
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Pause Button

Sometimes life get so busy all you want to do is press the pause button.  That is where I am at right now.  

I don't have any big quilt projects going on, yet there is so much other "stuff" going on around us that it is a good thing, because I am not sure I would be able to focus much.  

Nothing too serious, just out of town doctor appointments, learning details of international wire transfers, figuring out tips and tricks to make the computer side of worship leadership less stressful, Dave monitoring the local water association water tank repair... Yes, it was week three of distractions and challenges.  Add in on that some excitement for getting ready for some time away to unplug and press a much needed reset button.  

Enough whining... Did I complete last week's Tuesday To-Do's?  I did! Mostly...

I have blocks selected for the various sites (one block per night that we stay) and I will be prepping "kits" for hand-sewing opportunities.  If things go well, I will have ten kits to grab and go.  I have seven kits prepped.  

I need to get the pattern test quilt finished and get a photo shoot done before September.  DONE!  

I used blue variegated embroidery floss for the big-stitch binding finish.  

Below is a sneak peek at the quilt and its backing.

Now all I need is a photo shoot, which may happen this weekend.  I keep thinking that I need a tiny baby to assist with that, but I don't currently have any little babies around me right now.  But I have an idea rolling around in my mind and I can only hope that it works out. 

Plans for the coming week??? 

☙Have some fun away with our daughters and grand-children and create some interesting "art" using balloons, paint, canvases and t-shirts and a pellet gun.  

Have a "play-date" with a friend to make some "UPCYCLED 4" X 6" MIXED MEDIA POSTCARDS" to participate in a postcard swap hosted by my friend Mark Montano.  

Finalize the next Pieces From The Past Sew Along post and block to be released on August 20th - Indian Star is the block.  It is a beginner friendly block and will be pieced in a short amount of time.

It is hard to believe that we have reached the half-way mark of the sew along.  

Some assembly instructions will be given with block #12 so there is still plenty of time to get caught up.  Also, I am opening up the link-ups on each of the posts again.  No prizes, no drawings.  But if you are participating and didn't meet the deadline to share your block now is your opportunity.  If you are participating outside of the US, now is your chance to share your blocks!  I want to see the variety of fabric choices and personal design choices, from traditional to modern.  If you don't have any social media accounts to link up, or feel technologically challenged, feel free to email the pictures to me at and I will share with the rest of the world for you. 

Recently I have had an attraction to the big-stitch binding, which is definitely a modern look to my more traditional style.  It gives a fun flair to the quilt and offers an opportunity to slow the pace and enjoy the process of some slow stitching, which I find quite therapeutic.   A few years ago I shared some binding tips and various techniques

What is your favorite binding finish?   

Leave a comment... I love to hear from all of you.

Piece Happy!


Linking with:

What I Made Monday at Pretty Piney

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Colour & Inspiration at Clever Chameleon Quilting

To Do Tuesday at Home Sewn By Us

Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter

Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese

Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation

Creative Compulsions at Bijou Bead Boutique

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Off The Wall Friday with Nina Marie

Brag About Your Beauties at From Bolt to Beauty

Peacock Party at Wendy’s Quilts and More

Friday Foto Fun at Powered by Quilting

Finished or Not Friday at Alycia Quilts


  1. Hi Melva! Lots of good stuff going on there. It's a challenge to take over something like the ministry and then organize it to fits your life yet still provide the same level of care. I am confident that you'll both get there - just a few tweaks needed. I love that you have seven kits ready to go. Those postcards are SO COOL! Last of all, how is it the halfway point already?!! I am getting my Russian block together this weekend, I hope. I worked on it and ran out of thread - I took it as a sign to just walk away. HAHA! Take care and enjoy. Thanks for linking up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. OH Melva!! I recently finished a quilt with that very stitching on my binding! I just love it that you are doing it looks fantastic! Yahoo!!!!!!

  3. I sew the double fold binding to the back, fold it over to the front, press. Using a matching thread I top sew the binding on the front of the quilt. Not for everyone but it works for me.

  4. I can't wait to see the finished quilt! Great colours!

  5. I've never tried big stitch binding, but like the way yours looks. That postcard swap sounds really fun!

  6. Your backing fabric looks so dreamy. You do have a lot going on. Hopefully the floor will finally go down this weekend in my bedroom but then that means I will have a lot going on to get everything put back.

  7. Time is different nowadays. There were those weeks of stay-at-home where everything seemed to be suspended. Now activity is resuming, reconfigured to adapt to the pandemic. I'm having trouble adjusting, too! (So I spend time reading quilting blogs. :))

  8. I like a binding method call "magic Binding"

  9. I've seen that binding technique, but have never tried it. Looking forward to the quilt reveal! My favorite binding is a faux-piped binding. Especially nice when I cut the pieces the proper width for the way I intended it to come out... Instead of just the opposite!

  10. Oh all those things are just little distractions - but are really important too!! I am glad you got some kits prepped . They binding stitch looks really really cool!

  11. Never seen that big stitch binding so it fascinates me. Anyway hoping your week is better. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
