
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sew & Tell ~ Stumbling over Tumbling Blocks

Welcome back to this week's edition of Sew & Tell!

 It feels good to be back to "normal"... whatever that may be ;)

I am still tying up a few loose ends with Mom's move.  Like getting a new computer up and running with documents from her old one... phone/internet issues every time it rains... and her laundry situation.    The details of these are all too long and boring for me to focus on here when I have some quilty news to actually share!

As I returned to my studio on Monday I needed a project to jumpstart my creative quilting juices since they had been rather stagnant.  I jumped into the pool with a stained-glass applique project that you can check out here.

After playing with that I was ready to tackle the Tumbling Blocks quilt... but that was delayed when a conversation regarding a very special 50th anniversary celebration came up.  The conversation turned toward a quilt as a gift... 

I can't share any more details other than the design and plan has been chosen and fabrics were ordered.  Watch for the reveal in August!

I was finally able to turn my attention to this Tumbling Blocks Quilt that had been started a few years ago by an 81-year-old quilter.  All-in-all... she did pretty well.  She struggled when she realized that she had cut a good portion of pieces in a reverse position and the seams would not align properly.

Using some of the "good" units she provided, I added a few rows and reached the desired size.

I have quilted along all of the seam lines to help secure all of the stitching at the Y-seams.  The next step will be to shadow quilt each piece...  I may be a while.

While I am doing that, take a look at Maggie's Garlic Knots quilt.  It is a fun scrappy piece.  She said it has been a puzzle...  I can see why. :)

Garlic Knots by Maggie

And be sure to join the party by sharing a link to your latest projects.  I enjoy seeing everyone's endeavors!

Summer seems to be winding down... the heat of the hot summer days seem less intense and I am enjoying them.  The mornings are my favorite as I watch the day come in and have some quiet time before starting the day.

I am definitely a morning person.  How about you?  

Are you a morning person?  Or are you a night owl?

Leave a comment... I'd love to hear from you!

Keep Piecing,


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  1. Your stained glass applique is looking fabulous; I look forward to seeing this piece progress. What a sweet tumbling blocks quilt; so glad you were able to finish up the top. Enjoy your week, Melva

  2. This Tumbling Blocks quilt is wonderful, and it's great to give it a chance to be finished. Fun and pretty Garlic Knots quilt too!

  3. Good contrast on the tumbling blocks quilt. Did you hand piece those extra rows on? What do you mean by "shadow quilt"? Best quilting wishes! Definitely a morning person here, and lovin' the longer days of summer!

  4. Here you are rescuing another quilt, so awesome Melva! I am definitely not a night owl, sometimes not a morning person either which means I get the morning routine going slowly, LOL. But for the most part I am a morning person.

  5. The tumbling blocks quilt is looking wonderful - such pretty colors! You are a kind friend for helping the other quilter out. I'm definitely a morning person - I start fading about 9 pm. Don't ask me to make any important decision past that time, lol! Have a wonderful Monday!

  6. Great rescue! I am a morning person, for sure.

  7. I am definitely a morning person!!! And I don't like heat so I have to get up early to beat it!
    That tumbling block is a cool quilt - good on you for helping get it finished!

  8. I can go very late into the evening but then I would need to sleep late... not doable with a normal workday so I am trying to go to bed at a decend time to be fit in the morning. I am getting better at that - but not a regular morning person - and don't expect enthusiasm in the first minutes after wakeing up ;)))) xo
    PS: Great job on the tumbling blocks quilt and your fun stained glass play!

  9. If she was off on that Tumbling Blocks quilt you sure can't tell now! You've done a marvelous job of rescuing her work and finishing it beautifully. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
