
Thursday, March 8, 2018

No Guilt - Go Quilt!

Every quilter that I have ever met always wants more time to quilt. Right???

Recently there was even a blog hop that was focused on how to "make time to sew" over at Faith & Fabric where a few bloggers shared their tips on doing so.

I am here today to share with you one way that I make time - with no guilt I can go to my sewing studio and quilt to my little heart's content.  Yep, Aaaaaaaa-all day!  Well, ok, so I need to stop for lunch and potty breaks...

My method takes a little planning ahead and some prep work (and freezer room), but I like to prepare crockpot freezer meals (like 20 of them!) all on one day.  Now the idea is NOT my own, and many of the recipes I use are adapted for my restricted diet, removing even more guilt!

Let me tell you how I got started with the whole thing... Two years ago we had received a call from some good friends stating that they had received the devastating news that the wife had just received the diagnosis of breast cancer and would soon be facing surgery, chemo and radiation.  It was going to be a long battle for them... and they had two children in elementary school that she home-schooled.

I knew that they would need help with meals on a long-term basis so I approached our church asking the body to help financially to purchase the ingredients for 20 crock-pot meals as well as some hands-on help to prepare all of them.

I gathered some of the recipes that were our family's favorites and then compiled a shopping list and hit the aisles of the stores.  

I prepared large freezer bags by writing the name of the meal on a bag (BBQ Chicken, French Dip Sandwiches, White Chili, etc.) and made sure that each marked bag had the correct corresponding recipe with it.

A group of 12 gathered on a Saturday morning and we went to work.  It is easiest to work as a pair so that one can hold the bag as the other adds the ingredients.  

Once the ingredients are sealed in a freezer bag, it is placed inside a second bag, along with the recipe.  

Yes, double bagging prevents major leaks and the meal can be easily identified and all ingredients listed.

It took this group of 12 just 2-1/2 hours to prepare 20 meals - 2 each of 10 different meals...  However, if you don't have that much help, I understand.  I have prepared 20 meals for my husband and I in 4-5 hours.  

So in just 1 day you can get yourself 20 days (or more if you consider the left-overs) of guilt free sewing!

There are lots of websites that offer recipes and the shopping lists and you can google them, but I have found that (being a picky eater and having dietary restrictions) not all meals appeal to me.  

Here are a few I have pulled recipes from... Who Needs A Cape and Newleaf Wellness

I will be sharing a few of my favorite recipes here on the blog for your enjoyment... Today I share an all-time favorite - White Chili

Now, the recipe says to brown the chicken and turkey... I do not.  I dice up the raw chicken and break the ground turkey into small chunks and put it all in the bag raw along with all the rest of the ingredients.  

It is best to remove the meal from the freezer the night before and allow to thaw in the refrigerator over-night - this allows for easier removal from the bag and for fitting into the crockpot.  And for making clean up even easier, use the cockpot liners!

Have you ever prepared freezer meals?  
What sort of recipes do you use?  
Do you have any tips or secrets you are willing to share?  
Leave a comment... I love to hear from my readers. :)

No Guilt - Go Quilt!


P.S. - The family enjoyed the meals throughout their long battle and have returned to a normal routine.  The freezer meals lasted approximately 4 months and we did a second set, along with some casseroles (since the season was then a cooler time of the year).

Oh and the Small, Smaller, Smallest blog hop is still going on this week!  Below is a list of the participants and the links to their pages... have fun!

March 7

March 8

Linking with:
 To Do Tuesday at Stitch All The Things
Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Love the freezer meal prep idea and your white chili recipe sounds amazing! I can't wait to try it. Thank you so much for sharing and for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  2. I have done some of this and always love it. I’ll check out the sites you mention. What a nice idea to go as a group for a family who needs comforting!

  3. I have done this as well - it's a nice way to clear our day for sewing - and for filling our tummies with warm delicious food! Thank you for reminding me about this little tip!

  4. How wonderful to take care of the family that way. I find eating in general, let alone in a healthy way, goes to the bottom of the list if I am unwell. I am sure the family was very grateful.

    I make freezer meals quite frequently. I check the sales and then make my list of meals and go shopping one day then prepare 5 or 6 meals the next. I also regularly make chicken stock and all sorts of soups for easy lunches for me. Add in the fresh berries I freeze for my smoothies and our freezer can get pretty full. I am looking forward to more recipes from you.
