
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tuesday To Do's

Somehow another week has passed and it is time to set up my list of my quilty priorities...

Last week, my unofficial list - because I only linked up my previous week's accomplishments...

❧ I was asked for a few more masks - Colorado sports team themed.

 I did not include a plan for the week, but my unofficial list included pulling fabric for a pattern test and to make more "sign" blocks for my Camping Journal Quilt...  neither were completed but there was a very, very good reason for it.

You see there was a young lady that recently graduated from the local high school.  We sent her a gift certificate for a memory quilt... she only needed to provide the shirts she wanted to be included.  She contacted me and delivered the shirts on Tuesday morning... at which time I learned that not only was she leaving for college in St. Louis, but that the entire family (Mom and two siblings) were moving to Missouri... in just 10 days!

Well!  I needed to get on it quick!

As I cut the blocks in prepping for the fusible interfacing I noticed that some of the shirts were much larger than Brenna's typical shirts... and then I saw it.  There was a shirt that belonged to her Dad, who worked on the local Sheriff's Department.  Sadly, he suffered a heart attack in 2016 while on duty and did not survive.  He was young... just 44 years old.  

I started paying attention to the other shirts...  I believe (I will confirm when the quilt is delivered) that there are shirts from both her brother and sister and Mom.  What a unique memory quilt!  One that encompasses not only her high school memories, but those that have been her support and right by her side as they all waded through the grief together.

I had one space that really needed another shirt... or something.  When I asked if she had one more shirt to be included she replied with a firm no.  I decided that I would scan her graduation announcement and include it...

It is the perfect touch!  As they move to a new home and new life, I wish them all the best!  

And as I move forward with this week I have several things that I would like to get done...

❧  Clean and oil machines - a MUST after finishing the last two quilts. :)
❧  Pull fabric for pattern test quilt
❧  Start piecing test quilt
❧  Piece and machine embroider sign blocks for my Postcard Camping Journal

Barring any urgent interruptions, I hope to get all of these done, but who knows.  Sometimes life just comes at us fast and we go with the flow.

I find that it is helpful to make lists and prioritize as I go... How about you?

What do you do when you are thrown a curve ball and your plans suddenly change?  

Leave a comment... I love to hear ideas and suggestions from my friends!

Quilt happy!


Melva Loves Scraps - Home of the Pieces From The Past Sew Along
that features vintage Kansas City Star quilt blocks!

Linking with:

What I Made Monday at Pretty Piney
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Colour & Inspiration at Clever Chameleon Quilting
To Do Tuesday at Home Sewn By Us
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter


  1. Hi Melva! WOWEE you got that t-shirt quilt finished quickly. How cool that it includes shirts from her peeps - especially that of her father. I just ADORE the keyboard fabric on the border. Love, love, LOVE it. And the crosshatch pattern is just my favorite for these types of quilts. Great job, Buddy as my little one Dominic would say. Thanks for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Giving someone a "gift certificate" for a custom quilt is a WONDERFUL idea, Melva!! You know, in some of the Facebook quilting forums discussions will crop up from time to time, started by quilters who've been disappointed when their surprise quilt gift wasn't received as enthusiastically as they'd hoped, which opens everyone else's wounds and unleashes a flood of stories of "unappreciated quilts" gifted to "ungrateful" recipients. I have always thought it best to involve the intended recipient from the beginning if you want to be sure that they will love the quilt when it's finished, but never thought of the "gift certificate" idea!

  3. I'm impressed by your work on the t-shirt quilt. It's so nice to be able to help someone have good memories.

  4. Hi Melva, Yes, I make lists, and sometimes they are just in my head....but it helps me to write them down. I bet now that it's finished, you are glad you had such a short deadline. It is finished and on its way to the new owner. I am sure she will love it. Thanks for linking with Design Wall Mondays, Judy

  5. that could be any day and every day!
