
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ May 27, 2024

Welcome back to Sew & Tell! Another week has passed by, and the unofficial beginning of summer is upon us.

Here in the United States, we are celebrating those that gave their lives in service as they protected our country with Memorial Day.  A few years ago, in 2021, I offered a brief history of the holiday... Go check it out here.  It really isn't about backyard cookouts, swimming and parties.  To those Gold Star Families, I'm so sorry for your loss... And I would be remiss in remembering those that returned from service but had lost a little bit of themselves.  Again, I, am so sorry for your loss.

All gave some... some gave all

On to Sew & Tell...  Dave and I enjoyed our short time away.  We rested, he played guitar, I sewed, we walked and hiked... and Shelby enjoyed watching for gopher activity on the edge of our campsite.

We enjoyed meeting the folks in the sites across from us.  One young woman, Christine, was traveling alone from Dallas, TX to Lake Powell.  She was taking a full month to make the trek and enjoy the various sites along the way.

I thought I was being sneaky and leaving a quilted heart on her site post unseen... until I was busted.  She thanked us profusely for the kind gesture before she left for her next destination.

I've been perusing the I Found A Quilted Heart webpage and have discovered that a few of my hearts have indeed been reported.  I was beginning to feel discouraged about it... not that making them and leaving them around for others to find isn't worthwhile.  But I just couldn't imagine that NONE of the 60+ hearts were reported.  It just makes the thing a little more fun... I found three reports. 

I finished one little postcard block for our Camping Journal quilt while we were unplugged, but continued on over the weekend and have, so far, completed two more.  The campfire is a duplicate photo... though I do have a need for another campfire block for one of our nights in Alamogordo. :)  The big dipper block represents one evening in Green Valley, AZ as we enjoyed the hot tub under the starry sky, and the howling coyote for a night at Elephant Butte State Park since we watched a pair of them roam not far from our campsite.

Jocelyn at Canadian Needle Nana linked up a contemplative post about lessons from childhood as well as her "Crossroads" flimsie.  It is a lovely top and the name makes me wonder...

How many crossroads do we encounter in our lives?  Each day we are faced with decisions to make.  Some are no big deal... others are much more significant.  Large or small... each decision made has the potential to change the course of our life.

As graduates wrap up their educations, whether high school or college, they are faced with a decision about their future.  Which brings me to my question of the week.

If you could go back and give yourself advice, what would it be?  
A "Dear younger me" type of thing...

I would tell myself that "you don't need to be a people pleaser" (it will only wear yourself out), "You really are "good enough"" (though there is always room for improvement, don't worry about being perfect) and "stop comparing yourself to others (God made each of us unique for a reason!)."

Your turn!  And time for Sew & Tell to begin...

Keep Piecing,


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  1. It is so nice to hear that you and your hubby enjoyed a short getaway and was able to unwind and relax. I love that you spread the "Love" with the adorable quilted hearts. Happy Memorial Day.

  2. I'm glad you found encouraging evidence that folks are enjoying your hearts. Hubs and I talk about things we would do differently a lot, so we have many things on our list - lol! I would tell myself to do more for my Mom and Dad and treat them with all the love respect that I felt and still feel for them. And I would save money to buy their house where I grew up and that they rented from 1958 to 1982 - I miss that house so much.

  3. Your camping trip sounds so nice - a good getaway! I can really connect with your advice to your younger self - all three of the things you said hit home with me. "Stop comparing yourself to others" is a biggie! We are good enough!

  4. The quilted hearts are such fun. If I find one I'll be sure to log it! Oh, I can offer so much advice in hindsight....but would I take it? LOL.

  5. Sounds like your camping trip was wonderful. Thanks for another fun linky and in advance for joking To Do Tuesday.

  6. How fun to have news about 3 of your quilted hearts! I love these blocks for your Camping Journal quilt. Thank you for sharing!

  7. I'm so glad you found that some of your hearts were reported. Love your camping journal blocks. Do you record the stories behind each block on the quilt label? What a great way to preserve memories. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down and thank you for the linkup. I'm so happy your hears have been reported, I know you had to smile.

  9. It sure sounds like you two had a fun time away and I love your I Found a Quilted Heart project, that's very cool and very creative. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Glad you had a great get away, Melva. Sometimes we need to unplug and relax! I'm glad to hear some of your hearts have found their way to the Quilted Heart web page! Have a great week and thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!
