
Friday, May 24, 2024

Unplugged and Relaxed

The scrappy placemats were successfully finished and put into place before we left to unplug and relax... Yay! 

Dave noticed the tags and said... "don't tags usually go on the back?"  My response was "But these were too cute to put on the back... they asked to be placed on the front."

Do you remember seeing these tags from my Advent calendar?  I am slowly finding ways to use for them. 💕 They add a spark of fun to projects. 

I'll probably allow the grand-daughters to pick a label for any projects we may do while they are here for VBS in June.  Last year we made pillowcases and skirts.  I think we will give a pair of shorts a try this year.  I also have a tin of embroidery thread and hoops (acquired from my Mom's downsizing) that I think Emma will enjoy.  We'll start with a dish towel and see how she does.

What other projects would you suggest?

These were just some of the things I pondered as we were unplugged and relaxing.  We have just returned from a few days away and I'm feeling pretty mellow.  I don't have any big project that I'm in the middle of and wanting to finish...

I think I'll go do some slow stitching... or maybe continue reading my book.

Keep piecing,


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  1. The tags are perfect for the front. Those are awesome placemats!

  2. That is great you had a little get away and no big project looming ahead! Love how the placemats came out.

  3. I'm so glad you got away for some relaxation! Hope the weather cooperated. Your tags are adorable and definitely belong on the front, and I love the placemat design.

  4. Who says tags need to go on the back. These add whimsy to the placemats.

  5. Those are awesome place mats - and yes!! the tags do need to go on the front ! too cute!!!
