
Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Rainbow Bridge

It's been a sad time for us lately.  When our plans with our friends were waylaid last week, we shifted gears and planned for camping.  We thought we might let Shelby enjoy one last camping trip with us... We were all excited about the prospect of the time away.

Saturday morning, the day we were leaving, was not good.  Shelby had been favoring her front right leg for months, but it was even worse that morning.  In addition to that, her left leg was tender as well as one of her back legs.  I witnessed her almost fall several times.  It was evident that she would require full assistance getting into the truck AND the camper. 

We knew it was time... we could not let her suffer any longer. 😭She crossed over the rainbow bridge and is now free to chase an endless supply of tennis balls and will never grow tired or sore.

RIP Shelby Grace.  Here are some thoughts I shared on facebook...

Shelby Grace.... you came into our lives 11-1/2 years ago when we were in the middle of a career change and so much loss and pain. You taught us patience, love and devotion.  You loved everyone (except Mr. Holder), and you were everyone's favorite meth lab...You made us laugh, you made us mad... (why do you always make me yell?)   You lived so much longer than we could have ever dreamed after first discovering a lump and learning a few months later that it was cancer (almost 2 years).  We cherished EVERY MOMENT.

And today we cried as we walked you across the rainbow bridge... where you are able to run and play freely and without pain.🤎

We packed up the camper between sobbing sessions and went away to one of our favorite campgrounds in the Sangre de Cristo National Forrest ~ Alvarado.

As we were getting settled into our campsite a small butterfly hovered nearby as we set up.  I mentioned it to Dave and commented that Shelby appeared and approved.  As we were having lunch, a grasshopper wildly flew through the site and Dave said, "THAT is more like Shelby!"  Hahaha.

We were able to go on longer hikes than we have had the opportunity for in over a year... and our legs are still sore, days later!  The hikes were much quieter but still as beautiful as ever.

We mourned our loss but found solace in God's creation.

The aspen leaves were already turning!

I did sew up one block for our Camping Journal quilt... An organ cactus. I am slowly getting caught up and nearly done with the section that will represent our spring trip to Arizona and New Mexico.  

I have selected the blocks that will represent this most recent camping trip... the first without our Shelby Grace.  It will be a hiking boot with some rainbow dog paw fabric as the background, a butterfly and a grove of aspen tree trunks.

I can't believe we are less than a month away from our fall trip!  I will work hard at getting the last two blocks for the spring trip completed so that I can get a better idea of where I am with completing the left border section.  Once it is filled in, I will be ready to begin the final two rows at the bottom of the quilt.  I need to know how much room I have to work with.  

In estimation, I have room for 23 single blocks before the "journal" is full.  Eeeeek!  

I had been getting a little bored with this quilt, but now that I realize I am so close to a finish I have a renewed interest.

With our fall trip around the corner we look forward to exploring some new roads and areas.  We'll be attending a family wedding and then travel Route 66 from Chicago to Albuquerque.

Have you made the Route 66 trip?
Are there any "must see" stops we need to know of?

Leave a comment... I'll take notes as I hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


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  1. So sorry Melva. I know how sad it is to lose our furry friends.

  2. Hugs to you my friend, so sorry to loose Shelby.

  3. I'm so sorry, Melva. Our fur babies are such a part of our family. I'm glad you had her a long time and got to enjoy her company and life lessons. Sending hugs and prayers.

  4. I'm sorry, the loss of our canine loves hits pretty hard. Looks like you picked a wonderful spot to go heal a bit. Since we grew up traveling Route 66, it doesn't seem like a big deal to us - lol! I remember many vacations with my folks that involved Route 66 - it was our gateway to western travel.

  5. Melva, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Shelby. It's hard to lose our furry family members. There should definitely be a block (or two or three!) to remember her by in your camping quilt. May you have many lovely memories of her!

  6. So sorry about Shelby. I love the idea that she blessed your campsite (either as a butterfly or as that wild grasshopper!) I've traveled along Route 66 in Oklahoma. I loved it. I hope you enjoy your trip. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. I'm so very sorry to hear about your dear Shelby, it's sure never easy to say goodbye. That was such a loving tribute, I felt like I knew your sweet girl. Hugs from all of us. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  8. I am so sorry to hear about Shelby, Melva. I can tell she was well loved. I do believe in signs and I am so glad that you received some as you arrived at your campsite. Your camping quilt is looking amazing. So many fun memories in this piece. Warm Hugs.

  9. Melva my heart is hurting reading of Shelby Grace crossing the rainbow bridge. I know you and Dave are hurting with the loss of your fur baby, but I’m so glad you found solace in visiting a favoured camping site and having Shelby visit you. I love your postcard quilt and am trying to visualize what creative blocks you’ll come up with for those needed 23 blocks. Thank you for sharing and linking with To-Do Tuesday and for hosting us all on Sew and Tell. 🤗 Carol

  10. I am so sorry to hear of Shelby Grace's loss. It is hard to loose these companions, and takes time. We are nearly at 2 years of loosing our Percy and it remains a big hole. Hope things are easing a bit, but I know it takes time. I am glad you were visited while camping, by 2 versions of Shelby Grace, who was a blessing in your lives that is for sure.

  11. Hi Melva, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always so difficult to say goodbye to our companions. I'm glad that she was there with you on your trip. She's always in your hearts. Your camping quilt is going to be lovely. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks. Take care.
