
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Turning To-Do In To Done

Last week was rough!  It seemed as though I faced a new challenge each day, though none of the obstacles were quilting related.  You know, just life stuff.  Issues with a major credit card company, technology issues that affected the latest release of the Pieces From The Past Pattern - Russian Sunflower, an update that were required on the church computer before being able to create the Sunday worship slides, and notifications that recent medical bills are not "covered" by our "non-insurance" provider.

Even with all that happened, I was still productive in the studio.  Woohoo!  The silver lining of the cloud, right?

Let's review what I hoped to complete...

❧  Clean and oil machines ✔  Boy, were they full of lint!

❧  Pull fabric for pattern test quilt

The stripe-y tie-dye fabric was the inspiration for the pull.  it is a flannel that my sweet SIL sent to me and will be used for the backing.

❧  Start piecing test quilt

Dave had a men's event he was attending so that meant that I had time for sewing, with no other cares in the world. 

I invited a friend over for Friday evening and we chatted as she watched me sew.  She is relatively new to quilting so she had plenty of questions and I was more than happy to answer them. 

❧  Piece and machine embroider sign blocks for my Postcard Camping Journal

You can see that I still need to clip threads and I have a few extra ready to go.  

One will be used for an upcoming camping weekend with our two daughters and all three grand-kids.  We are super excited about the time together.  We have a special "art project" that I'll share when it is done.

This brings me to plans for the next week...

❧I have blocks selected for the various sites (one block per night that we stay) and I will be prepping "kits" for hand-sewing opportunities.  If things go well, I will have ten kits to grab and go.

❧I need to finish the pattern test quilt finished and get a photo shoot done before September.

And since I have had two weeks of unplanned interruptions... I'll call my list good. 

Have you seen the social media challenge for quilters?  

Ten days, share 10 quilts that you have made.  You can offer a description... or not.  You can nominate another quilter to take up the challenge... or not.  The "rules" are pretty loose in my mind.  So, if you want to take up the challenge, consider yourself nominated!

I was nominated personally, but have been sharing my quilts on the Melva Loves Scraps facebook page.  When the fb challenge is over I will probably move over to instagram... 

Piece Happy!


Melva Loves Scraps - Home of the Pieces From The Past Sew Along
that features vintage Kansas City Star quilt blocks!

Linking with:

To Do Tuesday at Home Sewn By Us
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter
Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese
Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation
Creative Compulsions at Bijou Bead Boutique
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Off The Wall Friday with Nina Marie
Brag About Your Beauties at From Bolt to Beauty
Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More
Friday Foto Fun at Powered by Quilting
Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts


  1. Hi Melva! It sounds like you had a great week in spite of some challenges of the non-quilting sort. Your test quilt looks so pretty and the fabrics you've chosen match so well with the inspiration fabric. I always feel so productive when I clean my machine and get all the lint out. It amazes me at how much collect over a short time. Thanks so much for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. What a great idea, starting with the quilt backing and selecting quilt top colors to coordinate with it! That must be so much easier than the way I do it, putting the whole top together, dragging it down to the LQS, and then discovering backing fabrics that would be perfect if only I'd used a slightly different shade or blue or green!

  3. It looks like with all the mishaps you finished your list, congrats. Good luck on your new list and thank you for linking up to Put your foot down. Sure I'll see you Saturday.

  4. Sorry about your week but it seems it was saved by quilting! How wonderful to share your craft with a friend. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. Yea for moving projects ahead. UGH for the "issues" not quilt related. Unfortunately, I bet we all relate to those type of things.

  6. After all of that - you needed to get into the studio!!!
