
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pieces of My Life ~ Block #6 - Hours

Welcome back to Melva Loves Scraps and the Pieces of My Life Sew Along! Block #6 is named "Hours".

I remember being asked about my age as a kid... the typical, "how old are you?"  I went through a phase of responding with a very precise "I am 7-1/2 (or 8-1/2) years old."  I must have recently become familiar with fractions (probably from baking cookies on Saturday mornings ;) and I once answered even more precisely that I was 8-3/4 years old. LOL! I remember that my brother made fun of me.  Apparently, every day counted for me! 

It's funny that now I can't remember why they counted... Perhaps I needed to be a certain age to gain a privilege of some sort.  Maybe it had to do with being allowed to walk by myself from my Mom's part-time job to the bakery or to the library.

I loved visiting the library during the summer and participating in the summer reading program.  If I close my eyes and think really hard, I can still see the shelves and shelves of books and even recall that particular musty smell that comes with an old library and old books.  It was a time when it was safe to allow children to wander the sidewalks alone.  {My, my... how times have changed, and not for the better. 😢}

I do know that that 1/2 of a year made all the difference in the world with getting a driver's permit.  I remember the excitement of counting down the days until I could get it... Many of my friends shared the same excitement.  Driver's Ed was a class offered at the high school, though I had driven some along the long lane that passed our house by the time I was signed up for the class.  Unlike two other students that had never, ever been behind the wheel of a moving car. The teacher stated that he would take these two students out alone.  We were left in the classroom unsupervised each day that he took out drivers.  Most of the time it didn't even turn into total chaos.  Haha!

And, of course, just as the countdown for getting a permit took place, the countdown to getting your license was a big deal too!  During our sophomore year there was a new driver or two each week.  Many celebrated with their closest circle of friends by "cruising the drag" on Friday or Saturday nights.

How did you pass the hours of your childhood and youth?  

What were some of your favorite television programs?

When I didn't have swim classes or tagged along with Mom to her job so that I could walk to the library and bakery, many a summer morning passed as Kelvin and I watched The Price is Right and other game shows.  

My Mom enjoyed watching the daytime soap General Hospital.  As a teenager I joined the ranks of so many others that watched the story and relationship of Luke and Laura unfold. Anyone else???  

I was a fan well into my adult life.  Each afternoon when it was nap time for the girls, I watched GH and took advantage of a peaceful hour or two as they slept. The girls eventually followed the storylines into their early teen years until we eventually lost interest in them.

Enough with my trip down memory lane... It is now time to hop over to my Payhip store for the Hours pattern.   

When you have your block complete, be sure to return with a link to your block. With the completion of this block, you will be ready to assemble the first section of the Quilt-as-you-go group.  I'll be back next week with the cutting directions as well as the process I used to use the QAYG method.

Keep Piecing,


Linking with:



  1. I love reading your stories Melva! Like you I spent many hours in the library when I was young. It was a tiny room in our little elementary school, and they opened it during the summer. I read 31 books the first summer when I was 8, mostly Bobbsey Twins and Honey Bunch - lol! I hope to catch up on the blocks after next week. Thank you for the patterns!

  2. That was such a fun look back. Yes, I remember waiting to be old enough to drive and one of these days I guess I'll be too old to drive. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I enjoyed reading your post, Melva, and it looks like I'll enjoy making this block, too! I was a library lover as a kid, too - still am. I was lucky to have parents who also loved to read. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  4. I really love that block! I was - and still am - a voracious reader. I lived a block from a great park, and there was a big skating rink there in the winter. The rink even had street lights all around it so we kids skated at night a lot in the winter. In the summer it seemed like we all spent the whole day on our bikes - going all over town and sometimes beyond. Or spending the day at the local pool. Great childhood memories!

  5. Fun block, and great memories! As a kid, I played a lot outside in the forest with other kids, building tree houses ;) I was a passionate reader too.
    Thank you for sharing!

  6. Beautiful block! My neighborhood had a ton of kids as it was a new development. We were outside "until the streetlights come on", and could ride our bikes anywhere within a square mile of our house. I, too am still a voracious reader. I watched GH for years and years, even while nursing both my children, but finally gave it up. Your prompts are great for reminding me of childhood and I enjoy it.

  7. Pretty block! Such a wonderful trip down memory lane. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. Hi Melva, lots of childhood memories and a lovely block. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks!

  9. Love your blocks. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  10. Love your blocks and your post. Thank you for the linky and for linking to Put your foot down.
