
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Lost To Do Lists

Since we have been cleaning and working on the new camper, to-do lists have been floating around...  Dave had started a few with things to order and fix/do.  A new awning is on its way, as are all the necessary items for installing a fifth-wheel hitch in the bed of our truck.

I had a list of miscellaneous items to purchase locally, or order on-line if we couldn't find what we needed in town.  I kept track of my list...  While running errands a few days ago he asked me for his list.  I handed him what I had only for him to discover that neither were his list.  He looked high and low for it... in the house, in the camper, in his shop.  It was not found.

He made a second list.  I saw him do it.  The next day he could not find it... AGAIN!  And again, he looked in the house, in the camper and his shop...  Nevertheless, he is confident that all of the "fixes" are done, and he just needs for a few items to be delivered so that we can actually pull the camper with OUR truck. 

If only the delivery of said items were as speedy as Wile E. Coyote...  Haha!

I shared on Sew & Tell the first of the new roman shades window coverings I am making.  The one shown below was temporarily taped into place for a photo.  

❧  I need to finish doing some hand-sewing on it and I have one more in the sleeping area to get done... this week.  (BTW, head over there now to share with us the progress of whatever project you are working on!)

The double flying geese border at the bottom of the shade has become one of my all-time favorites to make.  It is just so fun reaching into the scrap bin and seeing what comes out!

Dave wasn't completely convinced that he liked the shiney-ness shimmer of the fabric.  I just said "Trust me."  He has changed his mind with the quilting and the pieced border. :)  He may have even said "They're perfect for our camper!"

Now... If only we could locate one of his lost lists so that he could have peace of mind to know that all tasks were completed.  Several years ago I had shared on fb that I lost three items... a friend replied to my statement telling me to pray to St. Anothony, the saint of the lost.  She had a little rhyme... "Tony, Tony, look around, something's lost and must be found."  I giggled, thinking "That is just ridiculous."

But you know what???  I found two of the three items before the end of the day and recalled that I had thrown away the third!  NOW, when I have looked everywhere I can think to look for whatever it is that I misplaced or lost... Yep!  You know it... I call on a little hope from Tony.  

Just a few weeks ago while camping with our friends they dropped a small keeper thing that went on a pair of binoculars.  As we all searched the ground in the area that it was lost, I told them about St. Anthony and the poem.  They also laughed... but guess what they found when they were done laughing about it?!?  Haha!

Maybe Dave just needs to ask Tony for some help!  😂😆😂

Have you ever heard this poem?  

Leave a comment!  I'd love to hear from you. 

Keep Piecing!


Linking with:

To Do Tuesday at Texas Quilt Gal
Mid-week Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Wednesday Wait Loss at The Inquiring Quilter
Put Your Foot Down at For the Love of Geese
Needle & Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation


  1. Oh my gosh on the prayer to St Anthony! That is so amazing. I have a list that sits on a kitchen counter and one that is in my sewing room. The cats like to mess with them, so they've been lost on occasion. I'll have to memorize the prayer/poem!
    Thank you for joining with us at To Do Tuesday!

  2. Love that little jingle - I lose things all the time esp. things in plain site. Ugh. I do most of my list making on my iPhone. I always no where that is and Messages are easy to go through. My weekly goals list has been pinned on the top. Super easy for me.

  3. Yes, I've absolutely heard of it! St. Anthony has been known to help out many, many of my friends and family, and me too! :oD! The poor guy gets bugged a lot! LOL

  4. better a prayer to St. Anthony than to St. Jude! lol Yes, know the prayer and use it often.

  5. St. Anthony has helped me many times. I'm sure he'll help you too if you ask. Love the quilting on the Roman Shades! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
