
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Friday Finish ~ Quick Table Runner

The thing about ordering fabric online is that you take a risk in the accuracy of the colors AND you have to wait for them to arrive.  

I had ordered fabric to be used as the sashing strips and borders for my purple Pieces of My Life quilt last week and they seemed to take f o r e v e r to arrive.  That was when I decided to pull out the "souvenir" fabrics I picked up while in Arizona.  I had originally planned on placemats but couldn't decide on a pattern/layout that I was excited about.

I dug through some patterns and came across a "Ten-minute Table Runner".  Now this I could get on board with.  I've made them before, but they are not quilted... 😐I modified the assembly so that it would be quilted (which ended up taking longer than I thought it would... oh well.🤷)  I think the quilting in the center portion of the runner is a nice touch. 

It was a nice way to feature both hummingbird fabrics, which is exactly what I was looking for.  I'll get it washed up this weekend and sent off to our friends that graciously hosted us for a few days in Green Valley, AZ.

AND, I still have enough remaining to make something more for me.  Dave has come to like the table toppers I have for our kitchen table.  I added a Valentines one in February and pulled out a St. Patrick's Day one in March. These fabrics could become a nice spring and summer topper.

Just as I was finishing this runner the fabric I was waiting on arrived!  I was pleased and relieved to see that my purchases would work just as I had hoped for the sashing strips and borders.  So... guess what I'll be working on this weekend?

What are your plans? 

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you.

Keep Piecing,


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  1. What a pretty runner Melva! Your AZ hostess will be thrilled. We are off to the cataract clinic - now it's my husband's turn. Fun times!

  2. Love the runner. I’ve made a couple but never quilted them. I really like your idea to quilt the runner, adds a nice finish. I’m going to give that a try.

  3. Your table runner is gorgeous, Melva. Love the hummingbird fabrics- perfect for the spring and summer seasons. I have been putting up my hummingbird feeders and already have 4 visitors. I am catching up on your quilt along this weekend. I have the fabrics pulled . I hope to work on Block 3 and 4 tomorrow. Thank you again for all that you do! Have a blessed weekend. Hugs

  4. Such a lovely little runner! Both fabrics are beautiful, and the quilting is perfect. It's a fantastic gift for your friends.
    I'm glad your long-awaited fabric has finally arrived ;))
    Thank you for sharing!
