she cannot reach anyway).  She was willing to part ways with it, but the girls thought it would be nice to someday be able to pass it on to one of her great-grandchildren (she has four and between my 2 daughters and I and this one from Mom, we have a set of china for each great-grand).  Of course, neither of the daughters offered to store it.  

I digress... back to the story... I stopped by unannounced, and she was not in her apartment.  I took care of my task and then went in search of her.  She was visiting her friend on the lower level!  I love that she has a wonderful community of neighbors.  They watch out for each other, and several stopped by to say welcome and to see if she needed any assistance with anything.  Phone numbers have even been exchanged.  I firmly believe that this move has been a very good thing... all orchestrated by God when we began the conversation of "what next" last September.

As Mom stood looking at all of the "stuff" she could not take she was saddened but understands and agrees that she could not stay in the house.  It was too difficult to maintain the yard and it was becoming increasingly more difficult to stay up with the cleaning and small repairs of the inside.  She really does like her new place.  

She watched Dave and I closely as we worked to replace the mailbox that they had.  

This old pump became a mailbox holder many years ago. Exactly when is unknown, but I suppose there is a possibility that this was the box that received some of the letters that the former POWs sent... It was around when she and Dad dated.  There were a few letters delivered to that location in 1949!  I love the idea that the letters that inspired my first sew along were placed in that box!

This photo shows that it is now proudly in place in one of our flower gardens.  Dave has talked of creating a water feature with it.  He also wants to make some sort of birdhouse insert so that it can be insulated and used so as to not bake the little birds.  

Time for this week's feature... Viridian shared the finish of her Silk Path Quilt made of used blue and white reproduction fabrics and finished at 60"x85".  The pattern is from Bonnie Hunter.   Jump over to her post to see a photo of the full quilt and show her some love.

That's all I have for this week...

Have a blessed and safe time as we celebrate America's Independence Day this week! 🎆

Keep Piecing,


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  1. It sounds like you are staying busy with the sale. I am so glad to hear that your mom is settling in to her new home.

  2. I love reading about your Mom and am so happy that she is happy. I dread that kind of thing, but hopefully Hubs and I won't have to face it - optimistic (unrealistic) thinking ;) I'm so glad Dave repurposed that cute pump mailbox, what a treasure! I had to laugh at "neither of the daughters offered to store it" - of course not - lol! We are still storing things for our almost 50 yo daughter - can you see my eyeroll? Viridian's Silk Path is so beautiful I had to go visit her blog. I'm not a huge BH fan, but that quilt is inspirational, especially in blues!

  3. So nice that your mom is already making new friends, that can go a long way in her settling in in the new place. I hope the sale goes fantastic.

  4. It's definitely hard to know what to do with all the stuff when downsizing our elderly moms. We've done that in the last few years with my mom also. So glad your mom is doing well in her new place! Good luck with the sale, and may you have a little sewing time this week!

  5. Melva it’s good to read you are there for your Mom but it sounds like she will be able to be more independent and busy in her new home with many close neighbours and new friends. It sounds like a very hospitable community. It was fun seeing the mailbox and reading of Dave’s plans for it. You have been so busy with the move and now getting ready for the sale it is good that you took some time to fondle fabric. Hope it recharged your batteries. Can I say I’m glad I’m not closer to you all. The sale photos look like I would be hard pressed to not acquire treasures there! 😉

  6. I love estate sales....Looks like you've got some good items there.

  7. So happy to hear how well your mom has settled in! She'll enjoy having friends around I'm sure. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. So glad to hear your mom is settling into her new place and that you have a wonderful new/old mailbox in your garden! The quilt is awesome. Love the new binding you added in place of the old! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Have a great week!
